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Genteel Death 03.15.2014 08:52 AM

dead_battery reviews stuff
yeah, right.

!@#$%! 03.15.2014 09:54 AM

im subscribing to this

dead_battery 03.15.2014 10:18 AM

i dont know why you want me to do this. at this point, rock music is a completely impotent, obsolescent and conservative form. its time is past and it will have about as much interest to people in the future as 16th century liturgies do to people today.

warhol put nico on this because he had some fucking sense. for the majority of the time, female energy was totally absent from rock music. but nico just seems to sing alone and doesn't really interact with the rest of the album.

album manages to make heroin addiction appealing, heavenly and mesmerizing. in fact it manages to give the impression that taking skag is a substitute for a religious experience, one that might actually work. this is quite an accomplishment for a song. but the majority of people who will follow this example will destroy their bodies and become impoverished, ill and eventually dead as their life spirals into an absolute hell. they won't manage to exist off their own celebrity and suck the magic ding dong of consumerist hedonism. they won't be able to just "hang out or whatever" and be cool and have fun, they'll be swallowed by the system that uses them as its advertisements. there's nothing but unpaid internships and zero hours contracts left. you can't fund your lifestyle of twattish fey flaneurism unless you have a trust fund. you might like VU and Nico but only as an accessory in general to your fucking list of indie references. everyones heard this album already and noone cares anymore.

baudrillard wrote about the metaphysical dimensions of warhol and his brilliant banality. but i tend to have a bad reaction to it. valerie solanas shot him, and the scum manifesto is great. in fact its aggressive insanity and rage is an antidote to the irritatingly laid back drawlishness of vu.

almost noone knows about it, but there's a book by NY feminist shulamith firestone called "airless spaces". it was printed once on semiotexte in 1998 to absolutely no fanfare.

firestone was one of the most important left feminists in the 60's and released a book that cemented her fame. but then after the anti war movement ended and the first wave of feminism passed, she faded into total obscurity.

she died in 2012, alone in an apartment. she had become a recluse and seems to have starved herself to death. neighbours from her building have commented on the few articles about her written after her death and claimed that she would scream and shriek at her (long dead) parents in the middle of the night.

airless spaces has been read by almost noone. but it exposes a perspectives of life that are almost impossible to see in our culture. obsolete humans, the mentally ill, destitute, addicts, anonymous proles, the excluded. people who aren't famous - who aren't celebrities, who have zero social capital or brand identity. the book is a series of short vignettes about these characters. in other words, it shows the reality of life that all our entertainment culture exists to escape from and edit out. the people who exist in it exist for noone and thus are burdened with the intolerable weight of having nothing in their lives. they are in a kind of bemused daze, where nothing can ever happen to them again, where whatever little scrap of sustenance, housing, shelter etc. they have is clung to for its own sake. they are beyond being unwanted, having reached a point in which they are of no use even to themselves.

there's nothing to be said from this vantage point - the people have biographical histories, and some vague things can be said about what they are doing now. they are living corpses, anonymous people living in an indifferent city that recognizes them only as silent figures in its backround. some are "mentally ill" but really they're all just socially excluded due to either neuro atypicality or some the trauma of some abuse.

this reality goes beyond bleakness to a kind of affectless creepiness. everything is unsettled and disturbing, precisely because there is no possible response, no reason to exist for any of these people, and nothing for them to do. they live lives in which nothing will happen. they are economically and socially disqualified, but will persist on some basic scraps of social security or insitutions or pan handling if it comes down to it. you get the impression that even if they had public voices, there would be nothing to say. the title "airless spaces" evokes this odd sense of life being compressed into imperceptible vacuums. that's what's happened to peoples lives. living in post war consumerist societies in the 20th century - safer and more prosperous than at anytime in history, living in impenetrable homelands. and we enjoy hearing this squalor pornographized and mythologised in musical form, and celebrate it - even though it's just awful. VU and Nico is just guys fucking about and doing skag and they manage some good songs, but it still reeks of this american banality.

firestone was an incredibly sensitive woman, who seems to have collapsed into herself in slow motion. its something a stretch to bring up her book in relation to this album but theres nothing to say about the fucking album in the first place.

it was the last thing firestone ever published and her slippage into madness is apparent. but if this book can be said to have an aesthetic then its the human real of the kind of narcissitic, fascinating banality of warhol. the life depicted on this album is of the honeymood period of urban addiction - but the majority of the people who ever heard or owned it won't have become famous or rich. or if they become the former, then never the latter, and the former won't last for long. they end up living lives like the ones in firestones book.

something like vu and nico comes from this same world, but it presents it as one of exotic hedonism, careless bohemianism and self satisfied coolness. it repackages this into rock n roll and becomes widely popular with middle class hipsters and rich people. postcards from lives they don't lead.

noone can lead the rock n roll lifestyle anymore and make enough money to sustain it. thats why this album just seems like an irrelevant decadence. its a celebration of a moment long past, and offers absolutely nothing to anyone living today but bad ideas and postures.

the fact that this album became enshrined as a classic in the 00's and generally recognized as some indie masterpiece is telling. although the music has merit, it's also bland, vacuous and mainly concerned with petty hedonists reflecting on their vacuity and thus coolness. this album was made solely for money by people solely interested in money. indie tried to make it "mean" something, man, which was a retarded idea.

i dont know what else needs to be said about this album or why it has to be listened to or spoken of at all.


listen to WITCH

fuck indie fuck rock fuck this fucking middle class sunday supplement columnist music. hipsters are infantilized talentless idiots.

indie tried so desperately to emulate this album especially forever since then but you can't play like this self consciously. it's a kind of one off. all those shitty cutesy twee jangle indie pop type bands tried to play like this and it sucked. its regressive to try and want to "recapture" this innocence. maureen tucker became a teabagger. that shows you what happens when you follow the indie lifestyle to its extreme - to the point wherein the search for a rediscovery of a child like, innocent joyous relationship to the world becomes narcissistic rage at the fact you can never recover this illusion and the world does not adhere to your so fucking shitty and so utterly fucking stupid political and economic ideas. lady gaga had lou reed killed because he wouldnt appear on her shitty new album. la monte young is to vu what glenn branca is to sy, sy used to literally la monte young in some of their noise passages. john cale had cool pink hair. maureen tucker realized cymbals were shit but noone else in indie rock ever understood this. john cale fuck all yall for making me write about this.

in conclusion , 9 ding dongs out of 10 but still who cares

!@#$%! 03.15.2014 01:57 PM

db does not disappoint. thanks.

noisereductions 03.15.2014 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
db does not disappoint. thanks.

jeez. Yeah. You're right. Wow.

Good thread!

Nefeli 03.16.2014 12:28 PM

thank you.


!@#$%! 03.16.2014 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
jeez. Yeah. You're right. Wow.

Good thread!

one can disagree with him on a lot but he's always interesting/ challenging/ refreshing.

i like VU a whole lot more than witch though i agree with everything he says about its enshrinement-- still, i've never wanted to be a junky or anything like that-- i will however steal the affect of the music for my own purposes. i like the feeling of the postcards even though i never want to visit the places they purport to portray. i'm very much a voyeur.

the other thing is that speakers of "foreign" languages process music in english primarily as music and only secondarily as lyrics, in other words, you could replace the lyrics with a good mumble and it would sound the same to a lot of us. cadence in language is what conveys the emotional content ("tone"), and my hypothesis is that melody in music derives from cadence in language, i.e., it takes the pure emotion out of language processing and runs with it. you don't need words, you can just hear the tone and get what's going on (this is what janacek pursued in some piano works). this way to un-hear words is really well illustrated in a mexican novel from the 60s about kids forming their bands and singing in english and they make up these shit words that sound like english but aren't-- eh, it's a hilarious book, josé agustín's "de perfil". anyway this is why i hate pavement btw, the music does nothing for me even though the lyrics supposedly speak to a certain group of people-- but i am not those people… anyway i rant...)


Originally Posted by dead battery
american banality

i just watched alexander payne's "nebraska" -- great fucking movie. almost a documentary. yes, this story has some sort of redemption narrative whereas real life generally doesn't, so if you can separate that fairytale in a different box and pretend it's a kind of ethnography, it reads as a documentary about a very depressing country--much, sounds to me, like the airless spaces you describe (though not quite as poor). mang, i know the smell of those american living rooms where the tv is on all day… i could almost smell it while watching. i also know those empty conversations where everyone looks at the tv… so weird.

there's another thing though that reminds me of freud… i can't find the quote but he said something along the lines that the basic elements of life were so fucking boring we had to make things up to keep us distracted from it. so it's not just capitalism, really. emptiness precedes ideology-- makes it necessary, actually. something to dream about-- redemptions, utopias, fantastic struggles, etc.

wow, thats a big pdf for my carrier pigeons, ha ha. i enjoyed the review of airless spaces. anyway, thank you! i might look for it in the library/ interlibrary loan/ etc.

also for those who read spanish you don't need to read beatriz preciado in translation. look for TESTO YONQUI. there's also a bunch of interviews she's done in spanish as well. i think she's in part delusional (as all philosophers must be), but she's super-smart and seems worth reading.

noisereductions 03.16.2014 09:11 PM

that's the thing. I don't care if I agree or disagree. It's an interesting read. That's all I care about. I don't need anyone to sway my opinion on an album I already love. But I'll be glad to read something interesting said about it.

foreverasskiss 03.16.2014 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
i dont know why you want me to do this. at this point, rock music is a completely impotent, obsolescent and conservative form. its time is past and it will have about as much interest to people in the future as 16th century liturgies do to people today.

warhol put nico on this because he had some fucking sense. for the majority of the time, female energy was totally absent from rock music. but nico just seems to sing alone and doesn't really interact with the rest of the album.

album manages to make heroin addiction appealing, heavenly and mesmerizing. in fact it manages to give the impression that taking skag is a substitute for a religious experience, one that might actually work. this is quite an accomplishment for a song. but the majority of people who will follow this example will destroy their bodies and become impoverished, ill and eventually dead as their life spirals into an absolute hell. they won't manage to exist off their own celebrity and suck the magic ding dong of consumerist hedonism. they won't be able to just "hang out or whatever" and be cool and have fun, they'll be swallowed by the system that uses them as its advertisements. there's nothing but unpaid internships and zero hours contracts left. you can't fund your lifestyle of twattish fey flaneurism unless you have a trust fund. you might like VU and Nico but only as an accessory in general to your fucking list of indie references. everyones heard this album already and noone cares anymore.

baudrillard wrote about the metaphysical dimensions of warhol and his brilliant banality. but i tend to have a bad reaction to it. valerie solanas shot him, and the scum manifesto is great. in fact its aggressive insanity and rage is an antidote to the irritatingly laid back drawlishness of vu.

almost noone knows about it, but there's a book by NY feminist shulamith firestone called "airless spaces". it was printed once on semiotexte in 1998 to absolutely no fanfare.

firestone was one of the most important left feminists in the 60's and released a book that cemented her fame. but then after the anti war movement ended and the first wave of feminism passed, she faded into total obscurity.

she died in 2012, alone in an apartment. she had become a recluse and seems to have starved herself to death. neighbours from her building have commented on the few articles about her written after her death and claimed that she would scream and shriek at her (long dead) parents in the middle of the night.

airless spaces has been read by almost noone. but it exposes a perspectives of life that are almost impossible to see in our culture. obsolete humans, the mentally ill, destitute, addicts, anonymous proles, the excluded. people who aren't famous - who aren't celebrities, who have zero social capital or brand identity. the book is a series of short vignettes about these characters. in other words, it shows the reality of life that all our entertainment culture exists to escape from and edit out. the people who exist in it exist for noone and thus are burdened with the intolerable weight of having nothing in their lives. they are in a kind of bemused daze, where nothing can ever happen to them again, where whatever little scrap of sustenance, housing, shelter etc. they have is clung to for its own sake. they are beyond being unwanted, having reached a point in which they are of no use even to themselves.

there's nothing to be said from this vantage point - the people have biographical histories, and some vague things can be said about what they are doing now. they are living corpses, anonymous people living in an indifferent city that recognizes them only as silent figures in its backround. some are "mentally ill" but really they're all just socially excluded due to either neuro atypicality or some the trauma of some abuse.

this reality goes beyond bleakness to a kind of affectless creepiness. everything is unsettled and disturbing, precisely because there is no possible response, no reason to exist for any of these people, and nothing for them to do. they live lives in which nothing will happen. they are economically and socially disqualified, but will persist on some basic scraps of social security or insitutions or pan handling if it comes down to it. you get the impression that even if they had public voices, there would be nothing to say. the title "airless spaces" evokes this odd sense of life being compressed into imperceptible vacuums. that's what's happened to peoples lives. living in post war consumerist societies in the 20th century - safer and more prosperous than at anytime in history, living in impenetrable homelands. and we enjoy hearing this squalor pornographized and mythologised in musical form, and celebrate it - even though it's just awful. VU and Nico is just guys fucking about and doing skag and they manage some good songs, but it still reeks of this american banality.

firestone was an incredibly sensitive woman, who seems to have collapsed into herself in slow motion. its something a stretch to bring up her book in relation to this album but theres nothing to say about the fucking album in the first place.

it was the last thing firestone ever published and her slippage into madness is apparent. but if this book can be said to have an aesthetic then its the human real of the kind of narcissitic, fascinating banality of warhol. the life depicted on this album is of the honeymood period of urban addiction - but the majority of the people who ever heard or owned it won't have become famous or rich. or if they become the former, then never the latter, and the former won't last for long. they end up living lives like the ones in firestones book.

something like vu and nico comes from this same world, but it presents it as one of exotic hedonism, careless bohemianism and self satisfied coolness. it repackages this into rock n roll and becomes widely popular with middle class hipsters and rich people. postcards from lives they don't lead.

noone can lead the rock n roll lifestyle anymore and make enough money to sustain it. thats why this album just seems like an irrelevant decadence. its a celebration of a moment long past, and offers absolutely nothing to anyone living today but bad ideas and postures.

the fact that this album became enshrined as a classic in the 00's and generally recognized as some indie masterpiece is telling. although the music has merit, it's also bland, vacuous and mainly concerned with petty hedonists reflecting on their vacuity and thus coolness. this album was made solely for money by people solely interested in money. indie tried to make it "mean" something, man, which was a retarded idea.

i dont know what else needs to be said about this album or why it has to be listened to or spoken of at all.


listen to WITCH

fuck indie fuck rock fuck this fucking middle class sunday supplement columnist music. hipsters are infantilized talentless idiots.

indie tried so desperately to emulate this album especially forever since then but you can't play like this self consciously. it's a kind of one off. all those shitty cutesy twee jangle indie pop type bands tried to play like this and it sucked. its regressive to try and want to "recapture" this innocence. maureen tucker became a teabagger. that shows you what happens when you follow the indie lifestyle to its extreme - to the point wherein the search for a rediscovery of a child like, innocent joyous relationship to the world becomes narcissistic rage at the fact you can never recover this illusion and the world does not adhere to your so fucking shitty and so utterly fucking stupid political and economic ideas. lady gaga had lou reed killed because he wouldnt appear on her shitty new album. la monte young is to vu what glenn branca is to sy, sy used to literally la monte young in some of their noise passages. john cale had cool pink hair. maureen tucker realized cymbals were shit but noone else in indie rock ever understood this. john cale fuck all yall for making me write about this.

in conclusion , 9 ding dongs out of 10 but still who cares

shit review!!! it's obvious you and Geental take turns sniffin each others dick with anal cheese passion. of course your fans like mr curse word will greet you with appalling genius totallity and the like. your gross and you will fade away like me.

yea!!!! i said you BIATCH!!!:fuckyou:

!@#$%! 03.16.2014 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
shit review!!! it's obvious you and Geental take turns sniffin each others dick with anal cheese passion. of course your fans like mr curse word will greet you with appalling genius totallity and the like. your gross and you will fade away like me.

yea!!!! i said you BIATCH!!!:fuckyou:

you = batterie solanas
him = warholio

EVOLghost 03.16.2014 10:53 PM

Did you really have to quote that.? Thanks.

!@#$%! 03.16.2014 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
Did you really have to quote that.? Thanks.

me or him?

EVOLghost 03.16.2014 11:01 PM


It's very unnecessary.

foreverasskiss 03.16.2014 11:01 PM

so much knowledge but so little worth. not very insightfull nor funny or offensive to those that love this album.

face it.... you're just a little man like the ones you loathe.

foreverasskiss 03.16.2014 11:12 PM

taking pot shots are we? im just saying dead_battery sounds more like a rockist than sway.

floatingslowly 03.16.2014 11:48 PM

so. much. edge.

foreverasskiss 03.16.2014 11:56 PM

like a young matt dillon and friends? i hate slash dash coming here. you fuckers make me laugh everytime.

dead_battery 03.17.2014 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by foreverrimjobs

face it.... you're just a little man like the ones you loathe.

oh well.

your trolling is sub par, and comes off more like bitter attention seeking. i don't mind but i wish you'd try a little bit harder.

dead_battery 03.17.2014 03:00 AM

if c of r means church of rome, well then you've got a contradiction there.

my dream is seeing all the churches burn and all the paramilitaries dead

because in reality the churches rule everything and the paramilitaries murder innocents.

the churches control education, and keep the schools divided so that the two tribes grow up separately. this feeds the fear and division, and the paramilitaries exploit this to murder/extort/control drug trades/destroy the economy for their own ends.

the churches in this town believe witches are real. they tell themselves that they live amongst witches and people practising "the dark arts".

they make american fundies seem like modernists.

Nefeli 03.17.2014 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
one can disagree with him on a lot but he's always interesting/ challenging/ refreshing..

well yeah. it has always been funny to me, how disagreements on music can get so personal in here. mostly the unreasonable personal attacks.
it has been the reason this place can get lively and i really dont mind it, only when it gets too pointless and abusive.
i mean, i wont attack you as a person because you like celine dion.
oh no, thats a bad example.

i been meaning to watch 'nebraska'..
and i was looking all over for an 'airless spaces' pdf..i ll just have my bro buy it for me!

dead_battery 03.17.2014 05:10 AM

before i bought it, i looked for a pdf and found nothing. its too obscure for that i think.

dead_battery 03.17.2014 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the other thing is that speakers of "foreign" languages process music in english primarily as music and only secondarily as lyrics, in other words, you could replace the lyrics with a good mumble and it would sound the same to a lot of us. cadence in language is what conveys the emotional content ("tone"), and my hypothesis is that melody in music derives from cadence in language, i.e., it takes the pure emotion out of language processing and runs with it. you don't need words, you can just hear the tone and get what's going on (this is what janacek pursued in some piano works). this way to un-hear words is really well illustrated in a mexican novel from the 60s about kids forming their bands and singing in english and they make up these shit words that sound like english but aren't-- eh, it's a hilarious book, josé agustín's "de perfil". anyway this is why i hate pavement btw, the music does nothing for me even though the lyrics supposedly speak to a certain group of people-- but i am not those people… anyway i rant...)

this is undoubtedly true or very close to the truth. i suppose music is so exhilarating because by giving us the form of words without the actual linguistic content, we can have an experience that's almost like the words themselves being liberated from all the rules and realities that depress us.

pavement are singing about being a middle class person and shopping and having no obligations to anything but consumerism. that's what i hear anyway.

one time i tried to get punks practising in my attic to sing the first page of finnegans wake when they couldnt come up with lyrics, but they weren't impressed.


Originally Posted by £$%^*
i just watched alexander payne's "nebraska" -- great fucking movie. almost a documentary. yes, this story has some sort of redemption narrative whereas real life generally doesn't, so if you can separate that fairytale in a different box and pretend it's a kind of ethnography, it reads as a documentary about a very depressing country--much, sounds to me, like the airless spaces you describe (though not quite as poor). mang, i know the smell of those american living rooms where the tv is on all day… i could almost smell it while watching. i also know those empty conversations where everyone looks at the tv… so weird.

there's another thing though that reminds me of freud… i can't find the quote but he said something along the lines that the basic elements of life were so fucking boring we had to make things up to keep us distracted from it. so it's not just capitalism, really. emptiness precedes ideology-- makes it necessary, actually. something to dream about-- redemptions, utopias, fantastic struggles, etc.

emptiness is one of the highest states you can attain in buddhism yet in the west its borderline evil.


Originally Posted by %$£"!"£!
also for those who read spanish you don't need to read beatriz preciado in translation. look for TESTO YONQUI. there's also a bunch of interviews she's done in spanish as well. i think she's in part delusional (as all philosophers must be), but she's super-smart and seems worth reading.


the english translation has just been released - everyone should go buy it - can't recommend it highly enough - best work of theory in years. if i had 2 copies i'd be filling one with underlines and stars and exclamation marks.

!@#$%! 03.17.2014 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
i mean, i wont attack you as a person because you like celine dion.
oh no, thats a bad example.

ha ha ha ha.

but i like bjork a lot. which can often be a crime around here.

what still suprises me though is how some people take agreement as personal praise and disagreement as insult. herd instinct i suppose.

"i agree with that"
"thank you"

really? for what?

there's also the ha ha ha tragic compulsion that one must be right at all costs. as if changing one's mind was some sort of painful mutilation.


Originally Posted by dead_battery
pavement are singing about being a middle class person and shopping and having no obligations to anything but consumerism. that's what i hear anyway.



Originally Posted by dead_battery
punks practising in my attic to sing the first page of finnegans wake when they couldnt come up with lyrics, but they weren't impressed.

punks are squares. so many fucking rules to make up for a lack of imagination!


Originally Posted by dead_battery
emptiness is one of the highest states you can attain in buddhism yet in the west its borderline evil.

there are different kinds of emptiness. in buddhism, the emptiness of the self is replaced by a kind of cosmic fullness. i can be tremendously lively. it's not the same as being dead inside. but yes.

i find that the taoists roots of zen are often more interesting than the hindu complications it drags from its origins. if you haven't read chuang-tzu, some of it is some of the best comedy ever.


Originally Posted by dead_battery

i misread something (for a moment i thought she was a utopianist) and erred in my judgment. so please scratch that.

dead_battery 03.19.2014 08:37 AM


dead_battery 03.19.2014 08:38 AM

this is my thread forever now

dead_battery 03.19.2014 08:40 AM

Today, 07:21 AM #38376
the end of the ugly

dead_battery's Avatar

Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 986
dead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's assesdead_battery kicks all y'all's asses
was shown pictures of clouds to recalibrate his genitals. How gay was he? So gay that he found clouds more arousing than women. But could h

dead_battery 03.19.2014 09:14 AM

100k large amount

dead_battery 03.19.2014 09:32 AM

‘magical voluntarism’ – the belief that it is within every individual’s power to make themselves whatever they want to be – is the dominant ideology and unofficial religion of contemporary capitalist society, pushed by reality TV ‘experts’ and business gurus as much as by politicians. Magical voluntarism is both an effect and a cause of the currently historically low level of class consciousness. It is the flipside of depression – whose underlying conviction is that we are all uniquely responsible for our own misery and therefore deserve it. A particularly vicious double bind is imposed on the long-term unemployed in the UK now: a population that has all its life been sent the message that it is good for nothing is simultaneously told that it can do anything it wants to do.

Derek 03.19.2014 09:51 AM

dead_battery 03.19.2014 10:10 AM


dead_battery 03.19.2014 10:55 AM

global system

dead_battery 03.19.2014 01:51 PM

see it's that kind of avant tard shit that makes me think you're both INCREDIBLY BORING and too oblique to really have any kind of a discussion with, not that that masks some sort of 'deepness', because what's underneath is obviously just neediness.

so yeah, i wish you'd just STOP talking in the first place but whatever, now you're on my ignore and you'll stay that way forever. especially after all those stupid and nasty pMs you sent me.

dead_battery 03.19.2014 02:48 PM

The traumatic incursion of thanatotic
xenopulsions is conceived in terms of railway accidents
and shell-shock, as if the inorganic was entirely lacking
in intelligence or insurgent cunning, and was related to
the organic by simple regression.
In an age of sophisticated and distributed cyberviral
invasion this assumption is no longer compelling. Instead
the psychoanalytical diagram for trauma delineates a
ruthless parasite on the way to autoreplicator deterrito*
rialization; Kali creeping in.

floatingslowly 03.19.2014 06:16 PM

This thread is best when it's only dead_buttery posting.

The colours make it FUN!!!!

!@#$%! 03.19.2014 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by dead_battery

this is a great fucking quote. in spite of the magenta on blue eyesore. anyway i went to read and it was good. i was slightly disappointed that the text was a quotation and not your original brew but o well. still good stuff. it's kept me thinking all day about it (my own class origins/incursions/etc) and then i was looking at other people in some video i'm cutting and wondering how this operates on them. don't know shit about england and class is less rigid here but it's still very much a reality hidden under the lifestyle label that was mentioned in the music article. good shit to read here today.

i have little internet left so i've missed the photos and videos. some other day….

Rob Instigator 03.20.2014 08:47 AM

Between the crushing lies that "magical voluntarism" propagates on the people, and the unceasing lie shoved down our collective throats by modern media and culture which states that pain/hurt/trauma/suffering etc. fade with time, that time heals all wounds, that loss is forgotten that deep wounds are scabbed over with time, we will all go psychotic eventually.

I wish someone had told me the truth early on. I wish someone told everyone the truth.

mental/psychic wounds never heal. the pain is always there right under the surface, under a thin sheet of "plastic wrap". It does not get better. You just learn to live on carrying that pain, or ignoring that pain. The death of someone close never gets easier. I lost my dad at 17 and I am now 40. when people ask me I tell them,. "hell fuck yeah it still hurts just as much as that day in 1991. Nothing changes."
we are all force fed a lie that time makes things better. when it does not we end up thinking something is wrong with us. I hate that shit.

!@#$%! 03.20.2014 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Between the crushing lies that "magical voluntarism" propagates on the people, and the unceasing lie shoved down our collective throats by modern media and culture which states that pain/hurt/trauma/suffering etc. fade with time, that time heals all wounds, that loss is forgotten that deep wounds are scabbed over with time, we will all go psychotic eventually.

I wish someone had told me the truth early on. I wish someone told everyone the truth.

mental/psychic wounds never heal. the pain is always there right under the surface, under a thin sheet of "plastic wrap". It does not get better. You just learn to live on carrying that pain, or ignoring that pain. The death of someone close never gets easier. I lost my dad at 17 and I am now 40. when people ask me I tell them,. "hell fuck yeah it still hurts just as much as that day in 1991. Nothing changes."
we are all force fed a lie that time makes things better. when it does not we end up thinking something is wrong with us. I hate that shit.

the thing is that pain and trauma are not the same. pain is just forgotten, but trauma stays and stays and stays. it's like a broken time machine that always takes your brain to the same moment in the past. that is why war veterans keep having the same nightmares for example, and sel-f medicate with alcohol and drugs.

that is also why trauma is such a common tool for social control--it makes indelible marks (you read one of the articles that db linked with magenta letters, where the guy talks about magical volunteerism and the indelible marks of class-- those are made by small, precise, applied trauma in social interaction). then there's shit like torture which states use to break their adversaries-- that is more overt but it's the same thing. it's more than simple pain-- it's a way to "make memories" and program people.

anyway, of course "time" doesn't heal trauma, it just deepens it in a way, as it increases the repetition of the event, but there are therapies or practices that improve or attenuate it or help one cope… from classics like meditation to bizarre new things like EMDR… they help the brain process trauma as regular pain (in a way). there are clinics who work with torture victims and they do help to an extent.

scientists have done studies on tibetan monks and nuns who were tortured by the chinese, and what's weird about them is that unlike most torture victims these people show no evidence of post-traumatic stress disorder. their time machine is not broken. they experienced terrible pain but somehow no trauma was formed. they moved on.

so, last, there's a difference (for buddhists anyway) between pain and suffering. pain is an event that happens in the moment. suffering is a mental activity of the self due to attachment. buddhism promises the end of suffering, not the end of pain. western consumer culture on the other hand promises the end of pain but only creates more and more suffering. not that i'm a buddhist or anything though, but it's such a contrast i think it's worth looking at.

!@#$%! 03.20.2014 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
see it's that kind of avant tard shit that makes me think you're both INCREDIBLY BORING and too oblique to really have any kind of a discussion with, not that that masks some sort of 'deepness', because what's underneath is obviously just neediness.

so yeah, i wish you'd just STOP talking in the first place but whatever, now you're on my ignore and you'll stay that way forever. especially after all those stupid and nasty pMs you sent me.


Rob Instigator 03.20.2014 09:59 AM

buddhism is all well and good, but it is an ascetic path, and I am more of a gourmand....

!@#$%! 03.20.2014 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
buddhism is all well and good, but it is an ascetic path, and I am more of a gourmand....

ha ha ha, i'm the same way. i still remember in awe your writeup about the birthday seafood tower ha ha ha.

anyway, i hope you get better with those memories some day. not sure if something like EMDR would help you, or something else, but if you ever have a chance to check it out, it doesn't hurt a bit. not everyone does it right of course, but worth looking into )or something like that).

another story: after the husband of a friend died a horrible untimely death, she worked with a nun who among other things taught her how to eat. she had to relearn to be present in the moment. there are therapies out there, maybe one is for you.

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