All alone as usual.
Why do you say that?
Did you see the cover? I'm laying in bed by myself. Such a bad ending to a night.
Ops!Sorry i meant that as a compliment.I hope that's not true.
HAHA Diesel you're a fucking pisser. Your drunken rambles are often amusing.
I am listening to Youth Groups new record titled: 'Casino Twilight Dogs' |
Current 93-Sleep Has His House
The beauty of this record is that i can never tell the songs apart.Always a good thing. |
Jelly Roll Morton.
Residents - Edweena
That Rather Ripped album.
Shaggs- Philosophy of the World
A dog is barking in the baketball field outside the block where i live so much that i can't help but listening to that.I'll record it.
It stopped.
Basketball Field?
Sorry,ground.I'm listening to
David Lynch being interviewed about 'Mullholland Drive'. |
No need to apologise, making sure, that's all. Court.
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