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SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.05.2007 07:09 PM

Do you have imaginary conversations in your head?
Without realizing it?

I was just having one for about the last 10 minutes.

I was talking to a psychiatrist about my obsessive compulsive behavior, and wondering out loud if having conversations in my head is another symptom.

gualbert 12.05.2007 07:19 PM

You have imaginary conversations with your psychiatrist?
Well , that's cheaper.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.05.2007 07:24 PM

I have imaginary conversations with girls I like too. Less risk of embarassment.

I'm not like Norman Bates where I talk for the other person. They are all pretty one sided conversations. I guess it is no different than talking to yourself, except that I'm pretending that I'm talking to someone other than myself.

gmku 12.05.2007 07:35 PM

More so now that I work alone at home. I'm not even aware I'm doing it sometimes. I don't think is a good sign.

Silent Dan Speaks 12.05.2007 08:20 PM

Yeah, I do. I never thought much about it though.

batreleaser 12.05.2007 08:41 PM

i always have a ton of internal dialogue going on without realizing it if thats what you mean

pbradley 12.05.2007 08:50 PM

If there was something I wish I could say to a person but couldn't, I more than likely would go over what I would like to say.

For instance I left my laundry in the dryer overnight the other day and in the morning I found the pile onto of the machine with a note saying that it was "pretty inconsiderate." I thought to myself how I wanted to tell here that it is the definition of inconsiderate as I didn't consider to check the laundry, it was inconsiderate to myself before it was inconsiderate to others. Also I wanted to tell said person that being in the middle of senior college finals will make me inconsiderate about a lot of peripheral things.

StevOK 12.05.2007 08:55 PM

I use my imaginary conversations to make future conversations easier, so I can plan out what I will potentially say.

flophousefloozie 12.05.2007 09:12 PM

Yeah, I do it all the time. I kind of imagine the whole conversation, and what the person would say, then what I would say back, etc.

flophousefloozie 12.05.2007 09:13 PM

I think as long as you are aware that it is inside your head, no harm is done.

davenotdead 12.05.2007 09:22 PM

yeah, all the time...i dont think im insane

koolthing78 12.05.2007 09:42 PM

That's kind of crazy! (No pun intended). While I don't consider myself to have full-blown ocd, I do have lots of oc tendencies. And I also have conversations in my head without intending to. It's weird (and it happens more when I'm high or trying to sleep (after staying up really late doing homework)), but it seems totally uncontrolled by my brain. I catch random things being said in a conversational tone, and I have no idea what they're talking about. Kind of like a strange dream, except I'm not asleep. I'm sure there's some sort of psychological explanation, like my deep subconscious just dumping or unloading or processing things, but it sometimes freaks me out. Especially when I'm high, and some voice all of a sudden just says this totally off the wall thing (sometimes just a word, like maybe something I learned in class a couple weeks earlier). Not that you're interested, but on my myspace I have a whole photo gallery called "my research project," and it's all stuff I write down when I'm smoking (usually while listening to music). (What's on there is just a small fraction of everything I've done--think every night for almost 2 years. I have no idea what I'm saving them all for. My mom found them once while she was visiting, and didn't say boo to me about it (she was probably a little disturbed)). Incidently, I don't consider myself crazy--just a little eccentric.

Cantankerous 12.05.2007 09:47 PM

no. i have no reason to bullshit my way through life anymore.

ZEROpumpkins 12.05.2007 10:08 PM

I always have imaginary conversations in my head. Whenever anyone laughs I think of them just saying "lol". Seriously!

ALIEN ANAL 12.05.2007 10:09 PM

haha yeh i do that too zero
i think its because we spend so much time on the net and thinking what we are typing and doesnt sound like a good thing haha

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.05.2007 10:17 PM

I'm waiting for Savage Clone or !@#$%! to lovingly make fun of me. Where are they?

Alex's Trip 12.05.2007 10:31 PM

Dude, I have imaginary conversations with a psychiatrist! He/She doesn't say much back. I'm sort of just reflecting on everything, and then the psychiatrist just asks a few questions back, so I keep going. But sometimes when I end my reflection with a question the psychiatrist starts talking too.

And I have asked my 'psychiatrist' if having conversations with an imaginary psychiatrist was weird or not.

davenotdead 12.05.2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Alex's Trip

And I have asked my 'psychiatrist' if having conversations with an imaginary psychiatrist was weird or not.

and he/she replied?//???

Alex's Trip 12.05.2007 10:43 PM

I think the reply was something along the lines of "No, as long as you are aware that you are doing it and that I'm just a manifestation of your thoughts of yourself."

Or some shit like that.

ALIEN ANAL 12.05.2007 10:49 PM

dude i think im seeing the same psych!

Alex's Trip 12.05.2007 10:51 PM

Wha!? One big collective psychiatrist that all of our consciousnesses are connected to?!

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.05.2007 10:59 PM

Carl Jung!

EMMAh 12.05.2007 11:09 PM

I have imaginary conversations in my head. I also repeat a random word or two in a rhythm in my head, usually when walking alone.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.05.2007 11:14 PM

all day.
you can find me.
i'm on it.
i'm on it.
i be.
on that.
i be on that.
you can find me on that
i'm on it

ALIEN ANAL 12.05.2007 11:17 PM

if i had just said something weird i usualy sit there mouthing what i just said over and over untill i notice what im doing

also what emmah said

EMMAh 12.05.2007 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by ALIEN ANAL
if i had just said something weird i usualy sit there mouthing what i just said over and over untill i notice what im doing

also what emmah said

For me it's not stupid things I've said but just random things I've thought that don't make sense. It could be like "total rasta donkey" or something more random.

Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey
I gotta stop thinking that
Total rasta donkey
Total rasta donkey

Torn Curtain 12.06.2007 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I have imaginary conversations with girls I like too. Less risk of embarassment.

I'm not like Norman Bates where I talk for the other person. They are all pretty one sided conversations. I guess it is no different than talking to yourself, except that I'm pretending that I'm talking to someone other than myself.

The way you describe it's indeed typical of obssessive-compulsive disorder (I have it too, it's like your brain is flooded with intrusive ruminative thoughts).

To those who don't have it and as a result may confound it with schizophrenia it has nothing to do with the latter (a psychotic is unaware of his troubles and loses touch with reality, while obssessive-compulsive people are on the contrary completely aware of their troubles and will end up feeling guilty about it).

It generally affects perfectionnist and rather intelligent people.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.06.2007 05:26 AM

I'm pretty sure I'm OCD because I have troubling violent and sexual thoughts enter my head that I can't seem to get out. Horrible, horrible things.

I'm nowhere near an anal retentive perfectionist, I'm pretty messy, but when I walk into a room some things really bother me. The table and chairs in my kitchen don't ever seem right. If there are things on the chairs or the chairs have been removed from the room for sweeping but not replaced I get very flustered. I hate the feeling of not having somewhere to sit down even if I don't intend to sit down.

The violent images in my head has made me nearly irrationally scared about some things. Guns, cars, knives, heights, sex, and maybe a few other things. The sheer possibility of something happening from a freak accident scares me. I used to handle knives and other shop objects with extreme care, and would have had a very hard time cleaning up broken glass. I've got over that.

There is hope for me though I think. I've gotten over some of these things on my own. I can handle knives now, and I can also face my fear of heights. But I still get panic attacks about other things. I think I need to go to behavioral therapy. My mother sees an analyst for free, but I don't believe that would do me any good.

Traumatic experiences also haunt me. I was robbed at gunpoint in a hotel once and take great care to think of every possible way it could happen again and how to prevent it when I am at hotels.

BTW to people seeing that I'm posting at 5 AM- I just woke up from a nightmare. I dreamt I was in the movie The Haunting (the original one.) It was different though. There was this telekinetic rat that ate a guy that looked like James Mason, then proceeded to smash me against a wall of the burning house. Or maybe it was a telekinetic women. A rat definitely ate the guy that looked like James Mason.

_slavo_ 12.06.2007 05:50 AM

Sometimes when I'm nearly asleep a strange thing happens in my head. I hear voices of my friends and relatives talking absolute nonsense. Like, I tend to hear the voice of my (passed away) mom or I hear my dad talking...but they're talking just some random stuff. It's like I materialize my own thoughts into their voices to make an absurd dada monologues. It can be fun, but only for like 5 minutues - then I always fall asleep.

Does that happen to any of you too?

ALIEN ANAL 12.06.2007 06:51 AM

yes slavo
i get that exactly
i hear all these voices talking
but i know its not me thinking them, because i can visualise where my voice talks..and i see it sitting back and watching all these other voices come in and start saying shit.

floatingslowly 12.06.2007 08:52 AM

we don't talk to ourself.

Savage Clone 12.06.2007 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
I'm waiting for Savage Clone or !@#$%! to lovingly make fun of me. Where are they?

It's embarrassing to be caught slacking off like this.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 12.06.2007 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
It's embarrassing to be caught slacking off like this.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.06.2007 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Sometimes when I'm nearly asleep a strange thing happens in my head. I hear voices of my friends and relatives talking absolute nonsense. Like, I tend to hear the voice of my (passed away) mom or I hear my dad talking...but they're talking just some random stuff. It's like I materialize my own thoughts into their voices to make an absurd dada monologues. It can be fun, but only for like 5 minutues - then I always fall asleep.

Does that happen to any of you too?

From what I've heard, many people hear voices at that time. I've heard voices while falling asleep before.

There was a guy who wrote a book about the phenomena of "hearing voices" recently. Apparently a lot of sane people hear them. Mostly when drifting to sleep, but some people hear them when they are fully awake.

Torn Curtain 12.06.2007 03:51 PM

Relevant lyrics then:

Whisper your name in an empty room
Whisper your name in an empty room
You brush past my skin
You brush past my skin
As soft as fur
As soft as fur
Taking hold
Taking hold
I taste your scent
I taste your scent
Distant noises
Distant noises
Other voices
Other voices
Pounding in my broken head
Pounding in my broken head
Commit the sin
Commit the sin
Commit yourself
Commit yourself
And all the other voices said
And all the other voices said
Change your mind
Change your mind
You're always wrong
You're always wrong
Always wrong
Always wrong

Come around at christmas
Come around at christmas
I really have to see you
I really have to see you
Smile at me slyly
Smile at me slyly
Another festive compromise
Another festive compromise
But I live with desertion
But i live with desertion
And eight million people
And eight million people
Distant noises
Distant noises
Of other voices
Of other voices
Pulsing in my swinging arms
Pulsing in my swinging arms
Caress the sound
Caress the sound
So many dead
So many dead
And all the other voices sing
And all the other voices sing
Change your mind
Change your mind
You're always wrong
You're always wrong

Anngella 12.06.2007 04:05 PM

I always play out scenarios (many times very unlikely/irrational) that I want to happen in my head.
And I repeat words/phrases.
And I play with words/phrases.
Sometimes I pretend I'm talking psychopathically with someone else.
Or I try to send messages to people through my mind.
Telepathically? Yeah. Oops.
I think a lot of crazy shit, and thus, got a Livejournal:

Anngella 12.06.2007 04:05 PM

And I sing in my head too
I make up a lot of songs
Or if I'm home alone I make up a lot of songs about whatever I'm doing
And I sing them very dramatically.

floatingslowly 12.06.2007 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Anngella
Or I try to send messages to people through my mind.
Telepathically? Yeah. Oops.

there is no try.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 12.06.2007 04:30 PM

I had a dream the other night Angella where I saw this band and this girl was singing a song. I remembered some of the lyrics when I woke up, but I didn't write it down and I lost them. They were pretty good lyrics too.

flophousefloozie 12.06.2007 11:28 PM

Remember that "rainbow connection" song by Kermit the Frog? I believe the lyrics went like this: "have you been half asleep, and have you heard voices? I hear them calling my name."

Anyway, we're only human.

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