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Satan 10.14.2009 11:28 AM

hi guys
my wisdom teeth removal went excellently, it was fun getting put to sleep and waking up and feeling all wasted
i am very high on the painkillers and weed
my baby boy is coming to visit later and im so happy i could cry

how are y'all doing?

love you,

Rob Instigator 10.14.2009 11:30 AM

ahhh, wisdom teefs. My jaw is so big they came in fine.

those painkillers are sweet though.

gargle with salt water!

Sonic Youth 37 10.14.2009 11:32 AM

I only took 1 Loritab after mine. 1/2 right after and 1/2 later that night. Then just Advil to keep the swelling down.

nicfit 10.14.2009 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Satan
love you,


Rob Instigator 10.14.2009 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by nicfit

she lets me call her "cuddlebutt"

nicfit 10.14.2009 11:56 AM

count acrimous

SONIC GAIL 10.14.2009 12:12 PM

Glad it's over. I hate those damn wisdom teeth! I thought I did'nt have any until this little bastard started popping from my gums at the age of 29. I thought I was too old to get em.

Any way have a good day (i love painkillers)
I gotta cart the kids around at luch so i will be back as usual in the afternoon when I get board of drawing cubicles (it does'nt take long)

!@#$%! 10.14.2009 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
my wisdom teeth removal went excellently, it was fun getting put to sleep and waking up and feeling all wasted
i am very high on the painkillers and weed
my baby boy is coming to visit later and im so happy i could cry

how are y'all doing?

love you,

ha ha ha look at you all mellow & happy under the influence... enjoy!

as to your question-- i'm great-- ms !@#$%! and i are taking the morning off and we're drinking tea and smoking cigarettes in bed. AWESOME.

Satan 10.14.2009 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit

few people call me by my given name

i am so so so so so so happy, i am just blinded
its partly the drugs but partly because i had the most open, honest, beautiful mommy daughter chat of my life. and i am falling hard in love.

!@#$%! i am so happy to hear youre doing great. enjoy your tea and fags!

notyourfiend 10.14.2009 02:49 PM

when my wisdom teeth were taken out i had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic they put me on and got extremely sick when i went out to a party. it was kinda embarrassing.

Satan 10.14.2009 03:04 PM

tis is the greaest day of my life

Inhuman 10.14.2009 03:16 PM

Was it purple Satan?

knox 10.14.2009 03:23 PM

I absolutely love wisdom tooth. I took two out, and there is one deep down in the jaw horizontally impacted that I am waiting to pull out. I didn't get put to sleep but was very high, which made the whole thing fun.

did keep them? pictures please? are you swollen? having pudding?

HaydenAsche 10.14.2009 03:24 PM

Glad to hear it, dear. I was in treatment when I get my wisdom teeth out so I didn't get anything but 200 mg of ibuprofen. Wasn't shit, though. The numb lips and giant holes feel more strange than anything.

Alex's Trip 10.14.2009 03:49 PM

I got my wisdom teeth pulled in 7th grade, four at once. Sucked big time, but it did allow me my first instance of prescription drug abuse. My mouth was raw for five days at least.

I also found my painkillers like...2 and a half years later. Mixed it with robo the first time I did that, almost threw up while having the greatest jam to Sigur Ros. Meh. I'm over the pills though. Waste-uv-time.

davenotdead 10.14.2009 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by verme (prevaricator)
pictures or it didn't happen.


SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.14.2009 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
my wisdom teeth removal went excellently, it was fun getting put to sleep and waking up and feeling all wasted
i am very high on the painkillers and weed
my baby boy is coming to visit later and im so happy i could cry

how are y'all doing?

love you,

fuck the nazis at the ADA, I won't let those greedy bastards pull any of my teeth until my 30s at least or they are actually in searing pain and screaming to be removed.. those dicks want my wisdom teeth, but I say fuck em! you got balls Satan..

knox 10.14.2009 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
tis is the greaest day of my life

I am so happy for you.

Satan 10.14.2009 06:54 PM

i passed out for a pretty long time, ive been in my bed watching dvds all day
my man should be coming over before too long, i am very very excited to see him and still very happy and pretty fucked up :p'

it was soooo cool being put under when they did my teeth
they just stuck the iv in my arm and said ok youre going to feel relaxed and thats all i remember, then i remember waking up in a different room and going whoaaaaa wtf and laughing lots and falling around

gmku 10.14.2009 06:57 PM

My experience was very similar. I woke up to find my wife and a bunch of friends eating chocolate ice cream and watching videos on our new VCR. "Thanks for thinking of me," I said. "Sure," they replied in unison. And my wife added, "Ice cream, dear?"

Like Fellini.

terriblecanyons 10.14.2009 06:58 PM

<3 u satanas. I hope everything is all okay with the fam.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.14.2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Satan

it was soooo cool being put under when they did my teeth

yr waaaaaaay to into drugs my dear..


gmku 10.14.2009 07:01 PM

There is nothing wrong with drugs. Anybody who says otherwise can go spend the winter with Nancy Reagan. OMG, I've forgotten how to spell the ex-president's last name! Is that it, Reagan, or is it Regan. Fuck me!

Satan 10.14.2009 07:15 PM

theres nothing wrong with drugs!
i was fucked up and called my grandma and she said i should take pills all the time because it makes me so nice :p

way ahead of you grandma.

<3 you guys. all of you.

Seandi 10.14.2009 07:19 PM

Get "well" soon!

atsonicpark 10.14.2009 07:25 PM

When Plato says that what you hear does not come from what you see he is perfectly correct. The colors that are produced in your mind by a message from your optic nerve do not cause the sounds that you hear. The green is not in the grass, only in your mind. The grass absorbs various radio waves, and your eye picks up on the unabsorbed reflected waves. The green is your body's miraculous way of letting you know about the radio waves around you. You are actually experiencing a series of still pictures, approximately 24 per second. If they were significantly faster than that, you would experience a movie as a series of still pictures. You are active in this process, because you organize the raw sensations. This can be seen in a gestalt shift.

In everyday experience we are isolated people. All we relate to are the images that are in our minds. Zen Buddhists think we can have direct contact with the mysterious outside reality--not merely contact with images that those objects helped produced (satori)

knox 10.14.2009 07:39 PM

i was under local. so i could hear the whole thing. hear and see it being pulled and hammered. so much fun. hear my skull cracking. you dont get music like that, from the inside of your head.
very experimental.

then i saw my face covered in blood and laughed and laughed and laughed.

god i wanna schedule the other surgery so much now.

infinitemusic 10.14.2009 07:50 PM


I can't relate, I've never had any work on my teeth at all

knox 10.14.2009 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by infinitemusic

I can't relate, I've never had any work on my teeth at all

do you have teeth?

davenotdead 10.14.2009 08:00 PM

i was knocked out immediately from the drugs. woke up in a chair, then my mom had to practically carry my stumbling ass into the car, lol. the ride home was a blur.

i was actually talking to my mom when they turned the juice on, and she was like, "you should lean your head back.." and i was like "nah, i'll be..." CONK

knox 10.14.2009 08:01 PM

i dont like being put to sleep, two reasons:

- way more risks involved.
- you miss all the fun.

infinitemusic 10.14.2009 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by knox
do you have teeth?

The only thing I've had is cleaning. My teeth are really solid or something, I don't know. I've never had any cavities :)

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.14.2009 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
When Plato says that what you hear does not come from what you see he is perfectly correct. The colors that are produced in your mind by a message from your optic nerve do not cause the sounds that you hear. The green is not in the grass, only in your mind. The grass absorbs various radio waves, and your eye picks up on the unabsorbed reflected waves. The green is your body's miraculous way of letting you know about the radio waves around you. This can be seen in a gestalt shift.

I used to trip people out in Socratic small talk bring up shit like the reality of colors.. on that note, its not green at all, but the all of the visible wavelength light radiation we call colors BUT green, as the object has absorbed the light of the other colors and reflected 'green' light. it is not green at all, it is every color BUT green..


Zen Buddhists think we can have direct contact with the mysterious outside reality--not merely contact with images that those objects helped produced (satori)

read some of the Church Fathers canonical writings on Iconography and Iconostasis your above explanation is the Orthodox support for icons after the era of Iconoclasm.. If you combine Einstein with these kinds of supernatural philosophies you get an interesting picture of reality. There is no such thing as 'solid' at all, the so-called tangible world of ours is merely a product of our imagination, to make a lovely story out of all the chaotic sensory perception of the 'real' world..

The unfortunate side-effect of our modern scientific era is that unlike the days of Plato, today's great thinkers are terrified of religious or spiritual contemplation, and so produce deprived explanations that lack the poetry and life of the Classical Age..

Sonic Youth Gossip 10.14.2009 09:07 PM

ahh yes i remember getting mine out.
well, not really, but i remember waking up after and thinking "what the fuck happened?" then realising. I felt shit the rest of the day and my mouth was all numb and i was spilling soup all over my shirt because i couldn't feel where my mouth was.

i got panadeine forte for mine, which i traded for weed at school.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 10.14.2009 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth Gossip
which i traded for weed at school.

good times ;)

Dead-Air 10.14.2009 10:12 PM

I still have all of my wisdom teeth. I hope they are the last ones to go.

atsonicpark 10.14.2009 10:22 PM

I get cavities all the time. Fuck it.

Dead-Air 10.14.2009 10:27 PM

I've had one cavity in 42.75 years, and my old school dentist back then didn't even use novocaine, just tapped it with the drill and it was gone. I would have no other dental work except I bit on a rock in my hashbrowns a couple years ago and had to get a crown. I went like 8 years without going to a dentist too, and brush once a day and never floss. So when hippies go on about how flouride in the water is bad for you, I laugh in their faces. They had it in the water in Seattle when I was a kid.

DeadDiscoDildo 10.14.2009 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
When Plato says that what you hear does not come from what you see he is perfectly correct. The colors that are produced in your mind by a message from your optic nerve do not cause the sounds that you hear. The green is not in the grass, only in your mind. The grass absorbs various radio waves, and your eye picks up on the unabsorbed reflected waves. The green is your body's miraculous way of letting you know about the radio waves around you. You are actually experiencing a series of still pictures, approximately 24 per second. If they were significantly faster than that, you would experience a movie as a series of still pictures. You are active in this process, because you organize the raw sensations. This can be seen in a gestalt shift.

In everyday experience we are isolated people. All we relate to are the images that are in our minds. Zen Buddhists think we can have direct contact with the mysterious outside reality--not merely contact with images that those objects helped produced (satori)

WEIRD, I was just talking about this concept with my friend last night haha...

Sonic Youth Gossip 10.14.2009 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
good times ;)

gotta say it was a far more effective painkiller. took my mind off it without making me feel sleepy as fuck.

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