Rutherford Chang has created a project which has kind of fascinated a few of us Beatles freaks and record geeks of late, I thought I’d pass on some information about his endeavor to amass as many copies of The Beatles White Album as he can! He’s created a sort of record store/exhibit where folks can […]
Finally got BluRay hooked up and watched Magical Mystery Tour + extras which I thought all great. Hadn’t seen it since some screening in college. It mines every avant camera technique fr 60s (looks like Mekas or Brakhage at times) back to Melies, and it’s context, really, is the pre-Beatles UK-all these goofy old stage+screen […]
My friend Fred sent me this amazing film, made by Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto, a time lapse of the 2053 nuclear explosions which have taken place between 1945 and 1998, beginning with the Manhattan Project’s “Trinity” test near Los Alamos and concluding with Pakistan’s nuclear tests in May of 1998 (This leaves out North Korea’s […]
In 1965 Leonov was the first man who performs e.v.a. Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov, Soviet/Russian cosmonaut who, on 18 March 1965, became the first human to walk in space. The craft was the Voskhod 2 spacecraft. Launch date: March 18, 1965. The mission consisted of two cosmonauts: Pilot Pavel Belyayev and co-Pilot Alexei Leonov. This mission […]
hey–reading Pattie Boyd’s book that i still have of yrs—really enjoying it, actually–didn’t think I would after Suze Rotolo’s, which was a snooze… but it’s really fun. this pic of paul and john from 1968 really says it all for me about how their relationship probably was around that time–john starting to brood, go mean […]
I just came across this page again from Dennis Cooper’s blog, and figured I’d create a post about it here. It’s called “10 things made at least in part by Lee Ranaldo’, and was done, unbeknownst to me, by Dennis in June of 2010. I was pretty flattered that he took the time to compile […]
someone just sent me the link to this site–some photos thru the years–kinda humbled, kinda funny—- L
For Suspended Guitar Phenomena: The wireless transmitter will be gaffers taped to the gtr and the receiver will feed into my pedals (at the edge of the “swing-circle”). The output from my pedals will be sent to the 2 Fender Twin Reverb amps.