Saw these guys in Seattle a few years ago. Mind blowing. |
fucking CLASSIC |
reallty predictable and unremarkable |
Trish Keenan's "Mind bending motorway mix"
Pretty cool so far. |
The Cravats XMP
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBpDEDa6PDo The logical next step would be The Very Things, but I've not checked whether they're on the tube. |
Ah, The Very Things.1986 live, funny super 8 camera work....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTjGg...eature=related |
^ This and my new cassette for my car: |
I'm listening ESTA SUSAN EN CASA, Sun city girls
Good god were these people a disappointment live. A testament to the saving grace of tape editing. |
such a perfect mix |
got it this morning
Glenn Gould - Bach, The well-tempered clavier Book II (CD 2)
Hakobune - away from the lunar waters
^fucking good for you man! Yes!!!
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