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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.30.2008 12:41 AM

The Mars Volta is the best noise band ever
Because even the most seasoned noise fan upon hearing them will say "What the fuck is this shit? This isn't music."

comedic drum roll

There is something odd to me about that band, and other bands like them. They seem to be a part of a separate group of alternative music.

I always seem to hear them, At the Drive In, Minus the Bear, The Get Up Kids, Q and Not U, Sparta, Cursive, Tabula Rasa, The Anniversary, etc. grouped together.

I never really got into any of those bands, but a lot of people I know seem to specifically like that group of bands, and when categorizing these bands, they usually attach core onto the end, and if they don't it will often be a recycled name once thrown out to categorize another category of music. Also, they act as if that X band from that group of bands is the defining band of that genre. I've gone to shows where bands influenced by this group have played, and upon seeing the billing and asking "what kind of music do they do?" I am usually met with terms I recognize, like math, post-hardcore, or indie.

Math = screamo with a good drummer and a guitarist who taps a lot and uses a DL-4 for some reason, despite me never noticing it in the music and there being no really dynamics or intricacy to the music.
post-hardcore = screamo where everyone plays power chords, nobody is really talented
indie = see math

In general, whenever I hear someone say that a band is an indie band, I brace myself, because I know they're going to either sound like some Screamo or like Coldplay.

I think it has to do with the emo culture or something.

I was telling my friend about my other friend's band and I used the term post-rock, it isn't a term I like to use to describe bands, but I figured he'd knew what it means. He didn't. So I explained it to him. He said, "well I wouldn't call that post-rock, I'd call that post-Anniversary."

I described Arab on Radar once to him and he said "oh, well you're describing spaz-core."

Why is everything core with these people? Mathcore, metalcore, spazcore, tweecore, emotional hardcore, grindcore.

pbradley 09.30.2008 12:51 AM

You're the only person to have ever asked this.

Green Magnesium 09.30.2008 12:51 AM

What exactly does tweecore mean? Surely its something you made up yourself to show how ridiculous these names can get.

Mars Volta is poop. I remember about 5 years back, a classmate and I used to try to talk about music. We would occasionally trade CDs to sample one another's tastes. I had never heard of Mars Volta and he had never heard of Fleetwood Mac (disturbing, I know). He was convinced Mars Volta was the most inspiring and beautiful music to ever grace this earth.

He let me borrow the Mars Volta album with the person in the car on the front cover and I let him borrow TUSK by FM. Long story short, he hated TUSK because it sounded "almost country" and wasn't "heavy" enough, and I hated Mars Volta because it was pure shit.

He tried to explain to me that I just didn't "understand" MV's music. :)

He didn't much care for Sonic Youth either, and got annoyed when I asked him if SY were "too country."

Sonic Youth 37 09.30.2008 12:52 AM

At The Drive-In fucking kicks the shit out of any post-hardcore band of the last 15-20 years.

(3 of the bands you mentioned share members, so a bit of similarity is natural)

*to person above^: the one he let you borrow (Frances the Mute) is the wrong start for the Volta. You've got to either get Tremulant/De-loused first or you'll hate the rest. Those really laid the foundation for what they do.

uhler 09.30.2008 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
Because even the most seasoned noise fan upon hearing them will say "What the fuck is this shit? This isn't music."

comedic drum roll

There is something odd to me about that band, and other bands like them. They seem to be a part of a separate group of alternative music.

I always seem to hear them, At the Drive In, Minus the Bear, The Get Up Kids, Q and Not U, Sparta, Cursive, Tabula Rasa, The Anniversary, etc. grouped together.

I never really got into any of those bands, but a lot of people I know seem to specifically like that group of bands, and when categorizing these bands, they usually attach core onto the end, and if they don't it will often be a recycled name once thrown out to categorize another category of music. Also, they act as if that X band from that group of bands is the defining band of that genre. I've gone to shows where bands influenced by this group have played, and upon seeing the billing and asking "what kind of music do they do?" I am usually met with terms I recognize, like math, post-hardcore, or indie.

Math = screamo with a good drummer and a guitarist who taps a lot and uses a DL-4 for some reason, despite me never noticing it in the music and there being no really dynamics or intricacy to the music.
post-hardcore = screamo where everyone plays power chords, nobody is really talented
indie = see math

In general, whenever I hear someone say that a band is an indie band, I brace myself, because I know they're going to either sound like some Screamo or like Coldplay.

I think it has to do with the emo culture or something.

I was telling my friend about my other friend's band and I used the term post-rock, it isn't a term I like to use to describe bands, but I figured he'd knew what it means. He didn't. So I explained it to him. He said, "well I wouldn't call that post-rock, I'd call that post-Anniversary."

I described Arab on Radar once to him and he said "oh, well you're describing spaz-core."

Why is everything core with these people? Mathcore, metalcore, spazcore, tweecore, emotional hardcore, grindcore.

i never heard of the term tweecore. actually only morons describe stuff like you just mentioned. even though i am guilty of describing mid to late 90's chugga chugga hardcore as metalcore.

all the bands you mentioned hit their prime (if they even had one) between 1999 and 2001. i used to love the get up kids four minute mile record. the anniversary's record i dug for awhile. cursive's domestica was a decent indie record. at the drive in were good, but i probably wouldn't listen to them anymore unless someone else puts them on. q and not u are good. sparta suck(ed) asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss sssssssss.

akprodr 09.30.2008 12:59 AM

I bought Amputechure (sp?) on a recommendation but I just can't get past the guys voice. Not my fav vocal form.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.30.2008 01:01 AM

I don't mind ATDI, not really into them, but best post-hardcore band of the past 20 years?

I'd argue that Fugazi and Drive Like Jehu are better

Sonic Youth 37 09.30.2008 01:04 AM

Those would be my #2/#3. I'd rate the early ATDI EPs above anything that either of those bands put out. Call me crazy if you must.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.30.2008 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by akprodr
I bought Amputechure (sp?) on a recommendation but I just can't get past the guys voice. Not my fav vocal form.

That's how I feel about a lot of bands in this group.

Oh, add to the list of bands in this group: Senses Fail, Thrice

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.30.2008 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
Those would be my #2/#3. I'd rate the early ATDI EPs above anything that either of those bands put out. Call me crazy if you must.

you're crazy

Sonic Youth 37 09.30.2008 01:12 AM

In their prime ATDI were the most energetic bunch of heroin-addled youngsters I've ever listened to. Ian never had 1/10 of the energy. It's all about energy.

Rocking a bowling alley for Gort's sake.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.30.2008 01:23 AM

You're argument is that they're more energetic?

You've been outed as a hardcore kid.

I don't need a super energetic band to move me. When it comes to post-hardcore, nothing really beats this for me:

Funny thing is, in there comment section there is a ATDI/Fugazi argument starting.

batreleaser 09.30.2008 01:28 AM

spazzcore? ive alwauys considered spazzcore wierd noisey post hardcore, liked drive like jehu, or some of nation of ulysses's jazzier stuff.

Sonic Youth 37 09.30.2008 01:29 AM

I like Fugazi, don't get me wrong. I know they're completely different, but if I want to listen to Ian, I'll go with Minor Threat. I listen to WAY more Minor Threat than Fugazi and probably always will.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.30.2008 01:31 AM

shrug I don't know what any of these hardcore kids talk about

except you Batreleaser, you make sense to me. We've got similar taste I think.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 09.30.2008 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
I like Fugazi, don't get me wrong. I know they're completely different, but if I want to listen to Ian, I'll go with Minor Threat. I listen to WAY more Minor Threat than Fugazi and probably always will.

See I'd rather listen to Fugazi any day.

I think two of the reasons I fail to communicate musically with me is because I'm not metal and I'm not hardcore, and not even punk really. I mean, I like Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Minor Threat, and a shitload of punk. . . but if a punk, metal, or hardcore band came into town, I flat out wouldn't give a shit.

I think I lost the obsession for masculine music some time ago.

ni'k 09.30.2008 03:10 AM

the reason lots of noiseheads/people into experimental music hate atdi with such fervour is because they resent a bunch of popstars getting in on their thing. it devalues what they do. atdi are pretty shit, one armed scissor is a goodish rock song that i never need to hear again.

you can see it like this -
atdi are just popstars using a cheapened form of what is supposedly experimental but is actually generic and makin money massaging their boring egos by selling it to teenagers who think they are so semi mystic man.

or this -
atdi are pretty interesting for a standard rock band.

personally i dont give a fuck and dont want to listen to this band or waste time thinkin about them.

People like to think they are cool with their ability to genreise everything. it makes them sound like they know more. musical idiots who think ATDI are actually interesting are the type to do this. they like to keep their tastes simple by using massive chunks of genre to sort things into an easy yes and no pile.

the fucktards in my town called me "emo" for years. to these people i actually am emo because they havent heard of the bands i listen to. to them you arent cool if dont fit into their narrow definition of what "alternative" music actually is.

genre tribalism is the sign of the idiot. ultimately people use it to dismiss things and keep their tastes small and navigatable. they can listen to a band, then say - "oh thats jazz, i hate jazz!" and enjoy slagging off the band more than listen to it. its a way to get fun out of music without even hearing it and find people as limited as you are.

nowadays we DONT NEED GENRE CLASSIFCATIONS because you know, you can just myspace the fucking band and hear them about 2 seconds after you've first heard they exist.

words like punk indie noise whatever are just annoying things on the screen i dont wanna see cos they tell me nothing. genre is all about preconceptions, in a time before the internet it had its use but now it doesnt.

why is everything core with these people?
its a new hip teenage thing to make everything into a core. "this weekends gonna be pure skatecore/drunkcore/burgercore."

core doesnt just mean music anymore.

nowadays new genre names wont actually form like they used to due to the increased interconnectivity of the music scene via the internet and huge abundance of media. they will form and quickly die like shitgaze has, none of the shitgaze bands even use this term. there was the whole novelty "oh we have caused a genre to be named" but already they all realise how restrictive this actually is. to a whole generation of kids, genre is only some funny list of things youve never heard of on myspace. im sure they'll prob get annoyed by the finite variations it has and start comin up with their own ones. but because of the way things are connected on the internet, i doubt these will last for 40 years like punk has.

i find it funny in an annoying lame way how people on here STILL feel the need to argue/discuss what band a genre is or what genre a band is or whatever. its a pretty pointless and boring thing to be all like
"oh look at how much i know and my power to generalise by telling you which album really was the first punk album!" if you think this is what punk is then yr missing the point.

genre actually is different depending on who you talk to. its pretty common for groupings of music fans to come up with their own set of genres. so pretty much all the genres mean something different to everybody. for example, i was a Nirvana obsessive fromthe age of about 13 onwards. about 2 years ago i saw people in a punk documentary call nirvana a punk band and that was a true novelty to me since id never thought of them as such or heard them called this despite so many years of obsessive fandom. it all depends of what avenue of music youve came from. there are people out there who would argue vehemently against nirvana being punk and would probably argue vehemently against half the bands we all like being whatever genre we say they are.

ni'k 09.30.2008 03:12 AM


thats all i will ever say about the subject forever.

lechaoscestmoi 09.30.2008 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
At The Drive-In fucking kicks the shit out of any post-hardcore band of the last 15-20 years.

i feel the same, except replace "post-hardcore" with "rock".
all the other bands that have been mentioned, i don't really like.

greedrex 09.30.2008 04:23 AM

Fugazi > Drive like Jehu > ATDI > Britney Spears > Jonas Brothers > The Mars Volta

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