Originally Released on:


also appears on:

  • n/a

Thurston - guitar/vocals
Kim - bass/vocals
Richard Edson - drums
Ann DeMarinis - keyboards/vocals

Lyrics   status: unconfirmed

Start a fire
Start a fire
An imprint, an imprint
A white light in white
Around and round
I pushed down
A ????? bloodhound
Take me to the dog pound

Sweating bullets
Bleeding like a stuck pig
And it's still whining
She's whining, she's whining
Start a fire
Start a fire
An imprint, an imprint
A white light in white
Around and round
I pushed down
??????? bloodhound
Take me to the dog pound

Track length: 2:38

First Known Performance: 06/18/81
Last Known Performance:  06/18/81


  • The second song performed at Sonic Youth's third known public appearance, the 1981 Noisefest event organized by Thurston. I suspect that the songs performed during their Noisefest set were leftovers from the Arcadians (aka Red Milk, aka Male Bonding), the pre-SY band featuring Thurston, Kim, Ann DeMarinis, and Dave Keay. They probably taught these songs to Edson when he initially joined, and began working on SY material once Ann left and Lee entered the pictured.
  • This is another peculiar song, with some type of echo-ish guitar pattern playing off the keyboards/bass. Kim and Ann begin chanting, and Thurston starts singing over top (his vocal melody is similar to that of "I Don't Want to Push It"...). There's a brief seasick instrumental break, then another vocal section (w/ only percussion underneath the voices). They repeat the swaying instrumental part and the piece ends.