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noumenal 05.08.2006 03:44 PM

Pedals for Electric Cello?
I bought a pickup for my cello and it sounds pretty sweet--I've been messing around with it a little bit. I know next to nothing about this kind of stuff, so I was wondering if any of you gurus could suggest pedals that might sound good with a cello or any other setup that I might need. Right now, all I've got is my digital 8-track that's acting sort of as a pre-amp. It has built-in effects but they sound lame.

I could post some samples if you guys want, so you can see what it sounds like.:)

Or if you think amplified cello is a stupid idea, that's cool too.

chutneyfarmer 05.08.2006 03:47 PM

delay and reverb pedals would be the first ones i'd grab if i got hold of an electric cello. check out the line 6 dl4 for some nice delays, and the boss rv5 for reverbs. if you can track down a boss rv3, they have both reverb and delay. i love my one :) some distortion would be great too i'd imagine.

noumenal 05.08.2006 03:50 PM


I will post some stuff using the delay and reverb on my 8 track, so you guys can see.

themawt71 05.08.2006 05:25 PM

fred lonberg holm who lives in chicago now uses lots of his effects on his cello tho i dont know which ones. he just took the trombone chair in the vandermark 5 so im really looking forward to hearing the new cd.

you should get a whammy pedal, distortion pedal,yeah the dl4 is really good.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 05.08.2006 06:15 PM

When it comes to fuzz, choruses, and wah- you should probably get bass ones, because they work with lower frequencies better.

nature scene 05.08.2006 06:37 PM

i would get a wah pedal, a delay, and like a bass overdrive or something..

cello is glorious on it's own, so i wouldnt do too much to distort the sound

nomadicfollower 05.08.2006 08:31 PM

I want to hear your stuff noumenal.
I've wanted to learn cello for the longest time, but never could accumulate enough money to come any where near the price tag on one of those.
One can dream...

nature scene 05.08.2006 09:31 PM

hey if you just want to learn cello, you don't need to look at the high priced ones. Ebay has been known to have great deals on student cellos (not the greatest wood or tone, but they do the job.)

I would also like to hear some of noumenal's stuff. I used to play cello, but gave it up for guitar. I don't regret it, but I would like to pick it up again.

val-holla-ing 05.08.2006 10:52 PM

umm, i have a few effects processors that you could fool around with, if you want. i don't use them much anymore, so the offer's there.

you should get an envelope filter and a ring mod, too.

saoq 05.09.2006 01:06 AM

damn I wrote a long msg and and it's gon$@)_$@#)(%.
anyway, i have a cello which i'm pretty much unable to play - no formal musical background- i can only play these slow droney melodies or pizzicato. Someties I play it thru audiomulch, partly to cover my incompetence, partly because it's so sweet. overdriven sounds are not so great, it becomes like a gtr w/ great sustain: reverbs, phaser (w/ very long periods), delays, granulations are the ones i use.

noumenal 05.11.2006 12:50 PM

OK guys, you asked for it. I don't really have "stuff." The only music I write are 12-tone exercises and shit like that for my composition lessons. I can play one of those if you'd like..... Here is me trying out some things with my pickup:

Cello 1: Me goofing on the pentatonic scale testing how it sounds with smooth legato type things.

Cello 2: Me using the "Rock Lead" effect on my 8-track and butchering the openings of the two Haydn cello concertos.

Cello3: Purr from Dirty, sort of. Out of tune.

Cello4: Me testing out how chunky, staccato stuff sounds by playing part of the Hindemith cello solo sonata.

Oh, Jeremy: I might take you up on that offer. Although, I must add that I'm not too serious about this stuff, I'm just messing around.

noumenal 05.11.2006 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Sn@ke
WOOW!!! That sounds great!!, specially the "cello 2".

Thanks, I should practice more. I wasn't too keen on posting here since I haven't really been practicing much since I started seriously studying theory instead of cello.

noumenal 05.12.2006 06:29 PM

Anybody else listen to it? Have suggestions?

Glice 05.12.2006 07:05 PM

I don't seem to be able to use .rar. What do I need to do in order to use them? I'm a techie spazz.

(PM's, BTW).

nomadicfollower 05.12.2006 07:31 PM

Glice: This is what I've been usung to extract .rar files, but it is only a free trail..

Noumenal, I really dig your stuff. Cello 2 and 3 are very neat. Makes me envious.
I think I might rent a cello for a while - that is, if I can find a reasonable price.

Hip Priest 05.13.2006 05:38 AM

Hi, noumenal! We never seem to be logged on at the same time anymore, which seems a shame. Hope things are going well for you.

That was pretty cool.

Cello one was nice. Sweet, in fact and that made the noise of Cello Two all the better by contrast. Purr was an ace version, I enjoyed hearing that a lot, and track four was good too.

noumenal 05.13.2006 05:41 AM

Thanks man. I think what it is is that I've become sort of nocturnal due to my job and school. For instance, I'm still up here and you've already started your Saturday. Technically my Saturday has started too, know.

This Summer my schedule will change - I'll be having to get up early, so no more long nights.

Hip Priest 05.13.2006 06:04 AM

It's strange, I think of people being logged on very late at night when it's actually afternoon or even early morning where they are.

I get to know who's birthday it is before most other people.

Glice 05.13.2006 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by nomadicfollower
Glice: This is what I've been usung to extract .rar files, but it is only a free trail..


I'm not entirely convinced by the pedals as of yet - personally, while you're obviously able to play the thing, I think it's a shame to hear a Cello used as a surrogate electric bass. The first one nearly has some great overtones coming through, is there any way of emphasising those? Actually, the first one almost sounds like an er-hu, which can only be a good thing.

There are a few parts that are quite interesting - the second one produces some lovely sounds around the more closer notes.

It would be interesting to hear this stuff if you were playing something a little slower, let the sound effect actually show through, rather than it sounding like a Cellist playing rock if that makes any sense. Hope this isn't too critical, I quite like the idea, would be nice to see what happens when you write something original with the actual sound in mind.

sarramkrop 03.20.2007 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by noumenal
I bought a pickup for my cello and it sounds pretty sweet--I've been messing around with it a little bit. I know next to nothing about this kind of stuff, so I was wondering if any of you gurus could suggest pedals that might sound good with a cello or any other setup that I might need. Right now, all I've got is my digital 8-track that's acting sort of as a pre-amp. It has built-in effects but they sound lame.

I could post some samples if you guys want, so you can see what it sounds like.:)

Or if you think amplified cello is a stupid idea, that's cool too.

My ex tutor (Thomas Gardner) used to play the cello amplified and through some software he had on a laptop. Some of the stuff he came up with is daft in a good way. Sometimes he'd give us a lecture while his voice was filtered through some of the strangest effects. I learned a lot from him about manipulating sound.

Thomas Gardner, cellist, premiered a new type of work for fixed sound and cello in Liverpool, Tuesday, the 29th of November. The work, Analogies of Control uses an audio model in place of a written score. The sounds are delivered via headphones to the cellist who then "mimics" the sounds in the model. The "score" sounds are not cello derivations, but the accompanying (diffused) sounds are. Details on the technique are found on my research site and are the focus of one aspect of my PhD research. The solo studies for this work, and the papers describing the technique were presented at DMU's annual research review, and the Digital Music Research Network Summer Conference 2005 in Glasgow.

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