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Old 04.28.2007, 01:58 AM   #355
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The House Of Love had some decent songs
Ashtray Navigations should sell more records
Iron Maiden were perfect in their prime
Prog rock wasn't all bad music but there was great stuff in there too
Schneider Tm's cover of 'There is Light That Never Goes Out' is better than the original.
Kid 606 is ok but generally really overrated.
Gal Costa's records are better than Os Mutantes's.
Public Enemy's Fear Of A Black Planet is better than It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us A Back.
Sleater Kinney are annoying.
Bikini Kill shit all over Le Tigre.
The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Doors and The Beach Boys are not the only people who made music in the sixties, and in fact they suck.
The Stone Roses have to be one of the most overrated bands in the history of music.
Xiu Xiu, Animal Collective, Explosons In The Sky and Mono make me yawn.
Sonic Nurse is mostly a dull record.
Kazuki Tomokawa Izo is one of the best singers to ever grace this planet with his presence and voice.
Wilco only made one good album.
Nico and Maureen Tucker's records are better than Lou Reed's and John Cale's.
Devendra Banhart should be shot dead in a hippie commune.
Christian Marclay should produce the next Sonic Youth record.
The Books are a great band.