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Bunbury 11.17.2006 03:39 PM

Sonic Board Life
thREAD's like a diary*

*based on an idea by Hip Priest:

I think it would be rather pleasant to have a stickied diary thread, so people can just post what they've been up to.

static-harmony 11.17.2006 03:42 PM

Dear SOnic Diary: Today Life is a dull went to pick a check, and did not get paid for a day, what a vummer. Now I neeed money to pay something. Sincerly,
A Lovable queer.

P.S. Playing my PSP.

Hip Priest 11.17.2006 03:47 PM

bunbury: I remembered that post when I saw your thread.

Nice thread. Don't forget to post what you've been up to, aswel.

Another nice day at work, and another nice evening at home. I bought some old original photographs of local trains from a bookdealer today. A very nice little one of a steam train near Birkenhead Docks is the nicest, from 1961. I'm quite the student when it comes to local history. Nerd.

edit: I don't think I've ever posted anything that has required that much typo-editing. Sorted, I think. Sorry if anyone witnessed the horrendous mess of the post's first incarnation.

king_buzzo 11.17.2006 03:47 PM

dear diary

i am hillariously amazed by thurston kim lee and steve on the 1991 year punk broke. they are hillarious

k-krack 11.17.2006 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Hip Priest
bunbury: I remembered that post when I saw your thread.

Nice thread. Don't forget to post what you've been up to, aswel.

Another nice day at work, and another nice evening at home. I bought some old original photographs of local trains from a bookdealer today. A very nice little one of a steam train near Birkenhead Docks is the nicest, from 1961. I'm quite the student when it comes to local history. Nerd.

edit: I don't think I've ever posted anything that has required that much typo editing. Sorted, I think.

I have a passionate love for trains, and pictures of trains. This past summer (the start of...), I went to my friends moms house out in some middle-of-nowhere area, a couple hours fro,m where I live, and about 45 minutes from any town/city, a little place called "Chisholm." Anyways, his mom and her husband are into antiques and collectibles and trinkets and whatnot, I suppose, and we went to this collection of such items about 10 minutes down the road, and this person happened to own a caboose from a train!!! (Cabooses, being no longer in use, I guess they bought it). So, me and my friends went into this caboose, and it was quite interesting (and dusty). We sat on the chairs where former employees would sit and look up towards the train, making sure nothing went wrong... there was even a couple of beers in the fridge, for whaever unknown reason.

k-krack 11.17.2006 04:01 PM

In order to balance out my unintentional "derailment" from the topic (hahaha), I will do a proper entry.

Dear sonic diary,

Today was fairly boring, though it was a friday, and I also had a spare in math class AND careers. Careers spare was good, I just sat with my friend Mel and talked, did our boring work quickly, nothing too big.
Math spare was awesome, I hate my math class and I hate the teacher even more, worst teacher I've ever had. I sat with my bro Jamie and we listened to some music and discussed some stuff, etc... Lunch, me and Jamie and Kent went downtown to this place we went once before with "Delicious cheeseburgers!" and a very good veggie pita. Yum! Then the rest of the day was visual arts and media arts respectively, did nothing either class. Funtastic! I'm now waiting for Jamie to call me back, as I am going to his bands show tonight, which will be fun, even though it is at some lame arena playing for some stupid dance or something... whatever.

Hip Priest 11.17.2006 04:01 PM

I had to look up 'caboose'. It's what we call a 'guard's van'. That sounds great.

I harbour a vague idea of owning an old bus, except that I have no idea how to drive and no desire to learn.

I might scan in some of the photographs later.

king_buzzo 11.17.2006 04:05 PM

diary entry 2:
tomorow= busy day

gotta go to town and do homework and go somewhere which i forgot where now...

king_buzzo 11.17.2006 05:07 PM

played gta. owned cops

the only good cop is a dead cop

PAULYBEE2656 11.18.2006 06:04 AM

got up had brekfast watching a david attenborough documentary on insects with the kids. now on pc, now making coffeee......

Hip Priest 11.18.2006 02:03 PM

We went to Chester Zoo again today (we're members) and saw the new (one-week old) elephant, who's pretty cute 'n' all. Also notable were the African dormice, who were out in force. The southern cassowary was friendly as ever to us.

We've just ordered pizza, which should be delivered soon.

Expect to watch some dvd or other tonight, and maybe a bit of Match of the Day since Manchester City actually managed to win a game today. Bad news for Пятхъдесят Шест, who supports Fulham I believe, but good news for me.

3 - 1. His lads took a stuffing, as football people say.

Exciting, eh?

whorefrost 11.18.2006 02:15 PM

was at work today. late as usual. they've come to expect it. my girlfriend is on the phone to her family. just watched a whitehouse video on some french website. going out to drink beer and play poker.

truncated 11.18.2006 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
got up had brekfast watching a david attenborough documentary on insects with the kids. now on pc, now making coffeee......

I have a slightly twisted crush on David Attenborough. He epitomizes wisdom and erudition. He could deliver a diatribe on the nutritional value of calcified donkey shit, and I would swallow it completely. No pun intended.

Hip Priest 11.21.2006 02:27 PM

I was awoken this morning at about seven o' clock by a very nice hailstorm. Big bits of hail, making lots of noise on the street as they fell. Best hailstorm since I was a child, probably.

I was thinking about spacecraft, and the things they carry; these machine are incredibly intricate, with minute scope for innacuracy. Given that a craft or machine is tested on earth, why does the movement into a place where there is much less gravity and much less pressure not cause the components of these finely-tuned machines to reposition slightly, thus affecting their operational ability?

I might make porridge tonight. It's been so long since I ate porridge that I can't actually remember what it tastes like, or if it's nice.

A Thousand Threads 11.21.2006 02:49 PM

Itīs been a rather boring day. Went to school, smoked 2 cigarettes each break, went home, played guitar and now i have to learn mathematics.
God, how i hate mathematics, i just donīt get it and tomorrow is the exam.
Tomorrow is actually gonna be a very bad day for me.
I was totally drunk last friday morning in school and now i have to talk to
the formmaster (or whatever you call it... the teacher who represents a class), who already hates me enough. boohh

stenson 11.21.2006 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Bunbury
thREAD's like a diary*, were you can post the day to day happenings of yr life/ anyTHINg about yourself.
-give people a gLIMPse into yr life etc...
basically an excuse for me to get into yr head through this tHrEAD.

Dear Sonic Diary,
I realized if you attach the capital letters in this post, it says:
My personal reflection on this is that babies are being reffered. Sometimes their heads can be a little limp because they don't have the energy to lift them. So it's about thin, brief books about babies lifting their heads.

tHANK you for reading mY sonic diary,

_slavo_ 11.21.2006 03:23 PM

Dear diary.

it's 9:17 PM and I'm still at work.


(I feel much better now)

schizophrenicroom 11.21.2006 04:11 PM

today i drove around with my mom and brother. mom had to apply for her passport so she can spend a week on a cruise. i'm very pissed off right now.

lucyrulesok 11.21.2006 04:21 PM

Today I learned some more ancient Greek and purchased a water pistol for the assassins game I'm in, but couldn't muster the energy to go kill anyone.

I don't know where the fuck the rest of the day went!

k-krack 11.24.2006 12:42 AM

Dear sonic diary,
Today, woke up at 5 AM to leave to toronto, with the art kids at school. We went to the Ontario Art Museum, or whatever (fuck, art museums blow...) and shopping. Bought 4 cds, being Sonic Youth's Washing Machine, do make say think's & Yet & Yet, Sigur Ros' Von, and Animal Collective's Grass single, with the DVD. Oh, and the new Live! Tonight! Sold Out!! dvd. Woop!

Art museums suck so hard. "Umm... excuse me, you have to stand a meter or more away froim the [shitty] piece." ...Fuck you ma'am, I'll stand wherever the fuck I want to view this "piece." And the whole time these types, (old museum "security" types...) were following us around, presumably waiting until we entered a wrong exhibit, or looked at a "piece" wrong, or step on the wrong tiles... Yes, "Fuck you, Ontario Art Museum. I don't think you will have me around at any further dates."

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