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Old 11.21.2008, 04:06 AM   #11663
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by Nefeli
sorry that i will share this with you.
edit before i pressed "post":
the 1st person who says i d better delete this, pls say so and i do that.

i m not sure if it has been posted before and i dont have its link. it was sent to my best friend's facebook last night. it had pictures, but i looked the other way. so even if i had the link, i wouldnt post it, to save you the shock.
who ever wants to look, can google and find it..

it is the most shocking, disturbing, evil thing i ve ever heard in my life, or ok lets say for long time.

the new trend in china is to breed little kittens, put them since they are born, in glass vases of different shapes, inject them with smth that makes their muscle being loose, feed them with a straw while they are in there and let them there. as they grow bigger, their body takes the shape of the glass vase and then they sell it like this.

i think i m gonna cry now that i wrote all that.
