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Old 02.22.2008, 06:23 AM   #470
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The Vortex

Matthew Shipp Trio

Monday 21 April

Matthew Shipp is a pianist and composer whose music is variously described as free jazz, avant-garde classical, and experimental hip-hop. None of these terms is inaccurate, exactly, but none begins to convey the scope and originality of his vision.
Joined by Whit Dickey on drums and Joe Morris on bass, Shipp delves deep into the original format that first gave birth to the very idea of jazz itself: the absolute freedom of an acoustic session.
Matthew Shipp is truly a force to be reckoned with: one of the most creative and intelligent musicians on the planet. Just keeping up with him is a task beyond most musicians' abilities; recognizing his ideas and spurring him onward is a task for the very few. When it works, it's glorious. When it fails, chances are you'll stick around for more. This is a must for all fans of free jazz.