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Inhuman 04.12.2006 07:29 AM

Do You Believe In Leaking?
Personally I think that some of the artistic qualities of the album are derived when downloading in opposition to just waiting and buying it. Album art generally enhances the reasoning for an artist to release an album. Whether it's about message, sound, mood, etc, the packaging often will portray it in a different medium of artwork. Diplo released one of his albums (Fabriclive 24) in a tin case filled with cards talking about the album and artist inside it, and that makes it forever better in my opinion. There's nothing like going home with a new album, putting it in, and lying on your bed observing the artwork.

dark globe 04.12.2006 07:50 AM

fuck yeah!
the thing is, it really doesnt matter, everyone here is gonna buy it anyway.
but i can see why people wouldnt like it, but i dunno, its the times we live in nowadays i guess.

stylishlyviolent 04.12.2006 08:03 AM

I don't see a problem with it. Hell, there is no worse way to ruin an album than for you to wait forever for it and then to be let down. I don't buy an album for the artwork or the smell or whatever people argue is better, all I want to hear is the music.

I'm sure there is plenty of people who are like this. They've supported Sonic Youth for years and will buy this too even if they download it. Sure, you'll get some kids who will download and won't pay, but hey, they probably wouldn't have bought the album anyway.

I don't see what everyone's huge problem with this whole thing is.

soniknirve 04.12.2006 08:06 AM

i don't think it's right but sometimes it helps the artist. like in the case of fiona apple. extraordinary machine was leaked long before a release was in the works. the leak got fans to request a release from the record label. fans got their release...

fishmonkey 04.12.2006 08:17 AM

i dont know, i'll download it anyways whatever its like, i just miss the days when you were pure excited coming home from the record shop with your brand new CD, slappin its on and listening to it begining to end about 12 times (i usually book the day off work and chill liatening to it all day) in this respect i would like to wait till it comes out, but for the past few times i've been waiting for a CD to come out i downloaded it first and was kicking myself afterwards, not because the CD was crap or anything but just cuz i couldnt wait till the release date..

rocky 04.12.2006 10:09 AM

I find the internet as a music repository to be very positive.
nor do i mind when albums leak, but the ever-burgeoning trend of albums always leaking, earlier and earlier, is not really something i look forward to.
It's boring like that.

strictlycommercial 04.12.2006 10:09 AM

I on the other hand do by the album for the artwork & the smell. Getting an album devoid of context like that is a completely different experience, it's what you do with oddities & band's you've never heard before but your freinds seem to like, music to toy with. I really need to get an album to enter it's headspace.

So no, just no.

next step 04.12.2006 11:25 AM

I havent it yet cause i dont care to have it now, but I think that's not problem sharing it before the official release BUT NOT HERE! at the end everything is going to the net. then I think all we are the first that will buy it when released so why not a preview?

I think the world needs new laws about internet problems. but the sharing should be free and all right.I'm paying many € to use an ADSL connection every month. unluckily I'm paying someone I hate!

amyvega 04.12.2006 12:09 PM

oh please, record companies and publicists leak shit all the time, albeit in a more controlled manner (although at that point it's out of their hands anyway)

HairwayToSteven 04.12.2006 12:14 PM

I just think it's pretty disrespectful to SY to talk about it on their own site. I don't agree with it at all, but people will download it anyways due to their impatience.

xpressway2yrskull 04.12.2006 12:22 PM

I've downloaded leaked albums in the past and even though I bought the album on release date it totally ruined the excitement for me. I'm sure no band would appreciate it either.

sonikold 04.12.2006 01:10 PM

i remixed the new flaming lips album a month before it came out, so guilty as charged. eh, i wouldn't have bought it anyway...

i'm a big fan of buying the album the day it comes out, though. it feels cool, being able to do it. that's what i did for "hail to the thief", "sonic nurse" and "secondman's middle stand".

Fox 04.12.2006 01:14 PM

I don't really care... But it must be so frustrating to artists who worked long in an album to see it on the Net before its issue...

hey alex 04.12.2006 01:16 PM

Yea, I don't normally download leaked albums. I have, like someone sent me the new lips... I didn't mind becuz I had decided I had other things to buy anyway (such as priest driven ambulance, which is way better)/
As for a sonic leak I won;t bite that. Sonic youth is like my favorite band so I don't need to rush myself. At most I might download a single track or that song they'll play on gilmore girls.

Was this thread started becuz ripped has been ripped and leaked already?

Inhuman 04.12.2006 01:18 PM

Pretty much, theres a bunch of threads floating around providing soulseek users to download it off of, and it gave me the idea to start it.

hey alex 04.12.2006 01:34 PM

that's bogus. Esp the part about spreading it here. Seems kinda unkosher.

stirling 04.12.2006 01:41 PM

I think I would download just about anything except a new sonic youth album.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 04.12.2006 02:32 PM

I don't get leaked stuff. The only thing I ever got was Cat Powers cd, and I only listened once.

schizophrenicroom 04.12.2006 02:47 PM

I never listen to leaked stuff.

Soundtrax 04.12.2006 03:39 PM

i think leaking a copy of yet unreleased album is as bad as it can get. if i were the first to put Rather Ripped on the internet, i could not forgive myself for doing that... but if its there, i am gonna take it!

!@#$%! 04.12.2006 04:00 PM

i frankly don't think downloading is going to hurt sales among SY fans. among the general public and the ipod crowd, sure. but i think most of us are going to buy it eventually. the thing just becomes a sort of appetizer, a teaser, whatever. no downloaded file can provide the sonic satisfaction of sweet vinyl. however, i haven't downloaded the record this time, nor do i care to try. i'm pretty sure i'll have to listen to it in one form or another before i buy it, that's for sure-- i'm not putting my money where my ears haven't gone before.

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i frankly don't think downloading is going to hurt sales among SY fans...

i said it on the other thread. internet urban legends, especially the music ones, are the most hilarious!!!

"oh man!! i'm getting dropped because everybody downloaded my album!!!"

Pablitzen 04.12.2006 04:26 PM

i use to download some albums i want to get, but i'm not so sure ( i mean when i want to spend the money buying other album)...
then, if i like it i bought it

Iain 04.12.2006 04:38 PM

Well, I succumbed to temptation....I feel a bit 'wrong' inside.

schizophrenicroom 04.12.2006 04:42 PM

i am a hypocrite.

it was totally unqueued.. yeah.

i feel kind of guilty.

chabib 04.12.2006 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by AssBlaster
This same issue just came up on the mates of state website, and Kori said she loved album leaks. I think that SY would probably think similarly.

The label on the other hand....

no. it bums them out. it doesn't sound as it should on a shitty rip and it sucks that that's what people are hearing and basing opinions on when the album won't be out for another 2 months.

very lame.

Hip Priest 04.12.2006 04:52 PM

One of the many reasons I love Sonic Youth so much is the fact that they are so generous, putting vids, mp3's and mixtapes on the site and being happy for fans to trade bootlegs. So I would always reciprocate that spirit by respecting their right to choose release dates etc.

atari 2600 04.12.2006 04:54 PM

nicely put, Hip Priest

for chrissakes can't (some of) you people download follow.blind's video (from Lethrneck4's torrent) or one of the bootlegs that fans like me share & just chill the fuck out about the leaked album?

I don't know what mickey mouse p2p "kiwi" is & I don't care. Keep this shit off this board, please. Go take a shit on some other band's board.

SonikJesus 04.12.2006 05:08 PM

I was thinking about getting it but I decided not to out of respect for Sonic Youth. It's also really fucking stupid and disrespectful to talk about it and share it on the band's own site.

On some other thread someone said SY's best-selling album was Dirty and that it only sold 300,000 copies. It isn't like SY sells a lot of records anyways and leaking the album only hurts them more.

SonikJesus 04.12.2006 05:21 PM

Fuck it, I'm gonna go buy Goo Deluxe to take the anticipation away.

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by SonikJesus
...On some other thread someone said SY's best-selling album was Dirty and that it only sold 300,000 copies. It isn't like SY sells a lot of records anyways and leaking the album only hurts them more.

internet urban legends i tell you

krastian 04.12.2006 05:57 PM

Leaking where? On my neighbor's bushes? Then yes.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2006 05:58 PM

"when big business is destroying youth culture, what are the youth to do? well I think that we should destroy the bogus capitalist process, dont you agree?" thurston moore

dont let record companies and radiohead fool you! subvert! Stay out of Order! Downloading leaked/pirated music is like getting a tape from yr friend. this is how music has traditionally been distributed. the internet just is scaring the capitalist record companies because it has expanded the tape trading empire. bands dont make money from records. band make money from tours. records only make money for really independent bands, and fuck, they tend to give out shit on the internet anyways!

fuck the shitstem! subvert! music is art, not a marketable commodity.

chabib 04.12.2006 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
"when big business is destroying youth culture, what are the youth to do? well I think that we should destroy the bogus capitalist process, dont you agree?" thurston moore

that has nothing to do with the fact that these leaked mp3's generally sound like absolute shit and make bands feel like the 6 months they spent in a studio making something might as well have never happened since what people are listening to might as well have been recorded into one of those greeting cards that you can sing happy birthday into.

yr logic is fucked.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2006 06:12 PM

Here comes the original businessman
He smiles at you as he shakes your hand
"Listen to me" - he's got a lot to say
But you don't understand
No, you don't understand
So you say "OK"

They'll do it once, they'll do it again
The world is run by businessmen

He takes your money, you take his word
He tells you things you've never heard
He says "Sign here on the dotted line"
But you don't understand, no you don't understand
But you think it's alright

He disappears for a month or two
He ripped you off and you dunno what to do
You'd take him to court but you don't know his name
Cos businessmen, yes businessmen are all the same

Alex's Trip 04.12.2006 06:13 PM

I think it is okay for the people who want them I might defeat the purpose what the band is doing (for those fans)...but there are always the fans that will be there to enjoy what the band is doing.

Everyneurotic 04.12.2006 06:19 PM

what does radiohead have to do with anything?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.12.2006 06:20 PM

chabib, the sound quality is why I have never downloaded a leaked record. the only one I have is deftones white pony, and the sound on that one is actually BETTER. I captured the stream from the woods the week before it came out, but that was from THEIR website. the sound was good and that is why I kept it. but the issue is not just leaking, but internet piracy in general. the quote was directed at internet piracy, which seems to be the tape trading of the 21st century. my logic isn't fucked. i was just pointing out to the people that internet piracy hurts record companies more then bands themselves.

dark heat 04.12.2006 08:18 PM

Sure, I'd love to be able to wait for the proper release to hear this album, but I don't really have the self control. If it's available, I'm going to download it. I'll buy it the first day it comes out too, but for now, I'm perfectly happy listening to the leaked version.

sonikjuice 04.12.2006 09:34 PM

Who cares if someone is listening to the album before it comes it? I personally would rather wait for the actual CD, but it makes no difference to me if someone wants to listen to it early. If someone is into a band that much that they can't wait another 2 months to hear their new album, they are probably going to buy the real CD anyway. And even if they don't, music is music.

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