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Old 11.18.2013, 12:34 PM   #3253
the end of the ugly
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Originally Posted by !@#$%!
^^ watchu think of salinger? i sort of like and hate him at the same time. like because he's highly readable, hate because the mental illness of his characters is a sort of virtuous moral stance. yes yes, the sane will be crazy in a crazy world and all that, but truly, it's like a spoiled brat.

as for reading suggestions: does nietzsche make you break out in hives? and you can read him in the original. luckeee... (i think anyway). i have his "daybreak" right in from of me right now (fuck if i know the original title, and i'm too lazy to look it up) and i'm thinking of cracking it open in the next 10 minutes. but have you ever?

also, the other day nefeli put up that james franco interview and in it he talks about as i lay dying. i've tried reading that and failed. spaced it out. don't know why. have you?
I have a love-hate relationship with salinger (it's new. NEW!)
It doesn't have to do anything with him, really. at least the hate part. I remember having to read the catcher in the rye when i was in 4th grade and i didn't really remember anything from it. and when the time came and i wanted to re-read it i was at uni and people were talking about how it was the best book they ever read and that kind of made me hate him. dunno why. maybe cause i am ~different~ and ~rebellious~ and not like the other kids at uni.
I only got franny and zooey because a friend recommended it to me and i trust her not to recommend me shit. and i have to say, i really like(d) this one. i'm just gonna say do it for the fat lady. but then again, maybe he should be my favorite, i am a spoiled brat.

Nietzsche exhausts me. for him, I need time. Give me time. I have homo ecce and Jenseits von Gut und Böse sitting on my shelf but I never find the time (and desire) to read it. He kind of scares me. I am scared that I won't understand.

Today, i started reading Don Quixote by Kathy Acker. I've read about 50 pages so far and it makes me really ~think~ and try and connect everything. I feel like, if I would take the time and think about everything she's writing I could find enlightenment. yes, i am aware this sounds weird and pathetic... but. woah. everyone, go read kathy acker and pretend to be me (or any other girl in her early 20s or late 20s. or whatever age).
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