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acousticrock87 08.12.2008 04:34 AM

I don't believe in them, per se, but I've always thought they were interesting.

I found this in the back of an old used book store several months ago and started to read it, but I would get really nervous every time I opened it. I just picked it up again tonight and was looking through it.

I assume it's mostly bullshit, but it's about 60 years old, has tons of "eye-witnesses", and it's freaking me the hell out right now. Nuns trapped in walls, dead children writing on cellar walls. Fuckin' hell...




I don't really care who believes in ghosts, since it's almost always about 50/50 and there's no point debating it (plus, I'm sure there have been threads already), but I think the concept is a lot of fun. Anyone agree?

Cantankerous 08.12.2008 04:35 AM

i want to see a ghost.

al shabbray 08.12.2008 04:36 AM

I want to read this book
looks mysterious good
-insert x-files theme here- (again)

acousticrock87 08.12.2008 04:37 AM

It makes Lovecraft seem like a fucking pussy. Scariest book I've ever read.

I would love to see a ghost, but if I knew that I was going to see one I would be scared as shit.

MellySingsDoom 08.12.2008 04:39 AM

In my Dad's old house in London in the mid 80's, there was a very malevolent spirit in the attic. He never saw it, but he could "feel" it every time he went anywhere near said attic. He took his dogs up to there once, and they cowered away in frozen fear. He eventually had to get the attic exorcised

I do believe that spirits and forces exist in the world that are around us, and cannot be dismissed as mere fantasy/imagination. Besides, I'm much more receptive to the idea of ghosts & spirits than the idea of some fictional character called Jesus Christ, or a non-existent "God".

al shabbray 08.12.2008 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
In my Dad's old house in London in the mid 80's, there was a very malevolent spirit in the attic. He never saw it, but he could "feel" it every time he went anywhere near said attic. He took his dogs up to there once, and they cowered away in frozen fear. He eventually had to get the attic exorcised

I do believe that spirits and forces exist in the world that are around us, and cannot be dismissed as mere fantasy/imagination. Besides, I'm much more receptive to the idea of ghosts & spirits than the idea of some fictional character called Jesus Christ, or a non-existent "God".

I agree with that!
there has to be something, sometimes where the standard imagination ends. or mabe Ive read too much burroughs.
btw did your father let the attic be excorcised?

terriblecanyons 08.12.2008 04:45 AM

My aunt's house is haunted. I lived with her for a few years when I was around 10-11. The door would always open and the closet door would shake and I would have to sleep with an animal (she has 5 cats and a dog) to feel safe. Trouble is the dog would always run away anytime anything happened and the only cat that would ever stay was a tiny black one.

I went back a few years ago to house-sit and take care of the animals and me and a friend sat in her house with the lights off (it was the middle of summer and she always had her air blasting so we went over there all the time) and all the sudden the tv just quit working. We tried the remote, we tried pressing the power button on the tv, and nothing would work. We shrugged it off and went into the kitchen and turned the light on to get some food, and just as we walked out of the living room the tv turned back on. We shat brix.
Keep in mind this is a REALLY old house (early 1900s) and pretty much everything on the bottom floor is on the same fuse.

Also I would often find things moved and pictures turned upside-down or on the floor for some reason...

acousticrock87 08.12.2008 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
In my Dad's old house in London in the mid 80's, there was a very malevolent spirit in the attic. He never saw it, but he could "feel" it every time he went anywhere near said attic. He took his dogs up to there once, and they cowered away in frozen fear. He eventually had to get the attic exorcised

I do believe that spirits and forces exist in the world that are around us, and cannot be dismissed as mere fantasy/imagination. Besides, I'm much more receptive to the idea of ghosts & spirits than the idea of some fictional character called Jesus Christ, or a non-existent "God".

I see no reason for disbelieving them, since I do believe in the supernatural, but I've never encountered anything like a ghost in any way, and in high school me and my friend "hunted" them like crazy. So it's hard for me really accept it. Sometimes I'll just kinda stare out of a dark window and think, well if they're out there where the fuck are they?

Then I get scared that something might actually show itself, and I sleep with the light on.

MellySingsDoom 08.12.2008 04:47 AM


Originally Posted by al shabbray
I agree with that!
there has to be something, sometimes where the standard imagination ends. or mabe Ive read too much burroughs.
btw did your father let the attic be excorcised?

He did, yes - he had run out of alternatives of what to do. It worked as well - no more ghostly presences in the attic from that point on.

al shabbray 08.12.2008 04:47 AM

oh my god. I am a pussy when it comes down to spooky stuff. imagining you were alone there.
but animals are often helping in such situations

really? excorcising a ghost and no more presence from that point on makes it even more believeable.

I am glad that its 11 am here right now and not pm

acousticrock87 08.12.2008 04:50 AM

It's fucking 3am here. :(

*Closes blinds.*

vegans4veal 08.12.2008 04:53 AM

last week i was in the peak district, a beautiful, if somewhat frighteningly bleak, national park in northern england. the place we were staying in couldn't be called a village, or even a hamlet, but one of the few houses there is apparently haunted by at least four ghosts..."

it;s amazingly scary to look at.

acousticrock87 08.12.2008 04:57 AM


This is an old opiium den in the Shanghai tunnels underneath Portland, Oregon. I got to go down there on a tour-type thing, and supposedly a woman fell through the elevator shaft on the other side of the window.



It's a scary place. And pitch black without flashlights.

al shabbray 08.12.2008 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by acousticrock87
It's fucking 3am here. :(

*Closes blinds.*

then I would quit this thread if it isnt already too late.
the sun is my friend

al shabbray 08.12.2008 05:04 AM

this the most scaring playe I were at. its an old abandoned child sanatorium!
its a whole complex of buildings and even a watchtower including a water zistern!
I was there a few weeks ago, to make some filthy midnight shots there for a filmproject! we were 3 guys, everything was ok at day but as we came back for shooting at night al those spooky things started.
check out the photos and imagine it in darkness!

acousticrock87 08.12.2008 05:06 AM

Shit. Abandoned sanatoriums are intense.

I actually think I was subconsciously assuming people would make light of the ghost thing and poke fun at it. Now I might need some whiskey before I sleep...

Cantankerous 08.12.2008 05:07 AM


Originally Posted by al shabbray
this the most scaring playe I were at. its an old abandoned child sanatorium!
its a whole complex of buildings and even a watchtower including a water zistern!
I was there a few weeks ago, to make some filthy midnight shots there for a filmproject! we were 3 guys, everything was ok at day but as we came back for shooting at night al those spooky things started.
check out the photos and imagine it in darkness!

i want to go there at night and do a photoshoot. that would be awesome.

nicfit 08.12.2008 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by acousticrock87
It's fucking 3am here. :(

*Closes blinds.*

I wouldn't want to be in a fully closed room if THEY came...

I have a couple ghosts stories, too long to be typed now, involving an epilectic friend and disappearing blood stains, and other stuff, I'm not a 100% "believer" in spirits, ghosts and stuff, but weird stuff goes on in this world and sometimes it's quite difficult to explain scientifically. BAUUUUUUHHHH!
worst (as in = scarier) place to be while having to deal with weird stuff happening = a wood at night with rain.

atsonicpark 08.12.2008 06:08 AM


Cantankerous 08.12.2008 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit
I wouldn't want to be in a fully closed room if THEY came...

I have a couple ghosts stories, too long to be typed now, involving an epilectic friend and disappearing blood stains, and other stuff, I'm not a 100% "believer" in spirits, ghosts and stuff, but weird stuff goes on in this world and sometimes it's quite difficult to explain scientifically. BAUUUUUUHHHH!
worst (as in = scarier) place to be while having to deal with weird stuff happening = a wood at night with rain.

i want to hear! tell us the stories when you can.

Pookie 08.12.2008 06:34 AM

I just got back from the ruins of an old church. My daughter and I were telling each other ghost stories during the walk home.

I don't believe in ghosts but definitely see the appeal, both in terms of scary fun and the thought that we may live on after eath.

gmku 08.12.2008 06:35 AM

I don't care much for ghosts but I'd love to meet a vampire.

nicfit 08.12.2008 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i want to hear! tell us the stories when you can.

a short version of one of them is here .

the burnt down house looked a bit like this, but smaller.

al shabbray 08.12.2008 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i want to go there at night and do a photoshoot. that would be awesome.

when the short (experimental) film is done I can upload it to youtube, then you can watch some moving pictures at daytime and nighttime

we already roughcutted the footage a few weeks ago and there some pretty nice shots. I want it to be just a moodmovie, with some noise music, subliminal effects etc.
but the other 2 guys I am working with got a little different taste, they want it to be more "classical" but lets see how we could compromise at that

Kloriel 08.12.2008 08:24 AM

I love me some ghost

but i think i frighten them

jimbrim 08.12.2008 09:44 AM

I've always found it strange how people have never really claimed to see caveman ghosts, or dinosaur ghosts, or a ghost with a Man United shirt. It always seems to be small Victorian girls or monks.

Anyway, I'll believe in ghosts when I see one.

al shabbray 08.12.2008 09:52 AM

victorian girls rule!!!

schizophrenicroom 08.12.2008 05:32 PM

my childhood house had a lot of energy. i've been smacked in the face by a force when i'm the only one in the house, things being moved around, whistling and footsteps when i know no one in the house can whistle and there's no tv on. one night a few years back i had my bed cover clear yanked off and when i asked my family why they did that no one knew what i was talking about.

MellySingsDoom 08.12.2008 05:34 PM

nicfit - great story there!

EMMAh 08.12.2008 06:09 PM

I have never had an encounter with a ghost (that I know of anyway)

My one friend claims her house is haunted, and pretty much everyone in her family has seen it. I practically lived there though and never had a problem.

After her dad died, my other friend thought his ghost was haunting her house. Personally, I think she was just fucked up on drugs and upset.

Sonic Youth 37 08.12.2008 10:00 PM

I really want to read that book.

paranormal stuff freaks me the fuck out, but I can't get enough out it. I would post some of my favorite paranormal pics but I'm too chicken shit at the moment

I read this book way too fucking much as a 1st-4th grader

Plus a shit ton of stuff on the Bell Witch and Haunted Tennessee and books on Vampire, Spirit, and Werewolve folklore.

acousticrock87 08.12.2008 10:13 PM

Folklore stuff can be scary too. I read some of the original Mothman book, and it's some freaky shit. The stuff about the "real" Men in Black is fuckin' creepy.

Sonic Youth 37 08.12.2008 10:15 PM

The werewolves one wasn't as bad because most of the "werewolves" turned out to be madmen.

I was feeling brave and started to look for the ghost pics that freaks me out the most, but I can't (or don't want to) find it.
Fuck it. I'm not looking anymore. It's a b/w picture of a man and woman in the front seat of a car and in the back there is clearly an elderly woman in the back seat, supposedly the woman's mother who recently died.

Fuck sleeping tonite.

acousticrock87 08.12.2008 10:23 PM

I gave a speech in a class once on the existence/nonexistence of ghosts, and I learned how to make pictures of them with photoshop. It kinda took the novelty out of them, but they can still be scary. Especially at night. Even a clearly faked picture can scare the shit out of me.

I actually got one accepted by an pro-ghost website that taught how to tell if a picture was fake. I told them it was fake afterwords and they "thanked me for my honesty".

Sonic Youth 37 08.12.2008 10:24 PM

Yeah, the newer ones don't frighten me. But this is like 50 years old and been circulated for years.

acousticrock87 08.12.2008 10:29 PM

The scariest one I ever saw was a really dark picture that barely looks like anything at first because it's so dark and small, but you can a little boy with unnaturally big eyes and a wide open mouth staring straight at the camera. Fake or not, it's fucking scary looking.

Sonic Youth 37 08.12.2008 10:29 PM

Okay, motherfuck it, I found it. (I apologize for the swearing. This photo makes me feel like scared 4-year old)
I'm not posting it regularly because I don't want to see it.

acousticrock87 08.12.2008 10:36 PM

Oh shit. I have to stop looking at this stuff.

That's mine. It's most certainly fake, could even be from a movie for all I know, but it creeps me out every single time I look at it.

Sonic Youth 37 08.12.2008 10:46 PM

Yeah, I haven't looked at any of this stuff in almost a year. I'm swearing it off again. Nothing messes with me like ghost pictures.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 08.12.2008 11:03 PM

This thread is awesome

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