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Old 11.05.2016, 12:22 PM   #1550
the destroyed room
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d.sound kicks all y'all's assesd.sound kicks all y'all's assesd.sound kicks all y'all's assesd.sound kicks all y'all's assesd.sound kicks all y'all's assesd.sound kicks all y'all's assesd.sound kicks all y'all's assesd.sound kicks all y'all's assesd.sound kicks all y'all's assesd.sound kicks all y'all's assesd.sound kicks all y'all's asses
long rant: i want to address the false equivalency that clinton is just as bad a choice as trump. this election is going to determine to a large degree how our country is going to be run for a number of years.
tl, dr: clinton is the only wise choice.

what's so bad about clinton? she used a private email server which looks bad, but wasn't illegal, and after an investigation had no case pursued against her. keep in mind she was a 60 year old when she became secretary of state. most likely, she didn't know technology well like most 60 year olds and made a dumb mistake. the deletion of thousands of emails? could be something, could be benign, we'll never know. it looks bad. maybe it's classified documents, maybe it's embarrassing personal correspondence like sexting with bill. anyway, are her emails really that much more exposed than on a state department server? i'm not sure. if it's networked, it can be hacked. i think the state dept is a bigger target to hackers than a server for clinton's website and email.
then there is benghazi. 7 or so investigations found nothing. why the heck is it controversial anyway? there are innumerous terrorist attacks. she said it was retaliation for an inflammatory video. then a couple days later said my bad it was actually a planned attack. big fucking whoop. sure a few good men died, but compare that to global terrorism as a whole and it seems pretty mild.
all the other conspiracies are straight up lies.
she is more likely to propose military intervention as shown by her iraq war vote, push to intervene in syria (given the humanitarian crisis, it might have actually been the prudent choice), and she wanted to support the arab spring, which at the time was wonderful, and turned out to be not so good. democracy in the middle east is not an evil ambition. for fucks sake we're embroiled there and there is no easy answer.
she is more likely to work with republicans. at least she will get shit done. imagine a democratic white house, senate, and supreme court. a liberal's wet dream.
if you want a better america, her domestic policy is on point. if you liked the policies of bernie sanders, you should like clinton. saving students from a crippling lifetime of debt, overturning citizens united, making the tax code more fair, regulating wall street, regulating big business and advocating policies to fight global climate change which is the #1 threat to human existance, introducing more public sector jobs to fix our infrastructure problems, fixing obamacare which can be fixed if done right (universal healthcare should be a basic human right), opposing globalism with better trade deals, fixing our immigration problem, common sense gun regulation that all of america agrees on, i know i'm forgetting some other positives.

and what about trump? let's start with his positives. he might be right about trade. i honestly don't know what the answer to globalism is. it's happening, nothing can stop it from happening. is isolationism the answer? exactly what is going to incentivize business to keep jobs here? okay that's maybe one thing and i don't know if it's a positive or not.
and what about his detriments? you could go on for days about his temperament. insulting POWs, fallen veterans, the handicapped, latinos, african americans, women, etc. he is a sexual predator, he has the reactions of a toddler. he literally takes the position of "i know you are but what am i?".
and his policies that attract voters? kick out mexicans: not going to happen and would be a downward spiral of debt build a wall: not going to happen (the border is pretty secure in the first place) also a spiral of debt. prevent immigration based on religion: totally unconstitutional. he will not get republicans in the house on his side. no one will work with him to pass legislation. he shits on america so much you think he would leave the country.
his tax policy: egregious benefits to the rich at the expense of the middle and lower classes. he opposes a living wage, and actually a minimum wage at all.
what about his foreign policy? who knows what he thinks about interventionism. he has said we need to engage the middle east, not pull out. he thinks more people should be thrown in guantanamo and full blown tortured, thinks terrorists families should be killed (which is a war crime by the way), he praises and quotes dictators. he asked russia to hack the dnc which they did. he thinks nuclear weapons should be spread to our allies and used.
who supports him? the little guy he will fuck over. evangelical christians that excuse his multiple wives, infidelity, money hoarding, and lack of knowledge of the bible (two corinthians? really? at least hill dog grew up methodist). he wants to overturn progress like gay marriage and a woman's right to choose. he espouses so many lies he has torn our country apart. he is for deregulation and tax breaks to the wealthy at the expense of the middle and lower classes. he wants to fix our debt the same way he did in his personal life and business: renig on our debt.
he stiffs people that work for him. he bankrupted casinos! the house is always supposed to win. he admits to bribing politicians. he pretends to give to charity but either renigs or uses someone else's money. he started an expensive college that didn't give an actual education.
what would a racist, thin skinned, egomaniac do when he is in office? well first the volatility would crash world financial markets. and then there is the unthinkable: he takes over like the dictators he praises. he already throws out journalists he disagrees with, i imagine those white house briefings could get pretty sparse. who do you want to answer that phone call at 3 in the morning? won't be trump, he'll be busy tweeting insults at rosy o'donnel.

and somehow people say they are equally crooked. the differences between them are so stark and it will affect the lives of all americans for years to come. this election is that important.

jill stein is a vote for trump and has some pretty stupid views, johnson is a total idiot and a vote for trump.

fuck's sake vote for clinton.
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