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davenotdead 05.19.2007 08:46 AM

mysterious skin is a great film....Jospeh Gordon Levitt was just incredible.

atsonicpark 05.19.2007 08:52 AM

did someone say august underground mordum in an earlier post?

because that movie, though it did not shock/disturb me at all (i'm desensitized!), made my friend FAINT... i mean, it's seriously fucking terrible. download it if you must, but... don't buy this shit. people can say what they want about the artistic merits of it or whatever, but the fact is, that shit is just fucking sickening. i love horror/exploitation/b films but it's the most disturbing film a normal person will ever see. i mean, they cut open a woman and fuck the hole and they cut a dick off and they rape and kill a little girl and it shows it ALL. just sick.

ploesj 05.19.2007 09:21 AM

well one thing i remember is not being able to watch the thumb-cutting scene in the english patient. i'm not easily disturbed, but everything that has to do with putilating fingers or hands, or even the idea, gives me the creeps.. i feel sick when i even think about fingers breaking or stuff like that.

and oh yes, most so-called 'comedies' disturb me too.

eatmychild 05.19.2007 12:15 PM

When I was young and first saw the video for Come To Daddy it was quite disturbing. Just the thought of those evil kids running around in gangs creating menace got to me.

Danny Himself 05.19.2007 06:06 PM

I just saw 'Hostel' on tv.

There was no need for that amount of gore.

luxinterior 05.19.2007 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by ploesj
well one thing i remember is not being able to watch the thumb-cutting scene in the english patient. i'm not easily disturbed, but everything that has to do with putilating fingers or hands, or even the idea, gives me the creeps.. i feel sick when i even think about fingers breaking or stuff like that.

Yes, poor Willem.

pokkeherrie 05.19.2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
I just saw 'Hostel' on tv.

There was no need for that amount of gore.

I didn't care much for the gore, but I was very much disturbed by the "Dutch" and the "Dutch accents" spoken in that movie. I won't bitch about them filming somewhere in the Czech Republic and then pretending it to be Amsterdam, but why attempt to have Czech actors trying to speak Dutch? They could've even used synchronised voices or something if real actors would be too expensive. But this was just cringeworthy. Even worse was the so-called Dutch accent of the businessman when he was speaking English. I don't know what the fuck that was about, but it was so bad that I just couldn't get over it. Totally ruined the movie for me... not that there was much of a movie to be ruined, but still.

Florya 05.19.2007 07:05 PM

Jorg Buttgereit's 'Nekromantik' is pretty damn disturbing.
And the rape and mutilation scene in 'Man Bites Dog' freaks me out as well.

musicfallinglikesnow 05.19.2007 07:13 PM

The dog scene in "The Fly II"...and that movie in general.

musicfallinglikesnow 05.19.2007 07:17 PM

Also, when I was fourteen and watched "Indiana Jones and the temple of doom"...I can't believe they showed how the priest takes the heart out of the sacrifice victim with his bare hand. It was not the thing in itself (well, it was to a degree) but the anti-naturality of it. They had recommended it in the video club as "entertaining for young people"...I remember my heart beating so fast but I thought I should be brave and keep watching.
I know, it sounds silly.
I've avoided horror movies and the like since then. :eek:

Kallisti23chaos 05.19.2007 10:31 PM

"Santa Sangre"

musicfallinglikesnow 05.19.2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
grow up

I said I was fourteen.

musicfallinglikesnow 05.19.2007 10:42 PM

Many things have happened since then by the way. I'm not easily scared by movies; life is much scarier, etc.

Pax Americana 05.19.2007 10:50 PM

The first time I saw Seven, I thought that was pretty disturbing, good movie though.

Also, whoever mentioned Eraserhead. That movie kinda bothered me.

k-krack 05.19.2007 11:13 PM

In a not-due-too-graphic-nature way, Ghost World disturbed me...

Green Magnesium 05.20.2007 02:28 AM

Ghost World is a very disturbing/upsetting film^

Don't Look Now, The Juniper Tree and Audition all shook me up a bit, and still do.

The Night Porter upset me so much that I literally cried for about 10 minutes after it ended. There's no graphic violence to be found in it, it's simply a gut-wrenching film.

MellySingsDoom 05.20.2007 03:00 AM

"Men Behind The Sun" is one film I'd hesitate to show to anyone. The infamous "cat" sequence would finish most people off.

king_buzzo 05.20.2007 03:46 AM

The part when they fuck the guy in Pulp Fiction, forgot his name though... Gimp was very disturbing as well.....

pbradley 05.20.2007 03:50 AM

BASEketball disturbed me by how sheerly unfunny it was.

Tokolosh 05.20.2007 04:05 AM



Johnny Eck (Johnny the Half Boy) in Freaks (1932) was mind-boggling.
How much of an intestine does he really have, and where is his anus?

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