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Rob Instigator 02.12.2013 01:19 PM

International Olympic Committee fucks up again

The bastards in the IOC have announced that they will eliminate Wrestling from the Summer Olympics by 2020. Insane. One of the original Olympic sports, and one practiced by nearly all nations in the world, regardless of wealth. Horrible.

!@#$%! 02.12.2013 02:21 PM

i read that this morning. embarrassing.

floatingslowly 02.12.2013 03:17 PM

Have you ever watched wrestling? If not, let me be the first to break it to you: it's NOT real. everything's done from a script.

Maybe they should have a "best Vaudeville act summer/winter" in wrestling's place.

Ps: nobody watches wrestling.

Genteel Death 02.12.2013 03:20 PM

I do.

Rob Instigator 02.12.2013 03:36 PM

Puerto Rico, a small "nation," won two medals in wrestling last Olympics, and it was the BIGGEST DAMN THING MAN!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.12.2013 03:45 PM

I for one am not that upset that watching a pseudo-homoerotic "sport" has been eliminated, especially with all the X-Games sports taking over the Olympics, its a different vibe. The question is will they ever adopt the Danny Way "invent the most extreme way to almost kill yourself on a skateboard" events like dropping out of a helicopter or clearing a 65 foot gap in a ramp to ramp ;)

Genteel Death 02.12.2013 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
I for one am not that upset that watching a pseudo-homoerotic "sport" has been eliminated, especially with all the X-Games sports taking over the Olympics, its a different vibe.


Rob Instigator 02.12.2013 03:59 PM

fuck the x-games. that shit is pure marketing nonsense.

Wrestling is one of the oldest sports there is, it is universal, and it has been a part of the old olympics and the modern olympics.

Fucking Trampoline is in the Olympics but not wrestling? FUCK THE X GAMES

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.12.2013 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death

Yes, we know why you watch it

Genteel Death 02.12.2013 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Yes, we know why you watch it

It's ok to objectify gays then. The war is over. You won.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.12.2013 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
It's ok to objectify gays then. The war is over. You won.

If that is what you think I was doing then fine, go ahead and invent a victimization complex here. I was just joking with you, I didn't call it "gay" as an insult, I just called out the obvious, two men in tight fitting clothes grappling and heaving against each other is as admittedly suggestively homoerotic as an tower is a phallic symbol for women. Even those ancient Greeks who invented Grecco-Roman style wrestling were completely comfortable with homosexuality in athletics (unlike certain 49er players ) Jesus, what, are you going to knox slander and strawman me too? I was JOKING. Get over it ;)


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
fuck the x-games. that shit is pure marketing nonsense.

Wrestling is one of the oldest sports there is, it is universal, and it has been a part of the old olympics and the modern olympics.

Fucking Trampoline is in the Olympics but not wrestling? FUCK THE X GAMES

No, I agree, fuck the X-games and all its hype machinery, but I agree completely with adding events like street skating and snowboarding like they have BMX. I used to street skate, it is a seriously athletic sport and professional level craft. Further, it is increasingly popular worldwide. I'd be willing to wager that there are WAY more youth seriously skateboarding at a professional level than there are wrestling or any of a dozen other "Olypmic" events.

Skateboarding is not only NOT a crime, but it is most definitely a professional grade sport and should be in the Olympics, which I understand it may by 2020, which I support. As to wrestling, I really have no opinion, I was being facetious yo

Genteel Death 02.12.2013 04:08 PM
pederastas are soooo boring.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.12.2013 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death

Meh.. you are free to project whatever you'd like on me, the internet is like that, it supports and embraces fantasy. Now if you'd like to join me in reality and realize we could be friends if you didn't have such an unnecessarily shit opinion of me,well than, perhaps then you'd realize again, that I was fucking JOKING with you. When you discriminate against people because of your misperceptions of what is their culture or religion, then you are no different than what you mistakenly accuse me of if. Now can we get back to a discussion of the Olympics, there will only ever be one knox on the forum to exaggerate, straw-man, and hyperbolize around here, and it certainly ain't you honey ;)

the ikara cult 02.12.2013 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Yes, we know why you watch it

Cmon now Suchy, its not fair to take that tone.

Rob Instigator 02.12.2013 04:25 PM

I used to skate too, and I love BMX, and skating and such, but I do not see them as sports worthy of an Olympic competition. They are added solely to increase ratings an to sell tickets at the venues.

Genteel Death 02.12.2013 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
Meh.. you are free to project whatever you'd like on me, the internet is like that, it supports and embraces fantasy. Now if you'd like to join me in reality and realize we could be friends if you didn't have such an unnecessarily shit opinion of me,well than, perhaps then you'd realize again, that I was fucking JOKING with you. When you discriminate against people because of your misperceptions of what is their culture or religion, then you are no different than what you mistakenly accuse me of if. Now can we get back to a discussion of the Olympics, there will only ever be one knox on the forum to exaggerate, straw-man, and hyperbolize around here, and it certainly ain't you honey ;)

Don't call me honey, please.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.12.2013 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
Cmon now Suchy, its not fair to take that tone.

What tone is that exactly? What we can joke about heterosexuality but not homosexuality now? Can we even joke about sexuality at all? Perhaps we should have nothing but Frederick Douglass serious discussions eh? Yeah, because Genteel Death is NOTORIOUS for being so damned respectable, polite, and serious on the forum all the time ;)

My tone was completely facetious and joking, as much as if someone suggested banning Kim Kardashean to Rob and I joked about large derriere. There is a difference between objectifying and acknowledging. Kim likes her behind, she likes men to like her behind, Rob is a fan. I am sure that many gay wrestlers would like Genteel Death's attention, hence my joking about it. I am the Orthodox Christian (we make Catholicism seem like hedonism) and y'all are the ones who are prudishly uptight about homosexuality here? HAHAHA, that is comedy at a Shakespearean level. I'm gonna go laugh it up with all my gay folks in the community, and y'all can stew in your self-created indignation, and maybe in the bottom of that sulking find a sense of humor?

Genteel Death 02.12.2013 04:28 PM

what do you rasta boyz do in your spare time anyway?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.12.2013 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I used to skate too, and I love BMX, and skating and such, but I do not see them as sports worthy of an Olympic competition. They are added solely to increase ratings an to sell tickets at the venues.

Open up a Transworld, check out kids 360 flipping FIFTEEN stairs for free shoes as amateurs and say its NOT Olympic caliber? In my day, when Daewon Song first kickflipped off a roof we were like WTF!! Now, kids do that for FUN! FOR FUN!!

Dude, seriously. Skateboarding has evolved to something so insanely athletic, something so aeronautically spetacular, something to technically precise, and something so visually impressive that is NEEDS to be in the Olympics. I think it would simply BLOW peoples' minds to see what kids can do today with a Skateboard, its not exactly what it used to be.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 02.12.2013 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
what do you rasta boyz do in your spare time anyway?

Probably the same things you do, chill out after work and listen to records, go to dances, go to spiritual gatherings with family and friends, celebrate life, have a good time, even burn a little collie herbs. What do you do in your spare time? Maybe we can chill at the pub and reason.

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