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jon boy 08.23.2010 10:22 AM

mosque at ground zero
why is it most americans still equate muslims with terrorism?

Rob Instigator 08.23.2010 10:27 AM

I still equate christianioty with mass genocide and tyrannical destruction of knowledge.

h8kurdt 08.23.2010 10:37 AM

Christ knows. But the fact that muslims have been praying there for the last year seems to be lost on the idiot protesting.

To be honest, England is pretty much the same.

demonrail666 08.23.2010 10:40 AM

Most religions have their stereotypes: Jews are all meant to be mother-fearing neurotics, catholics are all meant to be guilt-ridden, buddhists are peaceful, protestants are puritanical, rastafarians aren't punctual, muslims blow shit up. You're nothing in the world of religion until you have your own associated stereotype.

tesla69 08.23.2010 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
why is it most americans still equate muslims with terrorism?

Probably because 1. the constant diet of hate and fear fed to us by the MSM 2. the fact that the Koran does not allow for peaceful coexistence with other religions.

Rob Instigator 08.23.2010 11:04 AM

people get fed the fearmongering.

scared people will not save money. they will spend it, making the rich richer.
scared people will allow theitr government to do anything at all to "keep them safe" or at least "feeling" safe.

all religions suck shit.

akprodr 08.23.2010 01:32 PM

Heard a good quote:

Equating 9/11 terrorists to Muslims is like equating the KuKluxKlan to Christians.

LifeDistortion 08.23.2010 02:03 PM

Why do some people still believe that Barack Obama is a muslim or that he was born outside of the USA? There are people who believe this shit and when they get told they are wrong they still continue to believe this shit for fear of looking ignorant and uninformed when that is exactly what they are, and are not willing to learn anything other then their uninformed ideas.

Rob Instigator 08.23.2010 02:15 PM

2 in 5 americans, (or 'mericans) are functionally illiterate.
they beleive whatever they heard twice.

fucking morons.

everything they are upset about is based on lies todl by those who stand to gain by keeping people stupid and ill-informed.

it is to be a community center, located in a now-vacant building, 3-4 blocks away from the WTC site, in a space that used to hold a Burlington Coat Factory. a community center with a chapel in it is far far different than an actual mosque.

I wish people woudl get more upset as to why it has been ten fucking years and NOTHING is built at the WTC site.

gualbert 08.23.2010 02:37 PM

Who had this brilliant idea?
And who will take the decision?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.23.2010 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Why do some people still believe that Barack Obama is a muslim or that he was born outside of the USA?

I don't like or support ANY president from ANY party or lack there-of, but this has also been upsetting me.. its like shit, doesn't america remember just a year or so ago when they were all pissed off because they thought his Christian pastor was to radical?


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I still equate christianity with mass genocide and tyrannical destruction of knowledge.

that I believe explains EXACTLY why most americans believe misinformation, both about islam and christianity (such as the anti-catholic vibe of american protestantism even though the puritans burned as many people at the stake as the inquisition ever did ;) )

I can easily agree that this mosque is in poor taste for its location, and that is obviously incendiary, but what upsets me is the level of backlash against Islam and Arabs from Americans, the fervent racism and xenophobia and needless hatred and bitterness.. From Israelis living in Jerusalem or folks living in the former Soviet countries I can understand completely, but Americans we got it spoiled when it comes to jihad..

All this backlash has revealed that it has nothing to do with poor taste or sentiments, it is racism and hate and nothing more or less.

Rob Instigator 08.23.2010 04:01 PM

it used to be "the commies". For 50 fucking years the big unseen enemy was "The COMMIES" and americans were indoctrinated into commie-fear at every opportunity.

Now we are being indoctrinated into "Muslim FEAR".

Just the new convenient scapegoat, especially in a country where Muslims make up a very small minority, just like communists once did.

No one freaked out when crack-ass white CHRISTIANS blew up the FBI building in Oklahoma, or set a bomb to go off in crowded atlanta olympics.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.23.2010 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

No one freaked out when crack-ass white CHRISTIANS blew up the FBI building in Oklahoma, or set a bomb to go off in crowded atlanta olympics.

actually, they did.

and in Obama's first year in office he got a lot of shit for his cabinet issuing a national advisory statement to ALL law enforcement to be extra diligent in watching out for America's traditional terrorists, extremist right-wingers who assassinate abortion doctors in the churches, blow shit up, and spew all kinds of hate-speech..

the republicans had a field day, but their head was up their ass.

The traditional domestic terrorists in America is indeed a Christian nutjob or extremist anarchists BUT the key words in there was nutjob (not Christian) and extremist (not anarchist).

Jihadists blow up more shit in their own countries, just like our own domestic problems create our own domestic terrorists, and religion is not necessarily the driving factor.

hate is the problem, not the peaceful or intelligent ideologies which contributed to the hate.

Rob Instigator 08.23.2010 04:28 PM

for sure.

people will only hear that strange word "muslim" and forget about the fact that it is a teeny tiny minority of Muslims that advocate this terror shit, and an even tinier amount that actually take part.

but that matters not when we need the masses to keep spending their money.

tesla69 08.23.2010 04:31 PM

Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

No one freaked out when crack-ass white CHRISTIANS blew up the FBI building in Oklahoma, or set a bomb to go off in crowded atlanta olympics.


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
actually, they did..

but you didn't get this total surveillance state reaction - after OK the Feds didn't start harvesting all out emails and phone calls and financial transactions and phone friends and email directories etc.

Its funny the catholics raped thousands of young people in the US but no one seems to be saying they should be prevented from building new faclitites. Rob has it dead on, - the power elites are engineering this new crusade, but I'm no more a fan of islam than any other organized religion - the Quakers gave us Nixon fer chrissakes - I especially hate the way islam treats its woman.

hmm this band Windhand is ok

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 08.23.2010 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
for sure.

people will only hear that strange word "muslim" and forget about the fact that it is a teeny tiny minority of Muslims that advocate this terror shit, and an even tinier amount that actually take part.

but that matters not when we need the masses to keep spending their money.

yes, but just as some people are hearing christianity and associating all Christians with the tiny minorities who burned witches and protestants, who blow up abortion clinics and who mercilessly support zionism in the name of Jesus, these are also an extremist minority..

the problem again is hate. counter hate with perfect, unfeigned love, and love unfortunately must be cultivated, there is no instant gratification with perfect love, because it comes from the heart and not the intellect, and out of comfort we humans prefer to use the relatively secure realms of our minds rather than the mysterious realms of the heart.

RanaldoNecro 08.23.2010 06:14 PM

Looking back on the McCarthy era of American History is pretty much all you need to know.

automatic bzooty 08.23.2010 07:44 PM

so ... people are all up in arms about the muslim version of the YMCA? c'mon, really? that doesn't warrant a nationwide freakout.

terminal pharmacy 08.23.2010 08:36 PM

This is how the average US citizen is seen outside of the US

and a bit of fun

Count Mecha 08.23.2010 08:56 PM

I haven't focused much attention on the mosque debacle. But I agree with SuchFriends that the location is a pretty bad call. But even then, it's what, several blocks away? Beyond that, I couldn't really care less about the construction of a mosque/community center whatever it is. And folks are flaring up over it's proximity to ground zero. Though I believe they plan to build a mall right on ground zero. Hmm.

It's a real shame that alot of the country has reduced itself to such generalizing fear and hate mongering. Obviously there's a concern for the extremists as there should be, but to portray that as the whole is just embarrassing.

All I can say is, at least two members of A Tribe Called Quest are Muslim, and how can you hate those guys?

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