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Old 03.21.2006, 10:56 AM   #1
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The last board had an "anything goes" feel about it. You could read the insane ramblings of Tesla69 or the refined thinking of tomgilbert juxtaposed to a thread about the best porn sites with a couple of naked pictures of blossoming porn stars or super-imposed genitals being fed into some chick's mouth or something cool like that.

I'll have to see how this plays out. We all agreed to not display anything sexual or vulgar in content, but, hey, were all adults with the minds of adolecents (sp?). We'll see what happens.

Otherwise, it looks pretty cool. Rock on!!!
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Old 03.21.2006, 11:03 AM   #2
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Hmm, that's a pretty interesting debut thread for the new forum! The new board is pretty sweet, but I see what you mean about the "anything goes" feel.

I just skipped french to fix all my settings on the board, I was too excited.
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Old 03.21.2006, 11:41 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by bucklebone
The last board had an "anything goes" feel about it. You could read the insane ramblings of Tesla69 or the refined thinking of tomgilbert juxtaposed to a thread about the best porn sites with a couple of naked pictures of blossoming porn stars or super-imposed genitals being fed into some chick's mouth or something cool like that.

I'll have to see how this plays out. We all agreed to not display anything sexual or vulgar in content, but, hey, were all adults with the minds of adolecents (sp?). We'll see what happens.

Otherwise, it looks pretty cool. Rock on!!!
don't worry about that user agreement. i have to edit it. it was the stock one. fuck it. post as you please.

i guess the only rule is not to threaten anyone. other than that, thick skin will prevail unless someone sends me an email blurried by tears. then i may step in.

light on the moderation as usual.
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Old 03.21.2006, 11:48 AM   #4
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ok. i edited the rules. all good.

all you agree to is that you won't threaten anyone or violate any laws and that if something goes too far, we reserve the right to moderate it.

but if you've been around for any length of time, you know that that happens only rarely.
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Old 03.21.2006, 12:15 PM   #5
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mmmm, im unsure about this new board too, it keeps logging me out!
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Old 03.21.2006, 12:16 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by screamingskull
mmmm, im unsure about this new board too, it keeps logging me out!

A lot of people seem to have this problem, but to me it's fine. Maybe it's your browser.
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Old 03.21.2006, 12:17 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by screamingskull
mmmm, im unsure about this new board too, it keeps logging me out!
I have yet to be logged out........
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Old 03.21.2006, 12:22 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by perfectwagnerite
I have yet to be logged out........

Same deal...and I don't believe I will be for another 4 hours
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Old 03.21.2006, 12:28 PM   #9
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I must confess, I'm not too fond of the categories. It was easy enough to sort through the threads when they were all lumped together, and now I find I'm too fuckin lazy to keep clicking back and forth between the sections.

Otherwise chabib, this is kickass. I love the layout. And the quote option, fuckin brilliant.
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Old 03.21.2006, 12:31 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by truncated
I must confess, I'm not too fond of the categories. It was easy enough to sort through the threads when they were all lumped together, and now I find I'm too fuckin lazy to keep clicking back and forth between the sections.

Otherwise chabib, this is kickass. I love the layout. And the quote option, fuckin brilliant.

Dude, on the top bar just hit "New Posts" and that will solve yr problem . It clumps all new posts together
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Old 03.21.2006, 12:37 PM   #11
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i think im probably just going to stick to this catagory, its the random one, i like it.
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Old 03.21.2006, 01:03 PM   #12
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i don't know, the only real seapration is between music and non music...

i guess you have to have four tabs opened
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Old 03.21.2006, 01:07 PM   #13
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The New Posts is handy, generally impressed, a little more clicking than usual but it does feel more spacious.

Edit: Wow, my avatar looks rough, some work needs doing.
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Old 03.21.2006, 01:17 PM   #14
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i love my avatar, its a ManRay photograph.
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Old 03.21.2006, 01:19 PM   #15
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FUCK, i just discovered the new posts page, well im staying there!!!!!!!
its just like the old board
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Old 03.21.2006, 01:21 PM   #16
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This board is really good. It still "feels" and "looks" like the old board, just a bit more organized. And it provides a bit of a shelter in case of troll attack. It would be hard to disrupt all 4 areas at once.
"One: Where's the fife? and Two: Gimme the fife."
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Old 03.21.2006, 01:22 PM   #17
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oh im sure they could though. but yr right.
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Old 03.21.2006, 01:23 PM   #18
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I'm not saying they couldn't do it, but it wold be alot harder than just flooding one board/area
"One: Where's the fife? and Two: Gimme the fife."
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Old 03.21.2006, 01:26 PM   #19
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Well they could flood it within the "new Posts" menu, but then again, we can just resort to the regular, organized style in that case. I'm just pleased that it's a more professional, modern-looking forum which has far more goodies than the last one. I'm sure it will easily attract new people on the boards too.
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Old 03.21.2006, 01:32 PM   #20
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chabib, Thanks for the update on the "User Agreement". There's nothing like having to watch your back or worry about getting banned from the site by saying something naughty. And even the occasional threat that came my way on the old board were pretty toothless. So no worries on my part. Hopefully none on your's either.

Other than that, this board is great. I already like it more than the last one. Much more flexibility to be creative on this one. Even for a cyber-dumbass like me.
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