Reps to Bytor, since this place does a fantastic job at keeping track of who you repped last!
I binged them all, and I... obtained... the last episodes that Netflix didn't have. I almost perfectly synced up my watching of them, so that I finished when the show actually ended. I was only a couple of days late, which required me to pretty much not watch any TV for a couple of days, since everyone was talking about it.
I can only binge watch a show like this. Maybe I'm spoiled, because I never got into a show that I couldn't binge watch (meaning that I was forced to wait each week for the next episode), but I don't know how people do it. The week long wait, the huge gap between seasons, even the commercials peppering each episode... I don't know how people watch regular TV at all really.
"She hated people who thought too much.
At that moment, she struck me as an appropriate
representative for almost all mankind." - Kurt Vonnegut Cat's Cradle