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Daycare Nation 08.28.2006 09:12 PM

Gay Skinhead "Nazis"
A friend that I've known for 18 years, who has been out of the closet forever, has recently confided in me that he has become part of a gay subculture that celebrates "white pride." This is not shocking to me, because he has always been somewhat of a racist, but I always tended to overlook it as something that he would eventually overcome, as he has for the most part been a decent person.

I respect his right to explore....and was non-judgmental in our conversation, although I did try to ask questions that might help him challenge his viewpoint.

What should I do? I was involved in a movie he was filming, and don't think I should continue the project now in case he decides to resume it.

HaydenAsche 08.28.2006 09:16 PM

HAHAHA. That's funny.

GeneticKiss 08.28.2006 09:32 PM

That is funny, and by "funny", I mean weird...

"Faggots are alright but niggers deserve death!" Fucked up.

Daycare Nation 08.28.2006 09:38 PM

He doesn't believe they deserve death...he just wants to ensure that white people get the upper hand.

Still, I agree--it's fucked up. I'm reevaluating our friendship.

acousticrock87 08.28.2006 09:43 PM

That reminds me of a friend I had in high school. He was a bit racist/pro-Nazi on an extremely subtle level. Much of our group was, ironically, black and hispanic - and I'm Jewish. He never showed an ounce of dislike towards any of us and I hung out with him every day without ever feeling judged. But there was just something about his philosphies and the way he talked about stereotypes that was always a little off-color and discomforting. Not in a politically incorrect way, but more of an intellectual-racial pride thing. He was a good guy, but I don't know. It was weird.

static-harmony 08.29.2006 01:31 AM

This is hilarious, "Gay White Pride, Long Live Hitler." It's going to be their float on the gay pride parade.

porkmarras 08.29.2006 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by static-harmony
This is hilarious, "Gay White Pride, Long Live Hitler." It's going to be their float on the gay pride parade.

Hopefully not.It really is a sick world.

static-harmony 08.29.2006 01:41 AM

Is that your picture on your avatar Porkmarras?

porkmarras 08.29.2006 01:42 AM

Of course not.I look more like a gay nazi in real life.

static-harmony 08.29.2006 01:45 AM

Well at least your part of a subculture, and that is always fun.

Lurker 08.29.2006 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Daycare Nation
A friend that I've known for 18 years, who has been out of the closet forever, has recently confided in me that he has become part of a gay subculture that celebrates "white pride." This is not shocking to me, because he has always been somewhat of a racist, but I always tended to overlook it as something that he would eventually overcome, as he has for the most part been a decent person.

I respect his right to explore....and was non-judgmental in our conversation, although I did try to ask questions that might help him challenge his viewpoint.

What should I do? I was involved in a movie he was filming, and don't think I should continue the project now in case he decides to resume it.

He's not an actual nazi though, is he? Because that would be fucking stupid, homosexuals were one of the groups that the nazis wanted to get rid of and sent to the concentration camps.

fishmonkey 08.29.2006 08:49 AM

tell him to snap out of it, it doesnt make sense, now really challenge him on it or you'll never get your own peace of mind, question him over and over... its mental!! its like Lurker said homosexuals were one of the groups that the nazis wanted to get rid of and sent to the concentration camps.. its a double negative??

have you thought maybe he just fancies skinheads??
gay guys like skinheads.

Tokolosh 08.29.2006 09:25 AM

I've never met an intelligent nazi............ Never!

Savage Clone 08.29.2006 09:45 AM

There are gay skins, and there were homosexuals in the original Nazi regime.
Ernst Roehm and his Storm Troopers were an important part of the early Nazis, but eventually (rumor has it) Himmler convinced Hitler to distance himself from Roehm, and his arrest and assassination were ordered on the "Night Of The Long Knives" in 1934.öhm

Everyneurotic 08.29.2006 09:45 AM

gay nazi? that's as stupid as jews for hitler, and i think it's more likely for someone to be this than to be a gay nazi.

my advise is to leave him be, let him get in touch with his local white power group and let him get the beating of a lifetime for being such an ignorant moron. Lurker is totally right, gays (as well as communists) were only second to jews as being enemies of the aryan people and deserved nothing short of complete elimination; so, unless white supremacists are now as pc as primetime tv, then there's no way your friend can live or survive as a racist.

maybe your friend wants to be a gay skinhead (BIG difference) and thinks being racist is a requisite.

porkmarras 08.29.2006 10:00 AM

Gay racists are the least surprising thing that i can think of.As ridiculous as it might be there are plenty and the great majority of them don't dress as nazi skins.I posted a while ago about walking into a club and realizing that it was a gathering of such gay nazi types.I will never understand why this happens but let's take some facts into consideration:
1- A sizeable contingent of gay men are ex straights and quite a few happen to have been in the army etc.
2- The difficulties faced by a black guy who wants to come out as gay in society is double or treble that of a white gay guy.This means that it is rare to see black gay guys out on the so called 'scene' wich leads to misinformation and plain prejudice from the white guys.

fishmonkey 08.29.2006 10:21 AM

With an SS escort detachment the Führer drove to Bad Wiessee and knocked softly on Röhm's door: “Message from Munich,” he said with disguised voice. “Well come in,” Röhm called to the supposed messenger, “the door is open.” Hitler tore open the door, fell on Röhm as he lay in bed, seized him by the throat and screamed, “You are under arrest, you swine.” Then he turned the traitor over to the SS. At first Röhm refused to get dressed. The SS then threw his clothes in the Chief of Staff's face until he bestirred himself to put them on. In the room next door, they found young men engaged in homosexual activity. “And these are the kind who want to be leaders in Germany,” the Führer said trembling.

cheers for the link there savage clone. most interesting

Toilet & Bowels 08.29.2006 10:24 AM

that's true, any black gay guys i've have all had white friends.

Glice 08.29.2006 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Gay racists are the least surprising thing that i can think of.As ridiculous as it might be there are plenty and the great majority of them don't dress as nazi skins.I posted a while ago about walking into a club and realizing that it was a gathering of such gay nazi types.I will never understand why this happens but let's take some facts into consideration:
1- A sizeable contingent of gay men are ex straights and quite a few happen to have been in the army etc.
2- The difficulties faced by a black guy who wants to come out as gay in society is double or treble that of a white gay guy.This means that it is rare to see black gay guys out on the so called 'scene' wich leads to misinformation and plain prejudice from the white guys.

Worrying indeed. I'm also not surprised, especially as some of the most abhorently superficial cunts I've ever met have been gay. Also, were the Nazis not deeply homoerotic?

Insert PC disclaimer blah blah blah.

porkmarras 08.29.2006 12:27 PM

The nazi imagery is MOST certainly something that makes some gays tick.

Trasher02 08.29.2006 12:35 PM

I Hate StupId Mothrfckin Racists!!! Kill Thos E Fuckerz I Hate Em Lol!

Trasher02 08.29.2006 12:36 PM

LOL @ irony

Savage Clone 08.29.2006 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Also, were the Nazis not deeply homoerotic?

Well, the joyous, shirtless roughhousing seen in Triumph Of The Will might suggest that.

Then again, perhaps Leni Riefenstahl just wanted to put some beefcake in the film for her own enjoyment...

SynthethicalY 08.15.2007 01:44 AM

This is funny, has anyone seen any link pertaining to this suculture? No wiki, but actual site.

pbradley 08.15.2007 05:09 AM

One of my favorite Philosopy professors is black and gay. I wonder what his opinion on this kind of stuff is.

SynthethicalY 08.15.2007 06:17 AM

I would be one, but I am not that light.

pao-lino 08.15.2007 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Daycare Nation
A friend that I've known for 18 years, who has been out of the closet forever, has recently confided in me that he has become part of a gay subculture that celebrates "white pride." This is not shocking to me, because he has always been somewhat of a racist, but I always tended to overlook it as something that he would eventually overcome, as he has for the most part been a decent person.

I respect his right to explore....and was non-judgmental in our conversation, although I did try to ask questions that might help him challenge his viewpoint.

What should I do? I was involved in a movie he was filming, and don't think I should continue the project now in case he decides to resume it.

if he starts raping non-white people, get worried.

mangajunky 08.15.2007 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
ive always though skinheads were stupid. even the anti natzi skins. i dont mind the trad skins of YESTER-YEAR, but shit man.....

Since I'm in the scooter scene, I hang out with lots of skinheads. Every subculture has cool people and assholes. It's not good to stereotype, ever. Treat all people as individuals and judge them from their actions.

max 08.15.2007 12:28 PM

my scene is all about cheap stuff. we're a quite big community desperate to get ourselves the best deals on mainly useless objects that we'll never need in our lives once bought.

we hang out in malls. george a. romero is not our hero.

seriously tho this story is just fucked up. i really agree with porkmarras on the whole thing. prejudice runs rampant.

Lethrneck4 08.15.2007 12:53 PM

i dont see the black and latino/hispanic communites, one of their major cultural concerns is the promotion of thier race or nationality over others...its not called racist though, its called being "culturally proud". when white people do the same, we are called racist before an explanation can even be given. the double standard again, and whites are always on the losing end. the same people who condemn racist whites call blacks who are racist "empowered" and "proud of thier heritage". im sure i dotn have to point out that black racism towards whites probably outweighs white racism vs blacks at this point. why is it ok for a black kid to wear a BLACK PRIDE shirt to school, but when a white kid tries, hes suspended and called a hateful racist. this board is full of liberal left leaning your responses to this post should be

racehorse 08.15.2007 12:57 PM

this kind of stuff is interesting to trace.
for example, in ancient greece homosexual love was by far the most revered and holy form of love.
some of the ideas behind the third riech were deeply inspired by the civilized glories of classical Greece.
they were also influenced by such statements from aristotle as:
"Some men are by nature free, and others slaves, and that for these latter, slavery is both expedient and right."

racehorse 08.15.2007 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Lethrneck4
i dont see the black and latino/hispanic communites, one of their major cultural concerns is the promotion of thier race or nationality over others...its not called racist though, its called being "culturally proud". when white people do the same, we are called racist before an explanation can even be given. the double standard again, and whites are always on the losing end. the same people who condemn racist whites call blacks who are racist "empowered" and "proud of thier heritage". im sure i dotn have to point out that black racism towards whites probably outweighs white racism vs blacks at this point. why is it ok for a black kid to wear a BLACK PRIDE shirt to school, but when a white kid tries, hes suspended and called a hateful racist. this board is full of liberal left leaning your responses to this post should be

i'm not even going to start arguing against this insubstantial, selective and lazy argument.

i think i'll just list some of the logical fallacies commited by you.

“Ad hominem”
- Latin for “against the man”. The ad hominem fallacy is the fallacy of attacking the person offering an argument rather than the argument itself.

- Generalisations draw conclusions from insufficient evidence. In order for a set of evidence to support and general conclusion, the evidence must be drawn from a sufficient number of cases, and from a sufficiently varied set of cases. The more limited or unrepresentative the evidence sample, the less convincing an argument will be.

Slippery Slope
- Sometimes one event can set of a chain of consequences; one thing leads to another, as the saying goes. The slippery slope fallacy is committed by arguments that reason that because the last link in the chain is undesirable, the first link is equally undesirable.

Straw Man
- Straw Man arguments are arguments that misrepresent a position in order to refute it. Unfortunately, adopting this strategy means that only the misrepresentation of the position is refuted; the real position is left untouched by the argument.

Tu Quoque
- Latin for “you too”. The tu quoque fallacy involves using other people’s faults as an excuse for one’s own, reasoning that because someone or everyone else does something, it’s okay for us to do it. This, of course, doesn’t follow. Sometimes other people have short-comings, and we ought to do better than them. We can be blamed for emulating other people’s faults.

Weak Analogy
- Arguments by analogy rest on a comparison between two cases. They examine a known case, and extend their findings there to an unknown case. Thus we might reason that because we find it difficult to forgive a girlfriend or boyfriend who cheated on us (a known case), it must be extremely difficult for someone to forgive a spouse who has had an affair (an unknown case).

Prejudicial Language
- Loaded or emotive terms are used to attach value or moral goodness to believing the proposition or suspicion or dislike to the opposing position.

Hasty Generalization
- The scope of evidence (in context of course) is too small to support the conclusion.

Fallacy of Exclusion
- Relevant evidence which would undermine an inductive argument is excluded from consideration. The requirement that all relevant information be included is called the "principle of total evidence".

Not to mention the plethora of inaccuracies arising from ignored historical and social context.

pbradley 08.15.2007 11:08 PM

My friend made me watch Romper Stomper because I got my head buzzed and she said I look like a skinhead. I've never met a real skinhead nor really care to.

pao-lino 08.16.2007 08:11 AM

google DRUBSKIN...

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