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Ich bin gael 06.26.2006 12:02 AM

edit: Okay, nevermind the huge rant and my whole life story and all of that junk. Basically, what it boils down to is: I'm about to start college and I'm really scared. Anyone else about to start? Are you scared? We can be scared together.

HaydenAsche 06.26.2006 12:03 AM

Fuck school.

Start using heroin.

static-harmony 06.26.2006 12:05 AM

When you get there you will find it that it isn't that big of a deal. I already wanna quit school. But Then again I don't wanna get stuck working where I'm at. or living where I'm at.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.26.2006 12:08 AM

It is normal to be scared. But if you aren't really serious about it you should wait a year. And don't get piled up in debt. I took one year at an expensive school. Dumb decision.

luxinterior 06.26.2006 12:17 AM

My move-in date is August 23rd. Mostly I just know that I'll really miss my brothers. Yes, all three of them, as much as it pains me to admit it. In high school it took me a long time to make friends, but it didn't really bother me too much because I always had my brothers around, and they understood me better than any friend possibly could. So even though I hate the idea of starting all over at a new place, I'll be able to deal with it, but I can't say the same about being away from my family.

hey alex 06.26.2006 12:31 AM

All I know... one semester... no money... equals no second semester.

I am taking a community college art class in the fall. I'd like to go to an art school, but there's none in Kentucky so I'm not sure how to go about it.

But I'm ok with not really being in school yet. I just dicked around my first time around and now I just want to figure what I wanna do before just jumping into that big hole of expense.

Pax Americana 06.26.2006 12:57 AM

I just graduated from college. Don't be scared, it's fun, you'll make friends! If your campus has a radio station, get involved with that.

kingcoffee 06.26.2006 01:14 AM

Here's a tip: do not use a credit card!!!! The credit companies prey on college students and they will just fuck you over big time! I know people who are in their forties who are still paying off their credit card debts from when they were in college. It's a slippery slope that few people ever crawl their way out of and it ends up ruining yr credit for the rest of yr life. It's just not worth it. Student loans suck too, but they are easier to handle than credit cards.

But don't be scared, man! It's just school. Just do the best you can, study hard, always use sexual protection, don't get in the habit of drinking a lot and stay way from the brown acid (it's bad). Aside form that it's all good.

jheii 06.26.2006 02:05 AM

I'm 21 and I'm going to start college 4 months before my 22nd birthday. I'm quitting my job and moving into the vacant house owned by my dad while he's overseas. I'm not going to cut my hair or shave my beard for three years. I'll have plenty of time to write poems and send them to semi-famous people. It's going to be the best time of my life.

kingcoffee 06.26.2006 02:08 AM

Sounds kinda lame. Don't be that guy, jhelli.

jheii 06.26.2006 07:38 AM

Don't be which guy? The guy who has a chance to get a good education and enjoy himself while he's at it? I'll be that guy in a heartbeat.

Inhuman 06.26.2006 08:26 AM

I fucked myself over by taking a summer course. I couldn't work full time because of it, so that's $4,000 in the gutter, plus the $200 I spent to take the course. I ended up failing it. I'm glad I'm in college though. It's the best time to drink up, have a joint, and enjoy the field of your study. My course is so slack that I spend all my time on this board.

LittlePuppetBoy 06.26.2006 08:57 AM

I love college. A hell of a lot better than high school. You get to eat and rest where you want, no idiots, lots of spare time. Nice teachers too.

Inhuman 06.26.2006 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by LittlePuppetBoy
I love college. A hell of a lot better than high school. You get to eat and rest where you want, no idiots, lots of spare time. Nice teachers too.

Yeah, the number of idiots significantly decreased. We still have a few in our school (Stephen Routliff). The guy makes fun of Terry because he's handicapped. I look down on those types of people.

LittlePuppetBoy 06.26.2006 09:11 AM

I don't think I know those two.

However I do know one airhead in our college. She has said a good number of retarded things, and skips classes. One class she asked how to do something, even though the teacher JUST explained it. Another time she asked a really stupid question (I can't remember what it was), the teacher stared at her, dumfounded, and said to her "are you seriously THAT thick?"

gmku 06.26.2006 01:38 PM

Best five years of my life. Seriously. It's natural to be scared. I was very introverted as an 18-year-old, but there are so many different kinds of people in a typical college/university setting, that even I had no trouble making good friends. You're there for an education, of course, but that also means experiencing things outside the classroom. If you're going to a good school, you'll find yourself discovering fascinating stuff everyday, in and out of the classroom, that you'd never discover on your own just working at some slave-wage job. I know it's a horribly corny cliche, but it really is true that college will open whole worlds for you. Go and have the time of your life.

kingcoffee 06.26.2006 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by jheii
Don't be which guy? The guy who has a chance to get a good education and enjoy himself while he's at it? I'll be that guy in a heartbeat.

I meant don't be the hippie guy who writes poetry and sends it off to celebrities. If you want a good education then right on, man. More power to you. I know way too many people who just blow off a higher education and become fucking losers. Plus, you seem to have a pretty sweet setup. Yr own place. Nice. Also, I really like the whole "I'm not gonna cut any of my hair for three years" edge. very nice.

kingcoffee 06.26.2006 01:43 PM

Besides, I was just kidding around. Just a joke is all.

jheii 06.26.2006 02:15 PM

It's cool. I don't see the problem with sending poems to artists you look up to though. But I won't make a thing out of it. We're all cool here.

krastian 06.26.2006 03:17 PM

College kicked ass minus all the reading and writing of stuff I didn't care about:D

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