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king_buzzo 06.14.2006 10:22 AM

nirvana people
funny thing happened to me today. i was wearing a nirvana shirt and this emo person comes up to me. *speaksinfakebritishaccent* 'ooh i like you shirt. i love nirvanar'

i just walked away. and then i called her emo!!! grahahahahahaaerrrrrr

not that you care though........

Trasher02 06.14.2006 10:24 AM

Yes, I once went to a festival and a goth chick from my school started hitting on me.
I told her to buzz of cause she's really annoying, the next day she added me on MSN.

Laila 06.14.2006 10:24 AM

yeah people who come up to you if your wearing a nirvana shirt are annoying. however if someone commented on my sy shirt that would be different!

Trasher02 06.14.2006 10:26 AM

It's the reason why I threw my Nirvana sweater away.
It's retarded.

king_buzzo 06.14.2006 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Trasher02
goth chick from my school started hitting on me.
I told her to buzz of cause she's really annoying

same thing happened to me a while ago. she wasnt anoying. but i dont know if shes goth or something. shes got a lot of nirvana shirts so i dont know if shes a real fan or just a stupid scene kid.

gmku 06.14.2006 11:09 AM

Man, if a young girl started hitting on me coz of my band T-shirts, I sure wouldn't call her names or let her walk away. Of course, my wife might have something to say bout that.

& I own a Nirvana T, by the way, along with the following: Confusion is Sex, Beastie Boys, Alice in Chains (Facelift tour T), Joy Division (Love will tear us apart), and one with sort of a line drawing of a Marshall amp. A lame collection, I know, but probably better than what most of the dads in my neighborhood wear!

DemonBox 06.14.2006 11:14 AM

I wore my Goo shirt when I was in a bigger town, and three people who I did not know commented it. I chatted with each of them. That's kinda awsome.

gmku 06.14.2006 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by DemonBox
I wore my Goo shirt when I was in a bigger town, and three people who I did not know commented it. I chatted with each of them. That's kinda awsome.

I've found that band T's are good ice breakers. Even when people (most my age, for ex) don't know the band, it can get you started in conversations about music.

DemonBox 06.14.2006 11:21 AM

Yeah, that's true. They are fine ice-breakers indeed, my Ramones shirt also helps my to break the ice. "Oh, you like the Ramones?"

Pax Americana 06.14.2006 11:24 AM

One time I was camping, and I went into this little tiny store out in the middle of nowhere to pick up some food and stuff and the girl behind the counter commented on my Confusion is Sex shirt. I made her my wife...

not really...

gmku 06.14.2006 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by DemonBox
Yeah, that's true. They are fine ice-breakers indeed, my Ramones shirt also helps my to break the ice. "Oh, you like the Ramones?"

I need a Ramones shirt. That'll be my next Hot Topic purchase. Yes, I am the 50-year-old dude trying to squeeze by the teeny boppers in that little mall chain store. I hate the place (asked for a Sonic Youth T, and the clerk looked at me blankly: "Sonic Youth? We don't get much call for that band here.") But it's the only place around here for halfway decent band Ts.

PAULYBEE2656 06.14.2006 12:27 PM

teshirts are great icebreakers. not a day goes by when i wear my fall shirt that someone doent come up and asks me where i got it, chat to me and become friends. one guy actually started trading cdrs and bootlegs with me the very next day!
stereolab shirts are also good chick pullers (not that im into that anymore, married man and all that)
and i have to say sonic youth shirts add a bit of stranger intrest as well.
i was wearing a godspeed you black emporer one (the lift yr skinny fists one) at a gig and this really hot goth chick came up to me and asked me was i in a religious cult or something, she seemed dissappointed when i responed "fucking hell, are you joking, havent been to church in 15 years). maybe i will be smitten down!

gmku 06.14.2006 12:37 PM

It's also kind of a community-identification thing. Like, you're into this kind of music, so am I, there are more of us out here. I was wearing my Confusion is Sex shirt in Lowe's, picking up some paint, and a high school kid in a Lowe's vest--and sporting a modefied red-dyed mohawk haircut--walks by and goes "Cool T-shirt," and then pulls his vest open to reveal his Dead Kennedys shirt. Nice bridge across the generation gap, even if only for a few seconds.

luxinterior 06.14.2006 12:47 PM

My Sonic Youth shirts are the only ones that have resulted in people approaching me. Even though SY are obviously one of my favorite bands, I would almost rather find another person who was into, I don't know, the New York Dolls or something. Or T. Rex. I consider that to be my "roots," so to speak. I feel more common ground there than I do with most Sonic Youth fans.

racehorse 06.14.2006 01:31 PM

wow that was weird. I was just listening to Hidros 3 while reading this, and just as I got to the end Kim started saying
"Men talk to other men through fashion"
How strange

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.14.2006 01:49 PM

Stay away from the girls that hit on you for wearing velvet underground t-shirts. They cause trouble.

racehorse 06.14.2006 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Stay away from the girls that hit on you for wearing velvet underground t-shirts. They cause trouble.

haha tell me about it

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 06.14.2006 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
I've found that band T's are good ice breakers. Even when people (most my age, for ex) don't know the band, it can get you started in conversations about music.

this is true. Going into my gym class I was wearing my VU shirt and someone commented saying they like NICO but had never really heard VU. turned out they like freejazz and all that "jazz". Oh, and then he moved away.:(

gmku 06.14.2006 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Sheriff Rhys Chatham
this is true. Going into my gym class I was wearing my VU shirt and someone commented saying they like NICO but had never really heard VU. turned out they like freejazz and all that "jazz". Oh, and then he moved away.:(

Wow, they actually like Nico but had never heard VU! That's pretty unusual. It's the other way around with most people--or they're VU fans who hate Nico. (I happen to like both, by the way.)

And you wore your VU shirt to the gym? To like get sweaty in? That's wrong.

Rob Instigator 06.14.2006 02:31 PM

My rock T collection has always been very small. For one thing, I grew up a metalhead and those t-shirts were black and my teenage dandruff did not sit well on those black t's

my first rock T was a sleeveless AC/DC Highway to Hell, white T. It had the logo in flames on the front and angus young with the pout and the horns on the back. I got it from the donations bin at my dad's church. (we were po' folks. episcopal priests do not make much) I also got a baseball jersey style grey and red Motley Crue Shout at the Devil shirt.

Both those shirts ruled all. i wore them till they fell apart when i was around 12.

I used to love my metallica T with the pushead drawing of the clubs crushing through a skull. Damage Inc.

I also had a T from my first ever concert, David Lee Roth's eat em and Smile Tour.

for a long time I did not buy t shirts, ebcause they were expensive and I figured I would rather spend the money on books and music.

but I have recently begun my sonicyouth ONLY t shirt collection

I have this
but in red

I got this one recently and I love it

and I just got this one in the mail today!!!!

I never get people coming up to me asking about my shirts. I also have amelvins BULLHEAD shirt and a Mudhoney EGDF shirt.
noone ever comes up to me. Oh well. I always talk to peop,e with good shirts on.

when I am driving down the street and I see someone in an old Misfits shirt I roll down the window and yell "MISFITS!!!!!!"

I very very rarely see anyone in a sonic youth shirt.

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