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Alex's Trip 12.08.2006 09:07 PM

Harry Potter!
The Order of the Phoenix

I don't really care about the movies a whole lot, but I just threw that up there if anyone is interested.

7th book! I'm excited sad and nervous.Obviously I'm excited because I get to find out what happens. I'm sad because it is all going to end. I've been reading these books since 3rd grade, that's 7 years! I don't want it to end! And I'm nervous because I want it to end perfectly, or JK Rowling might decide to drag it out to a bunch of books and fuck us over, or something else might go wrong.

Let's start with a question:

Is Severus Snape good or evil?

(I'm off to start reading Half-Blood Prince again)

luxinterior 12.08.2006 09:27 PM

I want to read HBP again as soon as I get home (I wasn't allowed to take the book with me to college because my brothers read the books also).

Anyway, Snape is totally a good guy. That whole mess at the end of HBP, well I am going with the theory that Snape and Dumbledore were communicating wordlessly (using Legilimency I am guessing), and Dumbledore ordered Snape to kill him before Draco could have the chance to. And since Snape entered into that bond to protect Draco, he didn't have much of a choice.

Do you think Harry's scar is a Horcrux? I really hope it isn't, just because I want to be surprised with something else.

And even though I am excited about Book 7, I honestly do not want it to come out anytime soon, hahaha. Part of me wishes they had waited until after the books were finished before making the movies, but then again, I like the cast too much, and that probably wouldn't have worked out had they waited any longer. I mean, that Daniel Radcliffe is a fox. And Alan Rickman, well there are no words for that man, so I will just direct you to this web site which is the funniest web site ever:

Alex's Trip 12.08.2006 09:45 PM

I don't think the scar or Harry is a horcrux. You have to kill someone to make a horcrux, right? Voldemort tried to kill Harry, thus Harry is not a horcrux.

As for Snape. I don't know if they were communicating then and there, or weather it had been planned. I remember Hagrid and Dumbledore arguing about something (?) possibly about allowing Snape to kill Dumbledore. It might have been both. Dumbledore planned it, but didn't tell Snape, so he had to tell him then. Either way, I think Snape is good.

static-harmony 12.08.2006 09:52 PM

I have no fucking clue as to what you guys are talking about.

Alex's Trip 12.08.2006 09:59 PM

What a nerd!

static-harmony 12.08.2006 10:01 PM

Hey you chhanged that.

Alex's Trip 12.08.2006 10:03 PM

Yeah. First I put dork. But I decided I didn't like it, and went to loser. But it didn't have the same ironic feel to dork because I don't consider myself a loser, not in the same way that I consider myself a dork or nerd. So I changed it to nerd.

static-harmony 12.08.2006 10:05 PM


Alex's Trip 12.08.2006 10:14 PM


luxinterior 12.08.2006 10:15 PM

You've probably already seen this trailer, but it's good to watch it multiple times.

atari 2600 12.08.2006 10:18 PM

I've never read any of them, (or seen any of the movies all the way through), but I have it on good word from good people (other than luxinterior...Hip Priest is a fan too?) that the books are rather enjoyable.

I was a bit surprised to read recently that one of the Harry Potter books ended up in Syd Barrett's small library. It was being auctioned the other day.

static-harmony 12.08.2006 10:19 PM

I should read the books.

luxinterior 12.08.2006 10:36 PM

I know that a lot of people have seen the movies and then wonder what all the hype is about, but the movies have consistently left out the most interesting and intricate parts of the plot, the parts that are basically the reason why the books aren't just read by children. There's really no reason not to give them a try, since the first book can easily be read in a day. If it even holds your attention in the slightest, it will only get better from that point on.

Alex's Trip 12.08.2006 10:37 PM

I think it would be interesting to see what an adult would think of it. It makes me wonder what I would think of Harry Potter now, if I didn't read them at such a young age.

Originally Posted by luxinterior
You've probably already seen this trailer, but it's good to watch it multiple times.

I'm excited, even though the movies aren't any good, in my opinion. I'm excited to see Dumbledore's Army, Umbridge, and Fred and George's big exit from Hogwarts.

The movies leave out a lot of detail, which is understandable. But, if I recall correctly, they left out the part where Harry gives the Weasly twins all the Triwizard money, which is important, if the movies show anything about the joke shop that they open.


Originally Posted by luxinterior
I know that a lot of people have seen the movies and then wonder what all the hype is about, but the movies have consistently left out the most interesting and intricate parts of the plot, the parts that are basically the reason why the books aren't just read by children. There's really no reason not to give them a try, since the first book can easily be read in a day. If it even holds your attention in the slightest, it will only get better from that point on.


Alex's Trip 12.08.2006 10:41 PM

I wish S.P.E.W. had been in Goblet of Fire.

(Society for the Promotion of Elvish Welfare)

static-harmony 12.08.2006 10:42 PM

I usually hold books in high regard than movies, because movies leave out a big chunk of the plot.

static-harmony 12.08.2006 10:44 PM

Well I am off.

luxinterior 12.08.2006 10:55 PM

I thought the third movie was beautiful, but then again it had the benefit of a good director. The plot wasn't rushed, it wasn't flashy or tacky, it didn't try so hard to impress with CGI or any of that shit. It was just more subdued in all the right places. The edits were more controlled as opposed to getting out of hand, like they have in all the other movies. The problem with the 3rd movie though is that there was never any connection made between the Marauder's Map and its creators (in reality, not just their nicknames). I am trying not to speak too openly about the books in this thread anymore, just in case someone becomes interested, and I wouldn't want to spoil anything for them. Anyway, I just thought that making that connection would have given the movie a little more weight. Other parts were left out, like Sirius's break-in to the castle, and how he escaped from Azkaban in the first place. On the DVD there is a deleted scene pertaining to the former. But, every one of the movies has left out just as much, if not more, and that movie was so well-done otherwise that it deserves a break. I mean, the entire Time Turner sequence was astounding. Seeing that onscreen was pretty intense, I gotta say.

Alex's Trip 12.08.2006 11:18 PM

Yeah. The 3rd movie is definitely the best of the four (I've only seen GoF once, though, so I guess I can't speak for that one). In addition to a good director, I think it had an amazing story. Better than the first two. The time-turning scene is awesome.

ALIEN ANAL 12.08.2006 11:30 PM

did alfons direct the third?

Alex's Trip 12.08.2006 11:34 PM


ALIEN ANAL 12.08.2006 11:35 PM

He is awesome, i want him to direct the MGS movie. What he did with Children of Men was amazing.

touch me i'm sick 12.09.2006 12:08 AM

i'm pretty sure harry potter will die at the end of the seventh...

luxinterior 12.09.2006 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by touch me i'm sick
i'm pretty sure harry potter will die at the end of the seventh...

It wouldn't be an entirely bad idea to kill him off.

I bet Snape is going to die, much to my dismay.

Alex's Trip 12.09.2006 12:19 AM

Yeah. Snape'll probably help Harry but die in the process.

luxinterior 12.09.2006 12:26 AM

I always felt, early on in the books, that it would have to come down to Snape and Harry. As in, I don't think Harry will be able to defeat Voldemort without some serious help from the Potions Master. And I always counted on this, because Snape has been my favorite character ever since Book 1. He's definitely the most complex character. I've been waiting for him to become a big presence in the books, because we all knew it was coming, it was just a matter of how much time he had to play the role of the disgruntled employee who simultaneously persecutes and protects Harry. Only recently in the books have we been given some insight into his past and the mystery behind the man in black. I can't believe I just wrote that.

touch me i'm sick 12.09.2006 12:27 AM

man i've read those books so many times.... i was pretty much a freak

GeneticKiss 12.09.2006 01:10 AM

There needs to be a spoiler warning at the beginning of this thread...

A (somewhat) close younger female friend (whom I sometimes wish was more, but that's another matter entirely) got me into the books, and I've read up through Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was gonna ask her about borrowing the 5th but unfortunately it suffered a horrible fate for a book that I don't feel like going into full details about now (PM me if you really must know)...

I have to say I like the books better becuz they include more detail and the way J.K. Rowling writes is very entertaining...the 4th is undoubtibly my fave, although she (my friend) tells me the 5th and 6th books are even better...

Alex's Trip 12.09.2006 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
I always felt, early on in the books, that it would have to come down to Snape and Harry. As in, I don't think Harry will be able to defeat Voldemort without some serious help from the Potions Master. And I always counted on this, because Snape has been my favorite character ever since Book 1. He's definitely the most complex character. I've been waiting for him to become a big presence in the books, because we all knew it was coming, it was just a matter of how much time he had to play the role of the disgruntled employee who simultaneously persecutes and protects Harry. Only recently in the books have we been given some insight into his past and the mystery behind the man in black. I can't believe I just wrote that.

Yeah, the "Snape's Worst Memory" chapter in Order of the Phoenix is sad. Sadly, I doubt it'll make it into the movie.

Originally Posted by touch me i'm sick
man i've read those books so many times.... i was pretty much a freak


Alex's Trip 12.09.2006 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
There needs to be a spoiler warning at the beginning of this thread...

A (somewhat) close younger female friend (whom I sometimes wish was more, but that's another matter entirely) got me into the books, and I've read up through Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was gonna ask her about borrowing the 5th but unfortunately it suffered a horrible fate for a book that I don't feel like going into full details about now (PM me if you really must know)...

I have to say I like the books better becuz they include more detail and the way J.K. Rowling writes is very entertaining...the 4th is undoubtibly my fave, although she (my friend) tells me the 5th and 6th books are even better...

The 6th isn't better as a stand alone book. It sets up for lots of stuff.

luxinterior 12.09.2006 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Yeah, the "Snape's Worst Memory" chapter in Order of the Phoenix is sad. Sadly, I doubt it'll make it into the movie.

But they've already cast the parts of young Snape, James, Sirius, Remus, and Lily. And they've probably filmed it too. I know that it's going to be there. I even read an interview with the guy playing the younger Sirius.

luxinterior 12.09.2006 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
The 6th isn't better as a stand alone book. It sets up for lots of stuff.

If I was forced to choose, I would say that the 3rd and 6th are my favorites.

Alex's Trip 12.09.2006 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by luxinterior
But they've already cast the parts of young Snape, James, Sirius, Remus, and Lily. And they've probably filmed it too. I know that it's going to be there. I even read an interview with the guy playing the younger Sirius.

Oh, cool! I don't read into the movies at all.

As for favorites, I'd say 3rd and 4th. I'm rereading the 6th now, so maybe things'll change.

king_buzzo 12.09.2006 05:37 AM

im gonna read the 6th one. i have it but i never read it

static-harmony 12.09.2006 12:46 PM

I hope Harry Dies and The Girl dies while they are having sex, especially when Harry is cumming. You Know he has some disease that kills him and the girl he is having sex with, damn curse.

Alex's Trip 12.09.2006 10:32 PM

Lux, what do you think of the lack of Hogwarts in the seventh book, if that indeed happens?

luxinterior 12.10.2006 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Lux, what do you think of the lack of Hogwarts in the seventh book, if that indeed happens?

Jeez I don't's hard to even imagine the books without the atmosphere of Hogwarts, but I think the 6th book kind of helped prepare the readers for the possible departure from it in Book 7. I mean all the new locations that you were shown....even if most were just through the Pensieve...they at least make me eager to see things other than Hogwarts. At this point, I don't think the books need that backdrop anymore. Especially considering the ending of Book 6, Hogwarts wouldn't be the same anymore anyway, you know?

And if it's bad, you can always read fanfiction, hahaha.

touch me i'm sick 12.10.2006 12:22 AM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip

yeah i mena i still read them but i'm not as into them any more. i mean for god's sake i read the third one seven times i think...

static-harmony 12.10.2006 12:24 AM

You guys make me want to buy the books.

Inhuman 12.10.2006 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip
Yeah. Snape'll probably help Harry but die in the process.

word, I can see it happening. I'm not really anticipating too much with Harry Potter anymore, but I must say that they are interesting books

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