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Old 07.06.2009, 05:08 AM   #7
Posts: n/a

Good evening, Nico.
Welcome to Melbourne. Er ...
I've not quite arrived yet.

Yeah, but you will tonight, I'm sure. And er, well, let's start off. Where do you come from in terms of your Australian tour, where do you call 'home' these days ? You've lived in America, England, Europe ?
On my passport I don't, I don't have a home. It says 'ohne festen Wohnsitz' which means-a 'without a fixed address'.

And I prefer that, because it's like being married when you have a home. God, it's terrible.

Have you ever found a place that you sort of were tempted to sort of start to call home and really put down some roots in ? Any particular country ? I think I read an interview recently where you were living in a part of England ...
I lived on a ship, but I don't live there anymore now. I live in Brixton now.

Brixton ?
Yes.That must be fairly intense.
Not as much as people make out, I mean like hell's kitchen on the Lower East Side in New York is much more dangerous.

Right. Now you've begun your career, er, in Europe, and er, moved across via England to America. What attracted you, what actually moved you into music when you first started playing, I think a lot of people feel that the first recorded Nico was with the Velvet Underground. As a matter of fact it was a single with Jimmy Page, prior to that. How did Nico, the model and actress find an attraction to music, what was the connection ?
Well, first of all I grew up on Opera with my mother taking me to Opera when I was a child and it sort of got branded in my brain. And er ...[Sighs]

What about Rock & Roll, I mean, which is what you did first with Jimmy Page ?
Yeah, but I always preferred Jazz already, as a young adolescent I preferred Jazz, Free-Jazz. And...

Folk ?
Well, yes. I met Bob Dylan and he sort of changed er, the idea that I had that I should only sing torrid, torrid songs, you know, love songs. I started singing Dylan songs, when I was on three 'Ready, Steady, Go!' shows, in England, with two Dylan songs and one Gordon Lightfoot song.

Well, you recorded the Gordon Lightfoot song with Jimmy Page.
Yes, the same.

And then what prompted you to move from England to America then after that particular record ? What was the attraction about America ?
Oh, it's er, Dylan's managmer, manager, Albert, who bought me a ticket, and said I should come over there, that-a, he can only do something for me over there.

It seems ...
That's how I met Andy again.

Right. In New York City ?
Whom I'd met just previously in, in Paris.

It seems that New York City at that stage was a place where if you moved amongst certain circles all the circles of people seemed to interlock, that there was a chance of meeting a large community of people, more so probably than today where it's a very crowded town. It seems there was a certain creative group of people who were working in areas with Warhol in media, and you had Dylan in music, and then you had the Velvet start out of that. That there was a lot of overlap.Mm.
Yeah ?
An overlap ?

Well, you said you could move between different groups of people.
Oh, you mean myself ?

Oh, er ... no, I only wanted to be with, with the, the underground people, I wasn't interested in Fashion anymore, and I also had studied acting with Lee Strasberg, which helped me a lot to sort of discover myself like all young people always have to discover themselves, right ?

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