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Rob Instigator 03.05.2008 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
a. obama has stated that he will not be hillary's running-mate.
b. what is this experience are people keep talking about in reference to clinton?

Hillary clinton was a CABINET MEMBER for years, serving in foreign affairs, healthcare, and other aspects of the executive branch. She was a very influential advisor to her husband on matters of state, and she has international cache. She knows protocol, and she has already built up relationships with world leaders.

Obama has one term as a senator under his belt. No foreign affairs experience. It cannt eb denied and he knows it and it is why he lost in texas and Ohio after the clinton campaign made it a point to enphasize this.

the world today needs someone who can cope with not ust the american people, but the people of the world.

I think Obama would make a great president if he got some more experience under his belt.

if he does not want to be Hillary Clinton;s running mate then he is fucking up big time.

Rob Instigator 03.05.2008 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
i just watched a video about some of hillary's dirtyish money. matter of fact, every time i've read about her, recently, it's something scandalous about money.

and just because it isn't pee-pee in vajayjay scandalous, doesn't make it any less scandalous.

politcians/rich people without money "scandals" do not exist.
Not a single one.

Preznit Dubya ran thre4e separate companies into the ground, including the texas rangers, and no one seemed to think that was a bad sign heading into his presidency. look at our economy now.

m1rr0r dash 03.05.2008 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I like how Obama was "Barry" in school. dumb crackas couldn't say barrack I guess. ;)

...true. but this is 1973. "Barry" sounds like a hep cat.

"Barack?" ...sounds like the black panther version of ...Philbert.

!@#$%! 03.05.2008 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Preznit Dubya ran thre4e separate companies into the ground, including the texas rangers, and no one seemed to think that was a bad sign heading into his presidency.

oh hell yes a lot of people did.

the other side stole the election, that is all.

Rob Instigator 03.05.2008 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yeah my problem with hillary is that i don't believe a word she says. she's wonderful at pandering. :(

on her own she's had vince foster, white water, cattle futures, travelgate, & more. plus she sided with bill while he was sexually assaulting women.

i agree obama might not be fully ripe, but i'd rather have him making honest mistakes than ms. machiavelli engaged in a perpetual war taking advice from polls.

now consider this: the evangelicals are not hard for magoo, but they'd come out in troves to defeat hellary. and who'll win more independents? i think magoo too...

you , like me, probably do not believ any word any politician says. and rightly so.
Bill never assaulted women. he got his cock sucked by dumb bitches who get pussy blind when they are around a powerful man, and you know this.

hillary's "scanda;s" that you mention are exactly the same sort of business bullshi that ALL rich people do, that all business men engage in. she actually has been involved in way less than most. those were not real scandals man.

atari 2600 03.05.2008 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh hell yes a lot of people did.

the other side stole the election, that is all.

And they will again this time. Which is why we have the race we do. The Democratic party salivating over these minority candidates in an otherwise shoo-in election year is some pretty preposterous shit.

Rob Instigator 03.05.2008 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh hell yes a lot of people did.

the other side stole the election, that is all.

not his party, not his supporters. OF COURSE his opposition thought so.

Rob Instigator 03.05.2008 12:34 PM

I think McCain may have sold his political soul to the hard core right wing in order to get this nomination man. he looked so shepish last night in his acceptance speech when he had to sucjk it up and spout off GOP party line shit, which he ahs reepeatedly shown he does not personally agree with.

val-holla-ing 03.05.2008 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
the world today needs someone who can cope with not ust the american people, but the people of the world.

I think Obama would make a great president if he got some more experience under his belt.

if he does not want to be Hillary Clinton;s running mate then he is fucking up big time.

her accusations/insinuations of obama being muslim and insensitive remarks about his race and the civil rights movement show that she's ready to deal with people of the world, how? if she can't play nice at home, what makes you think she'll know how to deal with the kids across the street with the funny accents?

why is experience such an issue? perhaps, the reason our country is so fucked up right now is b/c for waaaay too long, we've credited people with having experience, when all they've done is ride on someone else's coattail with a nice title attached to it. i think it's time someone with a different set of experiences be given a chance.

atari 2600 03.05.2008 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by mangajunky
Nope - the conspiracy theorist in me believes that the fix is in and McCain is going to win. He'll be easily manipulated by large corporations and that's all that's important. The voting machines are too easy to program to create the desired results.

You don't need to hack voting machines when you can rather easily program people. McCain will indeed win the presidency, there you are correct; the fix was in from the beginning.

!@#$%! 03.05.2008 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Hillary clinton was a CABINET MEMBER for years, serving in foreign affairs, healthcare, and other aspects of the executive branch. She was a very influential advisor to her husband on matters of state, and she has international cache. She knows protocol, and she has already built up relationships with world leaders.

clinton was no cabinet member. she was first lady. they gave her health care and she fucked it up royally. such fuckup ushered the takeover of congress by newt gingrich.

as for international cachet, the world is crazy about obama.

see this for example: < ha ha

atari 2600 03.05.2008 01:01 PM

I was wondering if any of you nimrods caught the glaring boner at the end of Huckabee's concession speech last night.
Tonight, I hope that our battle was never about us. It was about our country and its liberty. And now we join with Senator McCain and the rest in our party to continue that battle, to continue that fight, not for who gets elected, but for what we do in maintaining liberty and freedom when we get elected and when our country's flag still waves proudly on the wall.
AUDIENCE MEMBER: You're a great American, Mike.
MR. HUCKABEE: And you're a great American, as well.
Thank you, folks. God bless you. We love you. And thank you very, very much for going the journey with us. Thank you.

Yep, that's what he said: "...when our country's flag still waves proudly on the wall." Dude came off like a preacher the whole speech and still managed to end it like even more of a moron.

davenotdead 03.05.2008 01:04 PM

Hilary winning is the worst thing that can happen to all you dems/liberals... I think McCain will stomp her... many many people hate her with a passion, and will simply vote against her moreso than for McCain

atari 2600 03.05.2008 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
Hilary winning is the worst thing that can happen to all you dems/liberals... I think McCain will stomp her... many many people hate her with a passion, and will simply vote against her moreso than for McCain

Rob's goofy "McCain-as-appointed conservative punching bag" theory aside, McCain's going to edge out either Democrat in the presidential election. Must be why the Republicans were among the first to give Hillary money, eh?

Again, for the Democrats to posit minority candidates (with what's at stake) in an otherwise shoo-in election year is, in my mind, incompetent; and that's the best case. In the worst case, it's a highly suspect move that's most likely due to underlying deep layers of political corruption. But don't let that perturb you, by all means, drone on, drones, drone on...

Rob Instigator 03.05.2008 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
her accusations/insinuations of obama being muslim and insensitive remarks about his race and the civil rights movement show that she's ready to deal with people of the world, how? if she can't play nice at home, what makes you think she'll know how to deal with the kids across the street with the funny accents?

why is experience such an issue? perhaps, the reason our country is so fucked up right now is b/c for waaaay too long, we've credited people with having experience, when all they've done is ride on someone else's coattail with a nice title attached to it. i think it's time someone with a different set of experiences be given a chance.

that may very well be, regarding "experience," but I am a political junie, read and watch anything I can get my hands on, and I have yet to hear anyone in the Clinton campaign make even a PEEP about Osama's name, about his religion, about any such thing. The people that are doing that are journalists and right-wing scare-mongers.

Rob Instigator 03.05.2008 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
clinton was no cabinet member. she was first lady. they gave her health care and she fucked it up royally. such fuckup ushered the takeover of congress by newt gingrich.

cachet is NOTHING. experience is everything

Clinto WAS a cabinet member, and the healthcare reform she tried repeatedly to push through was shot down and destroyed by the Republican controlled congress, NOT by any ineptitude on her part.

read up. newt gingrich was speaker of the house when clinton STARTED man!

Rob Instigator 03.05.2008 02:01 PM

McCain's own base does not support or agree with his positions.
the evangelicals will sit this election out ratrher than vote for a man who is pro-choice and has said so many times.

!@#$%! 03.05.2008 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
you , like me, probably do not believ any word any politician says. and rightly so.
Bill never assaulted women. he got his cock sucked by dumb bitches who get pussy blind when they are around a powerful man, and you know this.

hillary's "scanda;s" that you mention are exactly the same sort of business bullshi that ALL rich people do, that all business men engage in. she actually has been involved in way less than most. those were not real scandals man.

Rob Instigator 03.05.2008 02:17 PM

Politics is CRAZY!

If Obama gets the nomination I sincerely hope he can maintain his "outsider" status, because if he truly is bringing new ideas and new thought he needs to enumerate these ideas instead of just talking big.

it is very very hard to get anything accomplished as president when you are seen as an outsider.

!@#$%! 03.05.2008 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Politics is CRAZY!

If Obama gets the nomination I sincerely hope he can maintain his "outsider" status, because if he truly is bringing new ideas and new thought he needs to enumerate these ideas instead of just talking big.

it is very very hard to get anything accomplished as president when you are seen as an outsider.

i know, i know-- but that "movement" thing he talks about is not bullshit. you can mobilize people to effect change, like with the civil rights. that was from the ground up, not "given" by jbl or even mlk.

if he can get people engange in a national debate regarding health care we'd all be better off for it. i just dont think hellary's top-down approach will work.

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