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Severian 05.26.2017 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by evollove
Jesus fuck. Will I listen to this at some point today, out of curiosity? What list could he be talking about? A listen will only be a few minutes. But will those few minutes ruin me forever?


evollove 05.26.2017 08:56 AM

Hm. "The List" left me a little cold, but he does have a way with words. I'll give him that.

I listened to a few others and the music is always deadly dull, but he's a pretty good storyteller and I can see why a certain demographic loves him.

"I Wanna Talk About Me" might be my fav. Bitches never shut up, yapping all the time about their lives, thoughts and feelings. Give it a rest, cunt. I can think of a better use for your mouth. Am I right fellas?

Drjohnrock 05.26.2017 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by evollove

"I Wanna Talk About Me" might be my fav. Bitches never shut up, yapping all the time about their lives, thoughts and feelings. Give it a rest, cunt. I can think of a better use for your mouth. Am I right fellas?

So you didn't get the Drumpf hat or buy every gun you could afford. But you did join the Pussy Grabber Women Are Chattel Club :(

But I know you're only kidding, right evollove? ;)

Or are you? :confused:

evollove 05.27.2017 05:21 AM

I used to be a feminist, but dude makes some good points. Not sure I'll buy a MAGA hat, but I do feel more comfortable beating women.

Severian 05.31.2017 11:28 AM

I used to quite like "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay. And a few other songs of theirs ("Lost," "Speed of Sound.") I also like "Strawberry Swing," but more as a Frank Ocean song than as a Coldplay song. I like a few others too, but they really seem to have bottomed out. Not even capable of making a decent pop tune anymore.

Same goes for U2. In pretty much the exact same way. I like a lot of their early singles well enough. Even some stuff from the '90s. But holy wow have they sucked a fuck for the past 20 years.

Drjohnrock 06.02.2017 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I used to quite like "Viva La Vida" by Coldplay. And a few other songs of theirs ("Lost," "Speed of Sound.") I also like "Strawberry Swing," but more as a Frank Ocean song than as a Coldplay song. I like a few others too, but they really seem to have bottomed out. Not even capable of making a decent pop tune anymore.

Same goes for U2. In pretty much the exact same way. I like a lot of their early singles well enough. Even some stuff from the '90s. But holy wow have they sucked a fuck for the past 20 years.

Fair point about Coldplay--a handful of their songs aren't bad. But they're such bad performers that it hardly matters.

I agree wholeheartedly about UBlew. Fuck Bonehead, The Dredge and the bass guy. The drummer is the only member of the band who can pass for human.

Kuhb 06.03.2017 02:55 AM

The first two Coldplay albums are solid early 2000s pop. More than enough interesting ideas to make it worthwhile. Some of their stuff is more clever than you'd think when you pull them apart

Severian 06.03.2017 11:22 AM

^^^ I actually agree... to a point. I think "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall" from Mylo Xyloto was the last song that I thought had some legitimate pop banger chops. I enjoyed the hip-hoppy production and "EDM-but-not-quite-in-a-gross-way" feel of the song's pacing (I'm quoting myself here, btw... :cool: )

I don't think anything they've released since has even been worthy of a second listen. Or a first. I think I put on Ghost Stories for a sec before realizing there was nothing there but slow sad bullsht, and the newest one... I can't even recall its name.

But... they've done some nice stuff, guys. For real.
Here, allow me to break it down for you because I'm sitting in a service center waiting for my car to be fixed and I have fuckall else to do.

Their first album had a couple of tunes that were very strong, however. "Yellow" is just a good fucking song. Oasis wishes they had ever written a song so perfectly poppy, tuneful, and reverent of quasi-indie "hip" influences like Stone Roses and Ride. That song deserved to be as big as it was. It's not my favorite kind of music by a loooong shot, but you're mad if you don't appreciate how sweet that shit sounded next to Third Eye Blind and Korn on the radio.
Still not an album I ever had any interest in owning... not an album I'll likely ever listen to in full, but still... "Yellow" was the tits.

A Rush of Blood to the Head
Their second album had even more good tunes. Some were a bit heavy-handed, but still, the humble charm of it was refreshing. "Clocks" was good, and had a nice metronomic, almost mathy beat. VERY Radioheadesque. I think the opening track was pretty sweet too.
I actually saw them around the time A Rush of Blood to the Head was blowing up (headlining a festival with Flaming Lips, Modest Mouse and Neko Case!), and unfortunately their charm on-record didn't translate to the stage. My friends and I walked out after about 30 minutes of Chris Martin mewling at a piano w/ lights.
Again, not an album I would want to own. I actually did buy it because I was dating a girl at the time who really loved "The Scientist" and wanted it to be our song. She was not the brightest bulb, but she was gorgeous, so of course I was a sex-zombie for 6 months or so. :D

This is when they really started getting massive. I think pretty much all the singles on this album, with the exception of the criminally overused and shitty-as-fuck to begin with "Fix You." For instance, "Talk" sampled fucking Kraftwerk and turned that "Computer Love" riff into a winning, stadium-sized melody reminiscent of early U2 (back when they were pretty good... like Unforgettabke Fire-era).
"Speed of Sound" had a nice build to it. Actually, a very nice build. It properly and correctly inflates the drama and tension with each passing verse until it blows up into a legitimate power-pop anthem. Again, not the kind of thing I generally give a shit about, but back in this era, I was perfectly happy that Coldplay and Queens of the Stone Age were ruling radio stations like The End instead of... y'know... Nickelback or whatever.

Viva La Vida
STILL not my cup of tea, but this is the best of them. Several of these songs are just undeniable. Yeah, Chris Martin is a terrible songwriter, but he knows that, and he's at his best here. "Viva La Vida" is a good song. Probably their their best non-"Yellow" pop music moment. And it was HUGE. But it's actually "Lost" that really gets me. I can't help it. I just plain like that song without qualification. I defy you to put it on and not bob your head. It's good. Drums used effectively, and played well.

After that, as I said, it's only "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall." Everything else seems to be definitively horseshit.

Now, don't misunderstand me. They're not a great band, or even a good one. This is not the kind of thing I like or listen to. But when these songs come on the radio or whatever, I don't turn them off.

noisereductions 06.03.2017 11:30 AM

Best Coldplay song is "Shiver".

Severian 06.03.2017 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Best Coldplay song is "Shiver".

Huh? Seriously?

No. "Lost."

noisereductions 06.03.2017 04:05 PM

I always loved "Shiver." I was subjected to Parachutes and taht um Blood To The Head album a lot back in the day. I enjoyed some songs from each. And from Vida. But yeah, not a band I personally *like* but they have songs I like.

The Soup Nazi 06.06.2017 05:59 PM

You fuckers have reached a new low with your Coldplay talk.

Satan will munch on your souls. He will MUNCH on them!

Severian 06.06.2017 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
You fuckers have reached a new low with your Coldplay talk.

Satan will munch on your souls. He will MUNCH on them!

C'mon brah don't be like that. Good songs are good songs. I don't know the lyrics to any of these. They just have nice grooves. Also, did you miss the part where I walked out of a Coldplay show at a festival I'd paid major cash money to attend?


noisereductions 06.07.2017 09:21 AM

plus it's a thread about bands we don't even like. I mean, by default this should pretty much be a thread about shitty bands.

The Soup Nazi 06.14.2017 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Drjohnrock
I agree wholeheartedly about UBlew. Fuck Bonehead, The Dredge and the bass guy. The drummer is the only member of the band who can pass for human.

Henry Rollins went a bit further than you.

Kuhb 06.14.2017 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Severian

Their first album had a couple of tunes that were very strong, however. "Yellow" is just a good fucking song. Oasis wishes they had ever written a song so perfectly poppy, tuneful, and reverent of quasi-indie "hip" influences like Stone Roses and Ride. That song deserved to be as big as it was. It's not my favorite kind of music by a loooong shot, but you're mad if you don't appreciate how sweet that shit sounded next to Third Eye Blind and Korn on the radio.
Still not an album I ever had any interest in owning... not an album I'll likely ever listen to in full, but still... "Yellow" was the tits.

If Radiohead wrote "Trouble" from Parachutes and put it on In Rainbows with a glitchy beat people would have lost their minds. I had to learn it the other day for work and it's deceptively complex harmonically

The Soup Nazi 06.15.2017 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Kuhb
If Radiohead wrote "Trouble" from Parachutes and put it on In Rainbows with a glitchy beat people would have lost their minds.

Which proves Radiohead suck all kinds of donkeydongs.

Genteel Death 06.15.2017 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Kuhb
If Radiohead wrote "Trouble" from Parachutes and put it on In Rainbows with a glitchy beat people would have lost their minds. I had to learn it the other day for work and it's deceptively complex harmonically

But people did lose their minds over this song, didn't they? It was a pretty huge hit everywhere. I think it sounds more like the sort of maudlin ballad Adele builds her financial empire of dread and tears on.

Severian 06.15.2017 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
But people did lose their minds over this song, didn't they? It was a pretty huge hit everywhere. I think it sounds more like the sort of maudlin ballad Adele builds her financial empire of dread and tears on.

That was pretty funny.

Kuhb 06.15.2017 04:48 PM

Adele wouldn't know how to sing over those chords. "It's got wrong notes innit?"

Kuhb 06.15.2017 04:51 PM

Side note... it's a fun game to get people who rate themselves as musicians to try and play "Happy Birthday" by ear.

The Soup Nazi 06.15.2017 04:52 PM

Could not care less about Adele but she >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Coldplay. The fuck is wrong with you people anyway?

Kuhb 06.15.2017 05:07 PM

For me, the musical content (mostly harmony, melody and rhythm) is more important than the aesthetic experience of the music (the artists background, context, image, attitude, possibly lyrics).

For this reason, while I wouldn't rate Coldplay as a favourite band (hence this thread), I can identify nice moments within their songs.

Those Coldplay chords are pretty interesting. They wrote an interesting melody that makes them sound like a folk song, when actually it's quite complex. You can't just strum some open chords on an acoustic guitar and write that. That's going to make me go "oh, interesting". The fact Coldplay did it isn't really going to concern me.

Radiohead isn't a favourite band either, but pretty much all their songs except "No Suprises" are pretty clever in a similar way.

Just explaining my position in a bland way because it seems to have provoked such bemusement

Severian 06.15.2017 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Kuhb
Adele wouldn't know how to sing over those chords. "It's got wrong notes innit?"


Actually it would probably be more like, "Fuckin'ell, it's got bloody notes, does it? Fuck my face! I'm crude so I must be real and interesting! Lookit me knickers! Fuckin'ell!"

Severian 06.15.2017 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Kuhb
For me, the musical content (mostly harmony, melody and rhythm) is more important than the aesthetic experience of the music (the artists background, context, image, attitude, possibly lyrics).

For this reason, while I wouldn't rate Coldplay as a favourite band (hence this thread), I can identify nice moments within their songs.

Those Coldplay chords are pretty interesting. They wrote an interesting melody that makes them sound like a folk song, when actually it's quite complex. You can't just strum some open chords on an acoustic guitar and write that. That's going to make me go "oh, interesting". The fact Coldplay did it isn't really going to concern me.

Radiohead isn't a favourite band either, but pretty much all their songs except "No Suprises" are pretty clever in a similar way.

Just explaining my position in a bland way because it seems to have provoked such bemusement

I think I view and listen to music in a similar way. It allows me to appreciate the nice moments regardless of context.

The Soup Nazi 06.15.2017 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I think I view and listen to music in a similar way. It allows me to appreciate the nice moments regardless of context.





Severian 06.15.2017 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi




Yeah, but someone feels that way about Sleater-Kinney, and Low, and all the other bands we like. If those bands were more popular, more people would hate them.

Also, I don't think any of these memes are based on actual instances of Coldplay-dissing. There's some Shakespeare, some Thunder-dissing, a dumb meme by who knows who, and... well, maybe that top one.

Also also, his thread is (again) about bands we don't like. I don't like Coldplay, and I don't listen to Coldplay. But they've had some moments. I certainly hate plenty of other artists more. Like Drake.

Coldplay > Drake. Coldplay > blink 182. Coldplay > NickoRnback et. al

noisereductions 06.15.2017 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I think I view and listen to music in a similar way. It allows me to appreciate the nice moments regardless of context.

except when it's someone you want to punch in the face?

noisereductions 06.15.2017 08:03 PM

anyway I'll echo what others have said. I'm not a cold fan. But I like some of their songs. This is a thread about bands that you're not a fan of... but you like some of their songs.

The Soup Nazi 06.15.2017 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Yeah, but someone feels that way about Sleater-Kinney, and Low, and all the other bands we like.

Then everything is nothing and this is the equivalent of ending an argument with the most anodyne bullshit ever: "Well, you're entitled to your opinion". I KNOW MOTHERFUCKERS ARE ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINION. FUCK 'EM ANYWAY! TAKE A FUCKING STAND, PEOPLE!!


Kuhb 06.15.2017 08:30 PM

I think the Velvet Underground is one of the best bands of all time and the first album is an utter masterpiece. While being musically brilliant it is also aesthetically cool as all hell.

Coldplay's Parachutes is a more interesting album than Lou Reed's Mistrial. Lou Reed's artistic aesthetic isn't enough to save it.

I can comfortably hold both of these positions, regardless of the punchability of Chris Martin's face.

Kuhb 06.15.2017 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Severian

Actually it would probably be more like, "Fuckin'ell, it's got bloody notes, does it? Fuck my face! I'm crude so I must be real and interesting! Lookit me knickers! Fuckin'ell!"

"Adele! You're going full Oliver Twist again!"

noisereductions 06.15.2017 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Kuhb
I think the Velvet Underground is one of the best bands of all time and the first album is an utter masterpiece. While being musically brilliant it is also aesthetically cool as all hell.

Coldplay's Parachutes is a more interesting album than Lou Reed's Mistrial. Lou Reed's artistic aesthetic isn't enough to save it.

I can comfortably hold both of these positions, regardless of the punchability of Chris Martin's face.

I like you.

Genteel Death 06.16.2017 03:34 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
This is a thread about bands that you're not a fan of... but you like some of their songs.

Yes, that's what it is.

Genteel Death 06.16.2017 04:16 AM

The Spits - Come With Me
Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia My Reflection
Sisters of Mercy - Marian

Severian 06.16.2017 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel
The first 2 Future Islands LPs are great. Come at me!

Why would anyone come at you? I don't like Future Islands (just really not my sound, though I have several friends who love them), but I'm not going to come at you because you like some of their music but don't like them in general?

Is there anything about their first two LPs that's strikingly different from the two LPs they've made since becoming massive?

Severian 06.16.2017 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel
Parquet Courts - careers in combat.
- Caster of worthless spells.

Parquet Courts have a number of really good songs, honestly. I don't consider them a band that I actively like, but I certainly don't dislike them.

Severian 06.16.2017 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
except when it's someone you want to punch in the face?

Now now, even though I really want to punch Drake in the face, that doesn't mean that there are no moments in his music that I can enjoy.

In fact, this thread is probably the best place to say that I enjoy "6 p.m. in New York." And a coupe of other IYRTITL songs. And I actually get "Pop Style" stuck in my head a lot. Not he castrated album version, but the version with Kanye and 12 seconds of Jay Z.

I didn't listen to it until long after Drake had made the executive decision to take "The Throne" off the track, which might be the most "This is my party..." moment in recent music history, but Kanye did a chunk of the song at the concert I attended, and I have to admit, it's got a nice beat. Without Kanye it's just bland nothingness.

noisereductions 06.16.2017 09:57 AM

I think you would/should/might like "The Fear" a lot. I remember me and louder talking in the past about how both of us think it's one of his best songs ever. It's from the period right right right as he transitioned from "this guy might be huge" to "huge" and yet it's this totally vulnerable and emotional track.

My favorite track from Thank Me Later was always "Karaoke." In fact that's probably my favorite Drake track for real. Period.

noisereductions 06.16.2017 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel
Arr my god just kill me

dude. Again. This is a thread where people talk about bands/artists they're not big fans of. So if you're expecting talk about awesome bands/artists then this is the wrong thread to be reading.

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