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Moshe 06.11.2009 10:59 PM

Lee And Thurston Signature Guitars
Lee Ranaldo and Thurston Moore signature model Fender Jazzmaster guitars will be available in stores July 1. The guitars reflect decades of road-tested customization knowledge. According to the Fender site: “Lee and Thurston have always heavily modified their Jazzmaster guitars- removing all extraneous controls- simplifying and stripping them back to their essence, leaving just a 3 way switch and a volume knob. In many ways these 2 instruments are similar, yet in almost every major way (pickups, bridges, frets, pickguard) they are totally different.” More info.

Sonic Youth 37 06.11.2009 11:04 PM

Moshe, this just wrecked my bank account. Thank you.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.11.2009 11:14 PM


SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.11.2009 11:18 PM

That they give you a bunch of stickers to put on them is pretty lame.

automatic bzooty 06.11.2009 11:20 PM

I think I just guitargasmed a bit.

Sonic Youth 37 06.11.2009 11:21 PM

Why the fuck did I have to buy the Mascis Jazz last year?

hiland 06.11.2009 11:26 PM

this is pretty funny considering the Q&A i saw them request "no gear questions"

Chris Lawrence 06.12.2009 12:34 AM

wait til you see the zine!

greenlight 06.12.2009 03:36 AM

so how much?

what about lefthand guitars? no, huh?

Jeremy 06.12.2009 03:43 AM

So Thurston WAS playing his signature Jazz on Letterman.... I must say I think his looks cooler than Lee's.

Damn. If you would have told me a couple years ago that J, Thurston, and Lee would all have signature guitars one day, I would have shot you for being a liar and thrown your body in a lake.

Kinda funny though, four signature Jazzmasters now and not a single signature Jaguar. Sure, the Jaguar HH is pretty much a Kurt Cobain Jaguar, but still kinda interesting...


chrome noise tape 06.12.2009 04:37 AM

the signature models have a drumstick kit??

o'connor 06.12.2009 08:39 AM

yeah, that zine looks pretty cool. one of ya'll should buy one of those jazzmasters and post the zine up here. :)

noisereductions 06.12.2009 08:47 AM

This makes me sad. Because I know they're going to be so much money and I'll never have one. And ironically, the "signature" of the Lee and T's guitars from the getgo, was to buy the cheapest guitars that no-one else even wanted.

afterthefact 06.12.2009 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
This makes me sad. Because I know they're going to be so much money and I'll never have one. And ironically, the "signature" of the Lee and T's guitars from the getgo, was to buy the cheapest guitars that no-one else even wanted.

Haha, word. How many people are buying these and thinking "Now I can be super creative like Sonic Youth!"?
I would guess a lot.

demonrail666 06.12.2009 09:22 AM

I think it's good that Fender have honoured them with signature guitars. They probably did more to popularise the Jazzmaster than any band before them. Fender did an Elvis Costello version last year even though I doubt there were many people who originally bought one back in the late 70s on the strength of him playing one. Saying all that, i can't think of that many people actually buying the Lee and Thurston sig models. Certainly not many SY fans, for whom they'd be either too expensive or go against a certain DIY spirit that drew them to the band in the first place.

I wonder how many of Billy Corgan's signature Strats are hanging unsold in guitar shops right now?

StevOK 06.12.2009 11:43 AM

I want the Jazzblaster. I've wanted a Jazzblaster for sooo long. If only I had any money.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 06.12.2009 11:46 AM

I want one with a pickup behind the bridge.

noisereductions 06.12.2009 11:46 AM

FDIY. I'd buy one in aheartbeat if they were affordable./

deflinus 06.12.2009 12:15 PM

the signature guitars should have duct tape on them

Jeremy 06.12.2009 12:54 PM

Knowing Fender's recent price increase, these guitars will probably be.... in the twelve hundred range? Maybe higher?


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