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HaydenAsche 09.30.2007 07:45 PM

///in rainbows
New Radiohead. Fuck!

drrrtyboots 09.30.2007 07:47 PM

I think it's pretty lame that, if this is indeed real, they would make it so secretive and a huge fucking deal. This is worse than Halo 3.

atsonicpark 09.30.2007 07:47 PM

HOLY SHIT: Radiohead's In Rainbows Out In 10 Days!


No joke. From Dead Air Space:
Hello everyone.

Well, the new album is finished, and it's coming out in 10 days;

We've called it In Rainbows.

Love from us all.
In Rainbows will be released on October 10th in two formats: digital download and a special edition extended "discbox." Here's the freakin' tracklist:

01. 15 Step
02. Bodysnatchers
03. Nude
04. Weird Fishes / Arpeggi
05. All I Need
06. Faust Arp
07. Reckoner
08. House of Cards
09. Jigsaw Falling Into Place
10. Videotape

You can digitally download the above tracks for FREE (or, you can choose how much you want to a donation).s.

HaydenAsche 09.30.2007 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by drrrtyboots
I think it's pretty lame that, if this is indeed real, they would make it so secretive and a huge fucking deal. This is worse than Halo 3.

It's Radiohead. THey do what they want.

Everyneurotic 09.30.2007 07:49 PM

it's going to be we-E-ird.

atsonicpark 09.30.2007 07:52 PM

radiohead are amazing.

probably the best "mainstream" band currently.

my girlfriend dragged me to this retarded movie the other day.. "The brave one".. and some black rapist dude was telling this chick to "give me radiohead" ("suck my dick"). it was funny.

LifeDistortion 09.30.2007 07:58 PM

Guess they figured most people have heard the album's tracks anyways, although I haven't because I don't go on dumb filesharing, bittorent sites to obtain this kind of stuff. Now I'm going to see if I can find genuine confirmation of this.

the ikara cult 09.30.2007 07:59 PM

I havent paid attention to Radiohead for a while, but oddly i listened to Kid A earlier on today and remembered how mind blowing it was when i was 15 for a renowned and mainstream band to release an album that abandoned guitars and had no singles. And proved to be even better than the albums that made them big. Its one of those albums i forget about but every time i listen to it again i sit up and think differently.

Hope this new sugar is another kick against everything.

alyasa 09.30.2007 08:08 PM

Hello, how are you? :)

k-krack 09.30.2007 08:14 PM

Just heard about it! I've been waiting for this for SOOOO long! Fuck it's going to rule!!! I wish I had $80 to preorder the Discbox.

HaydenAsche 09.30.2007 08:15 PM

Good and you?

k-krack 09.30.2007 08:16 PM

And Hayden! This is the wrong place, but it's swell to see you around. Long time no... signs of life out of you.

atsonicpark 09.30.2007 08:17 PM


There has always been some life.. I see Hayden replying every now and then... ... maybe I only notice cuz Hayden's on my BUDDY LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HaydenAsche 09.30.2007 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

There has always been some life.. I see Hayden replying every now and then... ... maybe I only notice cuz Hayden's on my BUDDY LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Word up, nukka.

I exist but only in my state on the internet.


atsonicpark 09.30.2007 08:21 PM

Yeah, half my posts are robo-fied.

HaydenAsche 09.30.2007 08:22 PM

Robo is like my favorite drug ever.

atsonicpark 09.30.2007 08:23 PM

Fuck yeah!

All my music I've made in the past 6 months or so has been under the influence of robo. And you can totally tell.

I need to send you some of my dex jams.

atsonicpark 09.30.2007 08:24 PM

PS: Can't wait to robowalk to "In Rainbows".

I listened to Kid 17 (look it up if you don't know) while fucking robo'd and it was AMAZING.

HaydenAsche 09.30.2007 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
PS: Can't wait to robowalk to "In Rainbows".

I listened to Kid 17 (look it up if you don't know) while fucking robo'd and it was AMAZING.

Word. Robo is second in opening your mind only to mushrooms to me.

Landry 09.30.2007 08:29 PM

More like "In Rainbows"!

oh wait

alyasa 09.30.2007 08:29 PM

No Really, It's Up To You.

atsonicpark 09.30.2007 08:29 PM

fuck yeah. robo has made me rethink so much. it's changed my life for the best.

i did shrooms once and it did nothing. sad. i'm interested in trying 'em again. hard to come by though.. around here, at least..

HaydenAsche 09.30.2007 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
fuck yeah. robo has made me rethink so much. it's changed my life for the best.

i did shrooms once and it did nothing. sad. i'm interested in trying 'em again. hard to come by though.. around here, at least..

I love mushrooms so much. It's the best body buzz ever. Robo's pretty close to as good but completely different. How much do you usually take?

atsonicpark 09.30.2007 08:32 PM

i drink a whole 8 oz bottle usually. sometimes i'll mix with 15 robo gels.

atsonicpark 09.30.2007 08:33 PM

well fuck i guess i gotta go to work now.

hayden, you should post here more. i need more robo friends. haha.

the day that i get the new radiohead, i'm going to fucking overdose on dex and love the fuck outta yorke's rambling mess.

oh, here's a cool tip.. usually, the cough syrup (guifacen-less but still..) makes me sick.. it makes me puke.. regardless.. so, i've been drinking a bunch of pepto bismo .. and i haven't puked at all from the robo..


the new pbr.

alyasa 09.30.2007 08:34 PM

Appetite For Destruction @*$%$^&%%!!!! __+---><.,.,][\||

HaydenAsche 09.30.2007 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
well fuck i guess i gotta go to work now.

hayden, you should post here more. i need more robo friends. haha.

the day that i get the new radiohead, i'm going to fucking overdose on dex and love the fuck outta yorke's rambling mess.

oh, here's a cool tip.. usually, the cough syrup (guifacen-less but still..) makes me sick.. it makes me puke.. regardless.. so, i've been drinking a bunch of pepto bismo .. and i haven't puked at all from the robo..


the new pbr.

I take the tussin like it's nothing, motherfucker. Ha. I can do it even with guifacen.

A friend with robo is a friend indeed.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 09.30.2007 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by LifeDistortion
Guess they figured most people have heard the album's tracks anyways

well... i doubt that's the reason
you know they are not signed to a record label at the moment, right?

pbradley 09.30.2007 11:45 PM

Kind of a weird title for such a reportedly dark album. I do like the artwork, though. Reminds me of their Bends/OK Computer transitional website artwork stuff.

PAULYBEE2656 10.02.2007 10:39 AM

in one thread people love radiohead, in te other people diss radiohead............

erm, confused!

atsonicpark 10.02.2007 09:09 PM

Maybe it's a dark rainbow they're referring to, pbradley.

SynthethicalY 10.02.2007 09:19 PM

I may buy the discbox.

atsonicpark 10.02.2007 09:25 PM

i may buy the dickbox.

SynthethicalY 10.02.2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
i may buy the dickbox.

Remember to wipe it clean after each use.

alyasa 10.02.2007 10:05 PM

i may bust the dickbone

Protectmeyou 10.03.2007 02:12 AM

This is great news, I'm so pumped about this! Discbox ordered.
I'd like to know if the vinyl is just for disk 1 (10 songs) or all 18 songs.......
What a brilliant band.

pbradley 10.03.2007 02:15 AM

There are two vinyl records. One is the album, the other is the bonus material.

PAULYBEE2656 10.03.2007 05:45 AM

this albumbetter be good. theres more hype about this onethan any other major label release! im sure it will be good. radiohead dont do shite....... anymore...........

sarramkrop 10.03.2007 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by PAULYBEE2656
this albumbetter be good. theres more hype about this onethan any other major label release! im sure it will be good. radiohead dont do shite....... anymore...........

Don't forget that they go to the toilet like everyone else. I think that it's good of them to be doing this considering that they are well off enough to be gracious to their fans or potential new ones. But then another side of me tells me that Radiohead are mostly a pile of cack, so I suppose it is amusing to see them giving their music away at such a low fee.

pbradley 10.03.2007 06:09 AM

This whole "purchase from the website" thing reminds me of their Radiohead TV project they did. I was even so enamored at the time that I bought the Most Gigantic Lying Mouth Of All Time DVD. An hour and fifty minutes of amateur shorts accompanied by Radiohead music, sweet. I believe I watched it only once.

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