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Old 07.03.2009, 09:50 AM   #106
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tdbajus kicks all y'all's assestdbajus kicks all y'all's assestdbajus kicks all y'all's assestdbajus kicks all y'all's assestdbajus kicks all y'all's assestdbajus kicks all y'all's assestdbajus kicks all y'all's assestdbajus kicks all y'all's assestdbajus kicks all y'all's assestdbajus kicks all y'all's assestdbajus kicks all y'all's asses
Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
Nowdays, there are laws and numerous organizations that make sure employees are paid well and treated fairly. But unions still exist, and they've gotten greedy. Whenever they don't feel like they're being paid enough (i.e. they just want more money), they go on strike. So to avoid this, employers pay them probably more than what they're worth, and the cost of labor keeps going higher and higher, and thus the price of goods goes higher and higher every year as well.

Hey, Richie Rich, I mean GenticKiss, where have you been, say, from 1980 when Reagan started busting unions, to 2009, when Obama is forcing unions to give up benefits they were promised while he's giving Wall Street wheelbarrows full of money?

Do you even know anyone who is in a union? Have you ever had a job? Most people's wages in the US have remained stagnant or decreased, their benefits have been taken away, and their jobs shipped over seas.

Think about that when you are driving around your posh little suburb in the car your parents bought you for graduation from your prep school. Some of us actually have to work for a living.

Originally Posted by swa(y)
.and with all the praise unions get...

At first, I though you were being sarcastic. Where do you live where unions are praised? I would like to see this place. Where I live, union are constantly vilified. Oh, like on this forum.

Originally Posted by swa(y)
there is a lot of speculation over the quality of work that comes from certain unions. im not sure, personally. but considering the quality of several US auto companies....compared to what they used to be like...

Do the unions design the cars? No.

The union's agreement is to build the cars that management tells them to build. American build quality is excellent. You just can not blame them when the designs are made to maximize profits, and not quality. Back when Detroit designed good cars, the unions built good cars. Now that they design crap cars, they make crap cars.
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