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Old 03.14.2009, 10:53 AM   #1
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Varg Vikernes, infamous frontman of Norwegian black metalllers Burzum and convicted murderer, is set to be released from prision.

The singer, who styles himself as Count Grishnackh, was sent to jail 16 years ago for the killing of Mayhem's guitarist. He was also responsible for burning down three churches.

Although Vikernes was turned down for parole in September last year, according to The Guardian he will be freed this year.

"I'm ready for society and I have been for many years," he told Daglabet magazine last July. "I have learned from my mistakes and become older. Now I just want to be together with my family ... I have barely seen my son since he came into the world. Even though I hear his voice on the phone almost every day, it is very tough to not be present while he is growing up."

On release, Vikernes will initially have to see a parole officer every two weeks, and says he plans to move onto a small farm. He added that he no longer has any ties with far right groups.