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I'm listening to the Russian band called Pinkshinyultrablast on repeat today.
Very neat. |
i look at my wife and say: "that's echo and the bunnymen!" and then i go on with a rant along the lines of "why do we need this band at all if we already had echo and the fucking bunnymen." btw, i like echo and the bunnymen-- they had some good songs. it's hard to be original after over half a century of rock though. i can't say i blame the recyclers. we're witnessing a kind of endgame as other musical forms like hiphop have taken the mantle in pop culture. see if you like these lyrics https://youtu.be/PpmwQcc1h2g ^^ greaaat fucking song. |
![]() The Upsetters - Super Ape |
I love lightning bolt! I don't have their latest, though.
I don't know either deerhoof or pelican, so maybe I'll have to check them out. animal collective, nah. I tried 'em, they bored me. Quote:
![]() some really awesome tracks there http://www.fania.com/products/the-go...d-and-the-ugly + a great little writeup in that page ==== eta Quote:
pelican should be playing in classic rock stations all day but because they were born in the wrong era (and they don't sing stupid lyrics) they're ignored. deerhoof has been all over the place but you can't miss reveille, apple o's, milkman-- as for more "vintage" & mellow sounds of this century, i think cat power's "the greatest" will stand the test of time. it's just a tremendous record for me-- blending the pathos of her earlier career with the musical polish of a memphis band. we'll still be listening to it decades from now. |
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I used to fall asleep to that Miles album.
-- Since you've brought up the "nothing is original" theory a few times before, I'm surprised at your outrage. (Though its justified.) Quote:
I made out "senior." I think. --- Quote:
![]() I feel sorry for your mother. |
must produce some great dreams! Quote:
well, yes. my outrage was brief. i just wanted to share my experience to confirm your perception. Quote:
ha ha ha. that word does not appear there. hector lavoe is a legend! worth a googletranslate. === right now listening to: ![]() awesome as usual |
Oh, hold on. I do have some Deerhoof. Friend Opportunity. I remember now that I've wanted to check out their other stuff.
to my ears friend opportunity was somewhat of a flat tire (things got worse later). you need to go back to before that. you might also like their 90s stuff though it was more lo-fi & aesthetically harder to access. |
any links or clips? |
I prefer listening to OUTHUD instead of Animal Collective
I prefer to listen to !!! instead of Lightning Bolt |
Great album. I'm seeing them play with Moon Duo next week and It'll be interesting to see whether the album works well live. |
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Yep, I've heard that, too, that FO is not as good as the ones you mentioned.
The song is actually called "Mushroom". Just sayin'. |
and no more soup for yoo!!!
correct!!! they weren't just a singles band. what about deep cuts like "Ramble Tamble" or "Pagan Baby"?!?! another plus was their drum sound. it's how drums need to be recorded and mixed on a rock record. tight band!!!:) |
Also Gloomy, Walk On the Water, Bootleg, Graveyard Train, Penthouse Pauper, Keep On Chooglin`, Tombstone Shadow, Sinister Purpose, Feelin`Blue, Effigy, Before You Accuse Me, Chameleon, (Wish I could) Hideaway, Born to Move & Itīs just the Though - all really great songs and not released as a single as far as I know. And the albums are not just the collections of great songs, they are entities, each of them has original sound world comparing the others, also some have even a loose theme (for example Willie and the poor boys).
Just listened little bit Deerhof and Pelican. Deerhof is ok but not for me. I think itīs funny almost every new music people recommend here is less or more retro (or then itīs totally electro I just canīt stand). To me Deerhof sounds like a combination of Beefheart & Hip Hop. Also whatīs seems to be little boring in new music, when artists seem to find something they think itīs personal, they make all their songs in that same style. To me itīs boring to listen record that every song is made just the same.
Pelican is just boring. Same kind of melodic heavy has made thousands of records. What makes them even more boring is theyīre instrumental (their music sounds like they have just recorded the bases in the studio and somebody is going to add vocals). Even their video in Lathe Biosas is boring (nodding heads in the same beat as the music looks really boring). Animal Collective I have find boring before (well they have some elements that sound ok, but thatīs all). In the same thread somebody is saying Pink Floydīs boring somebody says these great. I don`t get it. Well, I can stay in the great music of 60-70ties. |
WHICH deerhoof though? like i said they've been all over the place. kinda like judging the rolling stones by their undercover album, ha ha. Quote:
a little, yes, but in a good way. you have to engage them in their own terms instead of demanding they fit your expectations. Quote:
correct. which is why i said they should be playing on classic rock stations. it's a great rock sound. not commercial enough though. Quote:
noooo! that's the best part. metal without the mental retardation. a couple of months ago while driving they were playing metallica on the radio and i say to my wife: "i could just love this band if they just shut the fuck up and play. if i could mute the vocal track somehow, i'd listen to this all day. but no, they have to open their pieholes AND RUIN IT." you can see why i like pelican. they have the decency to shut the fuck up. Quote:
some of their records definitely are. i stopped listening to them some time ago. but they are far from forgettable though, that's the thing-- they have a distinctive & memorable sound. i mentioned these bands in reply to gmku's search for something "memorable" that stood out vs. the 90s. you remember his post yes? context. Quote:
hold on jorge. just stop right there. i can't be personally blamed for some fucktard's notions just because i'm "in the same thread". by that logic, you're guilty too. |
I appreciate the time you took to correct my error, an error for which I have no excuse and beg forgiveness. You've demonstrated great class, and you are clearly a man of admirable character. My deepest thanks. |
RE: Deerhoof
I'm glad you mentioned Reveille, Symbols, as a must have record in the same vein as Lightning Bolt. It's hard to believe that Deerhof hasn't been a huge part of everyone's life for the past 18 years, but hey, if there's anyone out there who's still unfamiliar, I've got good news and bad news: First the bad news... They have been making the same exact album for at least 4 years. It's a good album. It's tried and true wackadoo indie-noise-pop, and it's worth buying every time they put it back on the shelf, but I'm afraid their groundbreaking/glass ceiling shattering days are quite over. I guess what I'm saying is -- correct me if you think I'm wrong, anyone-- that the band's recent records like La Isla Bonita (2014), Breakup Song (2012), and Deerhoof Vs. Evil (2011) all find the band pretty much settling into the same comfortable (if still highly enjoyable) niche. Funky grooves, pretty vocals interrupted by occasional trebly blasts of distortion and vampy synths. Before that, they may have been the most likely contender for "Pixies of the 00's"... I think they originally had the potential to be the Sonic Youth of the 00's, but after Reveille, Runner's Four, and Apple O they lost some of their experimental bite. Reveille is the best album and damned if it doesn't sound like Lightning Bolt, or a Total Bugs Bunny on Wild Bass-era Hella, if those bands were fronted by a chick. It's definitely got a manic, math-rock feel to it. It's heavy as hell, it's noisy, it's informed by Gastr Del Sol and Unwound, and it fell somewhere close to Black Dice, Xiu Xiu and early Animal Collective in the indie rock family tree of the era. Their last great album was Offend Maggie (2008), and Friend Opportunity (2007), but by those albums they'd shifted to a more poppy, less ferocious focus. I actually think my favorite song of theirs is "The Galaxist" from Friend Opportunity. It's got a spaciness to it that I wish they'd tap into more often. In truth, they've aged better than Animal Collective, who I can't really listen to anymore. But I definitely think their best years are behind them. I actually thought Blonde Redhead's 2014 record Barragán was a better late career release than La Isla Bonita. And I lost interest in BR a while ago. I never expected to put them above Deerhoof, but in 2014/2015, they're totally the better band. However, all of their albums are still totally worth hearing. They're even all worth buying. They're a great band. I just saw them last summer. Got a signed Reveille LP and a hell of a show for my trouble. I consider them one of the definitive indie bands of the post-Pavement/Sebadoh/Built to Spill era. I know the landscape was completely different in the 2000-2010 and beyond era than it was in the '90s, but Deerhoof were one of the top tier bands of that period. Along with Spoon, Dirty Projectors, Liars and countless other notables who could have been much bigger than they ever became. --- I started this post yesterday, and with my luck this discussion will have completely moved past all discussion of Deerhoof and Lightning Bolt and .... Pelican? Who threw Pelican in there? They were part of an entirely different scene, from all I can recall. I've always liked them a lot.... Forever Becoming was an album I meant to buy but never did until long after 2013, and if I hadn't slept on it it would have been one of my choice records for that year. But Pelican is born of something wholly unrelated to the 5RC & Kill Rock Stars scene that Deerhoof and their brethren came from. I think of them as something closer to Giant Squid, or even WITTR... pretty straight ahead metal, with the control of Volta Del Mar... maybe Russian Circles... or even Tarantula Hawk. (???) Man. So many memories. |
I don't think he was being snarky, honestly. I actually think he was satisfying a probably very-hard-to-control purist impulse to correct a SUPER common mistake about a band that he probably likes an awful lot, without stepping on anyone's balls or acting superior. Seriously, this one is fucking prevalent. Do a Google search for "Can lyrics mush" and I'll wager erroneous searches for "mushroom head" populate before searches for the correct title. Ain't no thang. It'd take a true fart-sniffing twat to judge you for that. |
Listen, TINY, I am the KING of COOLIOSITY! |
@ severian
ah yes since you mentioned southern lord bands how could i forget sunn. i wasn't trying to list related things but rather things gmku should listen to from this century which are, well, memorable. MEMORABLE. since he questioned that, and some originality as well. i cant listen to a lot of sunn but hey, there's a band you won't confuse with anyone else. - those late deerhoof records i have heard but not really listened to-- i can't really listen to them. they make me sad. i'm not saying that they're inherently BAD but after the promise of their early-century output the letdown wounds me. they went through many personnel rotations and even a divorce and i think that was the watermark brought on the changes. the pop side is probably satomi's greater input, i'm assuming. for a while she went & formed this pop band-- i forget the name. i love her, but i can't say i *really*like the funky grooves and vampy synths. maybe if they went by a different name i'd be more accepting. i did have fun with such tracks on green cosmos but i thought they were more of a humorous thing not a change in direction. oh and yes LIARS. shit, i need to catch up with them a bit. |
Honestly, Liars have been kind of a disappointment to me overall. After their first record I thought they were the next Fugazi. I expected epic brilliance from them. The second one, They Were Wrong So We Drowned, never left much of an impression on me. Then Drums Not Dead - holy lord - one of the best albums of the century this far. And Sisterlan and self-titled both satisfied deeply, even if they lacked the absolutely godlike brilliance of DND.
Then WIXIW... I was really excited, and at first I thought it was pretty brilliant, but now it just doesn't hold up at all. It was too forcefully artsy, without much purpose or direction. It didn't sound like a bunch of Norse gods playing a basement show with perfect restraint to avoid deafening their audience, like DND. Then Mess came out, and I bought it and gave it a positive write-up out of loyalty to the band, but that may be the most aptly named album in the history of the world. It was just a goddamn mess. You should check out the new album by Doldrums, the Air Conditioned Nightmare. It's pretty Liarsy at moments, but it feels more solid than anything they've done recently. |
You people type a lot.
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Actually, I was trying to bring some class into the place by being completely respectful. Never again!
__ Quote:
Thanks for all that. Would you mind listing me, say, five or so tracks that best back this up? ___ fIREHOSE: Ragin', Full On (1986, SST) If'n (1987, SST) Fromohio (1989, SST) Once I realized that this is a mostly a party band for smart people, something clicked. Great band. |
Class? you're either a opinionated fucktard or a snooty know-it-all bastard.
there's no holds barred in SYG. so don't dish it out if you can't take it!!!:) in the end it's all quite fun. |
WHICH deerhoof though? like i said they've been all over the place.
kinda like judging the rolling stones by their undercover album, ha ha. Songs I listened were Paradise Girls, Exit Only & Last Fad. If they have material without that stupid 4/4 back of the Beefheart style guitars and without that stupid female vocal repeating same words, let me know, I will listen it. (well yes Exit Only is more combination of Beefheart & Indie rock, but still doesnīt wake my interest.) Also, if they have been Pixies of the 2000 as Severian said, that doesnīt wake my interest (Pixies is ok, but never been huge fan). Also donīt like math rock. As a matter of fact I think you can judge Rolling Stones with Undercover-album. There are all great Stones elements although itīs not the greatest Stones album. You can have a full picture of Stones music when listening it. Only album not have that is Emotional Rescue. |
hold on jorge. just stop right there. i can't be personally blamed for some fucktard's notions just because i'm "in the same thread". by that logic, you're guilty too.
Sorry I wasnīt meant to blame on you personally although I reply to you. I just canīt understand why people think these bands are great and same time donīt like Floyd. Iīve never seen you say Floyd great, only ones who has said it great after me are Hirsute & the Watcher (and also Hirsute likes just the old ones, not any album after Dark Side). Well, I remember somebodies have said Piper at the Gates great album, it seems Syd Barrett is coooool, but rest of the Floyd not. Also very common opinion to old bands seem to be that their early stuff is great but rest sucks (for example in Who thread many said only their early singles are great). To me it seems here in SYG you can like only some of the old bands to be cool or whatever, but you can like very many, quite unknown new bands and be cooool even they sound rubbish to me. If itīs just my problem and people listens music they really like, then itīs all ok. |
This is the way how instrumental "heavy" must be done:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6ABpjyc1Gs |
^that is literally the worst thing I've ever heard
Why sure! The Galaxist (Friend Opportunity) Our Angel's Ululu (Reveille) Mothball the Fleet (Breakup Song) This Magnificent Bird Will Rise (Reveille) Gore in Rut (The Man, The King, The Girl) Desaparecere (Milk Man) Rrrrrrrright (The Runner's Four) Eh? |
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"Maybe partying will help..." ;) |
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