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tesla69 03.29.2018 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
stop reading hate-mongers bullshit.

the assholes selling this LIE about that kid are using snipets from a CBS interview. at one point he describes hunkering down with fellow students during the killing, and then later describes how he went back to the school around 6PM to talk to the other kids and document what was happening. Please do not share EVIL LIES.

woah, the Russians got to me, thats fucked up! I stand corrected, thank you.

His dad was supposed to be retired FBI. I believe that is documented sufficiently.

the students are stating their goal is to get rid of the 2nd Amendment.

Rob Instigator 03.30.2018 08:13 AM

Is not the goal of our whole society to live in a world where the personal need to own a killing weapon, or many many killing weapons, is no longer tolerated or needed?

The Soup Nazi 03.31.2018 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
have you read the asshat of Death Metal's stuff? pitiful

That disgraceful dildo and motherfucking Ted Nugent can go fuck each other:

ilduclo 04.01.2018 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
That disgraceful dildo and motherfucking Ted Nugent can go fuck each other:

looks like Laura Ingrahag is getting hers (and not from D'Nesh)

tesla69 04.10.2018 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Is not the goal of our whole society to live in a world where the personal need to own a killing weapon, or many many killing weapons, is no longer tolerated or needed?

Sure, but you first-and let me know when you stop locking your doors!

I think current conditions just don't allow it. War seems to be the natural condition of humens, but the war process doesn't weed out the most warlike, just the most unlucky.

It is fucking nuts that submachine guns were being sold at the mall.

!@#$%! 05.18.2018 01:32 PM

fuckin shit another school shooting, and this time in houston.

evollove 05.18.2018 01:51 PM

I know someone who knows someone who died.

Doesn't sound like a big deal but:

If this keeps happening, just a matter of time before just about everyone will have some degree of separation from a victim. That's sobering.

!@#$%! 05.18.2018 01:59 PM

speaking as a gun owner from “the wild west”—access to guns is too easy

and texas, you know, everyone is armed

!@#$%! 05.18.2018 03:16 PM

look: she wasn’t surprised and had been expecting it

how fucked up are we? man...

Skuj 05.18.2018 03:28 PM

I'm very happy to see a lot of GOP people offering thoughts and prayers.

ilduclo 05.18.2018 05:29 PM


h8kurdt 05.18.2018 06:37 PM

Was the title of this mean to be said like motley crues girls girls girls?

Bytor Peltor 05.19.2018 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
speaking as a gun owner from “the wild west”—access to guns is too easy

and texas, you know, everyone is armed

A revolver and a shotgun were used in the Santa Fe, Texas school shooting. Revolvers and shotguns ARE NOT THE PROBLEM and will NEVER be the banned!

Laws against theft and murder don’t stop theft and murder, laws against drugs doesn’t prevent MANY OF YOU from getting high on a regular bases. Banning guns will NEVER prevent pathetic losers from doing evil things.

Laws don’t stop would be a blessing if they did, but laws don’t stop crime. Instead laws give society legal recourse when its members engage in antisocial behavior.

In America, GUN ownership is a fundamental Civil Right, it’s a Constitutional Right given to us by our forefathers—-ITS THE LAW—-and guess what, access to: food, clean water, healthcare & education ARE NOT fundamental rights and this is true all over the globe. Don’t get pissed at me, go read a History book.

Armed Society = Citizens
Unarmed Society = Subjects

YES - I’m the selfish bastard who wants to live in America as a Citizen! As a Citizen, I have the right to own a GUN to defend myself.

Why is it difficult for some of you to comprehend why it’s so important to have the ability to defend yourself, your family, your home?

Turn on the news and you will see that EVERY Middle-Eastern Country the United States is at war with has been able to fight off the United States military because they are armed! True, they practice unconventional tactics, but they are also willing to fight and die!!! You can’t stand up to oppression or any military/ Government if you are not armed.

Our forefathers recognized this, but many reading this do not???

J.J. Watt Ofers To Pay Santa Fe Funeral Experiences

Bytor Peltor 05.19.2018 08:41 AM

Why do pathetic people do evil things?

Why do people blame GUNS??

Some version of a semiautomatic weapon has been around since World War II. Mass shootings wasn’t a thing in the 60-70-80’s. I’m sure some of you can provide info about a time / place where it did happen, but it wasn’t prevalent like it is today......why?

Have we raised a Generation of kids who don’t know how to interact with others, who don’t know how to deal with conflict? Is it because they have little social interaction and don’t separate violent movies and video games from reality???

They don’t play sports......or if they do, they don’t keep score so no one wins or loses and everyone receives participation trophies????

Basically, it’s people with ZERO self esteem!

And this doesn’t account for those who are pissed at their parents because:

Penis = male
Vagina = female

and they don’t identify as such, so they are mad at the world because someone used the wrong pronoun.

What did Pearl Jam say about Jeremy singing in class......”but we unleashed a lion.” So in 1991, Jeremy killed himself in front of his class and less than 30 years later, Jeremies feel the need to kill everyone in class because they want everyone else to hurt as much as they do.

h8kurdt 05.19.2018 10:13 AM

How many transgender kids you know shooting up schools?

!@#$%! 05.19.2018 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
A revolver and a shotgun were used in the Santa Fe, Texas school shooting. Revolvers and shotguns ARE NOT THE PROBLEM and will NEVER be the banned!

Laws against theft and murder don’t stop theft and murder, laws against drugs doesn’t prevent MANY OF YOU from getting high on a regular bases. Banning guns will NEVER prevent pathetic losers from doing evil things.

Laws don’t stop would be a blessing if they did, but laws don’t stop crime. Instead laws give society legal recourse when its members engage in antisocial behavior.

In America, GUN ownership is a fundamental Civil Right, it’s a Constitutional Right given to us by our forefathers—-ITS THE LAW—-and guess what, access to: food, clean water, healthcare & education ARE NOT fundamental rights and this is true all over the globe. Don’t get pissed at me, go read a History book.

Armed Society = Citizens
Unarmed Society = Subjects

YES - I’m the selfish bastard who wants to live in America as a Citizen! As a Citizen, I have the right to own a GUN to defend myself.

Why is it difficult for some of you to comprehend why it’s so important to have the ability to defend yourself, your family, your home?

Turn on the news and you will see that EVERY Middle-Eastern Country the United States is at war with has been able to fight off the United States military because they are armed! True, they practice unconventional tactics, but they are also willing to fight and die!!! You can’t stand up to oppression or any military/ Government if you are not armed.

Our forefathers recognized this, but many reading this do not???

J.J. Watt Ofers To Pay Santa Fe Funeral Experiences

dude chill. you’re making A LOT of assumptions about my position on this.

i’m a gun owner and i believe in a lot of what you do. i don’t believe in gun bans. but i do believe that we need more rational regulation on who and when gets access to guns.

no right comes unfettered. the right to free speech doesn’t allow you to scream fire in a crowded theater or to make death threats. the right to vote doesn’t allow you to vote multiple times in multiple jurisdictions. the right to self-defense doesn’t allow you go to and kill your neighbor because you’re thinking that maybe they’re plotting against you. all rights have reasonable limits.

you say that laws don’t prevent crime. so are you saying we should have no laws then? law of the jungle for everyone? cmon. the law is not 100% effective on anything but it’s a strong deterrent and it helps shape social life.

i’ve been to places where there’ll be a pistol on the couch and a 2 year old running around the house. is that illegal? apparently not.

so this kid took his dad’s gun, sawed it off apparently (how did he get a sawed off shotgun?), and went on a killing rampage.

sure call the kid “evil” (whatever that means). but fuck that dad for not keeping track of those weapons in a safe place.

yes yes, evil evil evil evil. the ultimate mysterious excuse.

it’s mostly because we have laws that people don’t drive 75mph in residential streets.

rights come with responsibilities. right now gun owners have every right but zero responsiblity. come on dude! we need sensible policies. yeah they’re not going to be 100% perfect. so what. car seatbelts dont’ save everyone in every car accident but they have significantly reduced fatalities. still 40K people die in car accident eveyr year but mandatory seatbelts help it not be double or triple.

stop acting so triggered and histerycal. we need the gun equivalent of seatbelts. responsiblities along with the rights. yes, they’re not going to be 100% perfect. but they will help reduce harm, and harm reduction matters.

thoughts and prayers and paid funeral expenses don’t do shit to bring a kid back to life. i mean nice of the guy to offer but what difference does it make? a funeral is just corpse-handling. why does there have to be a corpse in the first place? come on. a corpse is a corpse in a pine box or a fancy box. still a corpse.

you can scream forefathers all you want but the foremothers didn’t want to birth corpses did they?

basically you’re acting like an aztec demanding that the human sacrifice continues so that the sun rises tomorrow.

time for some rationality and less hysteria. apply some fucking sense.

make the gun owner responsible.

ilduclo 05.19.2018 01:34 PM

what color is the ribbon for this one?

Bytor Peltor 05.19.2018 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by h8kurdt
How many transgender kids you know shooting up schools?

ZERO - because I don’t know anyone who considers themself transgender. Back in the early 80’s I attended Jr. High with a kid who was a hermaphrodite. This person had surgery during their high school years and now lives life as a women.

Did you know the term hermaphrodite is now considered derogatory, but it’s now ok to refer to someone as queer?

I wasn’t saying transgenders are to blame......we haven’t had time to raise a generation of transgenders......but there will be serious consequences for society when they do.

Why have so many from the Cast of Glee committed suicide? Could it be that the personas / life’s they portrayed on the show don’t reflect the reality of the world we live in?

My Brother-in-law has been with the same partner for almost as long as I’ve been married to his Sister. My brother-in-laws partner is the head of the Drama Department at a major college. They have shared with me that they have seen a big change over the past 6-7 years in gay & straight students who are unable to deal with conflict, problems and everyday life issues.

Savage Clone 05.19.2018 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Did you know the term hermaphrodite is now considered derogatory, but it’s now ok to refer to someone as queer?

Non-issue. Terms change, and communities do reclaim derogatory terms for themselves. No one calls people with Down Syndrome mongoloids anymore either. I'm not complaining about that. That's called time, and the evolution of a living language. Doesn't even warrant a mention.

Bytor Peltor 05.19.2018 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
dude chill. you’re making A LOT of assumptions about my position on this.

My thoughts and opinions are my own!

I’ve made ZERO assumptions about anything you’ve said in this thread.


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
i’ve been to places where there’ll be a pistol on the couch and a 2 year old running around the house. is that illegal? apparently not.

You think it’s bad now, you should have grown up in Texas during the 70’s and 80’s......GUNS were everywhere! A shoebox or laying it on high, like on top of a bookshelf were the go-to preventive measures of my day.

Sad but true, Jason and his younger brother found and were messing with a handgun their single mom had in the apartment. The younger brother accidentally shot Jason, paralyzing him from the waist down. When Jason finally returned to Jr. High, I had the privilege of picking him up out of his wheelchair and carrying him upstairs daily (only dropped him once) because our Jr. High didn’t have an about a deterrent from playing with guns.

Regarding your question, I am uncertain of the laws pertaining to GUNS in personal domiciles?


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
rights come with responsibilities. right now gun owners have every right but zero responsiblity. come on dude! we need sensible policies. yeah they’re not going to be 100%

I firmly believe in and practice responsibility! My wife and I have raised our kids to do the same. I locked up my bicycle when riding it to my school or the mall, but I didn’t lock it up when I parked it in my garage or at my best friends house.
I was never worried about my family or his family members stealing my bike......but times change!

The Santa Fe shooter was 17, an adult in the Stste of Texas.

!@#$%! 05.19.2018 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
My thoughts and opinions are my own!

I’ve made ZERO assumptions about anything you’ve said in this thread.

well, you replied to my post with a long rant about gun banning, so it looked like it was a reply to me. i’ve never asked for gun bans.

but okay maybe a misunderstanding

i am for “a well regulated militia” though, and while now we have the national guard i still think we need rational regulation of a fundamental right. can’t be a free for all.


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
You think it’s bad now, you should have grown up in Texas during the 70’s and 80’s......GUNS were everywhere! A shoebox or laying it on high, like on top of a bookshelf were the go-to preventive measures of my day.

i didn’t, but that’s the kind of thing that needs to end. the casual approach.

back in the day people used to drive drunk a lot too, and without seatbelts. that was never a good thing in the first place.


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Sad but true, Jason and his younger brother found and were messing with a handgun their single mom had in the apartment. The younger brother accidentally shot Jason, paralyzing him from the waist down. When Jason finally returned to Jr. High, I had the privilege of picking him up out of his wheelchair and carrying him upstairs daily (only dropped him once) because our Jr. High didn’t have an about a deterrent from playing with guns.

well that wasn’t a deterrent. that was a consequence of not doing the right thing. i don’t know who jason is but this is the sort of shit that needs to stop to so casually happen. right?

because it’s not just school shootings. it’s also a lot of accidental deaths and crimes committed with stolen guns.

let’s deter gun theft for starters. enough with having guns casually laying around the house.


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Regarding your question, I am uncertain of the laws pertaining to GUNS in personal domiciles?

i don’t know either but here’s were we need to start talking about standards of safekeeping and what constitutes negligence on the owner’s part. ETA: see the end of this post for laws about that.

switzerland has different laws and since everyone is in the army (‘well regulated militia’) people keep actual military weapons at home. locked in a safe.

anybody who has weapons should be required to have a safe. count the safe as part of the weapon. enough of this loose and random shit. and drunk driving.


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
I firmly believe in and practice responsibility! My wife and I have raised our kids to do the same. I locked up my bicycle when riding it to my school or the mall, but I didn’t lock it up when I parked it in my garage or at my best friends house.
I was never worried about my family or his family members stealing my bike......but times change!

times change indeed and just because you practice responsibility it doesn’t mean that everybody else does or does it by the same standards.

this is where sensible regulations come in. just like mandatory seatbelts and insurance for driving. for harm reduction, not for perfection. people are always gonna die, doesn’t mean it needs to be a constant gratuitous carnage like we have now. it’s gotten out of hand.


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
The Santa Fe shooter was 17, an adult in the Stste of Texas.

not really an adult but can be tried like one, right? or is it something else? please explain

btw was just looking at texas law and it says this:

An adult will be held responsible if a minor under the age of 17 gains access to a weapon. It is deemed negligible if the adult did not secure the weapon in an appropriate place and the firearm can be readily used.

this shit needs to be tightened and advertised and prosecuted in draconian fashion. apparently the dad just escaped prosecution cuz the kid is not “under” 17?

Bytor Peltor 05.20.2018 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
back in the day people used to drive drunk a lot too, and without seatbelts. that was never a good thing in the first place.

well that wasn’t a deterrent. that was a consequence of not doing the right thing

not really an adult but can be tried like one, right? or is it something else? please explain

btw was just looking at texas law and it says this:

An adult will be held responsible if a minor under the age of 17 gains access to a weapon. It is deemed negligible if the adult did not secure the weapon in an appropriate place and the firearm can be readily used.

this shit needs to be tightened and advertised and prosecuted in draconian fashion. apparently the dad just escaped prosecution cuz the kid is not “under” 17?

People are killed daily by drunk difference there!

The deterrent for me was having to pick my classmate up out of his wheelchair and lug his deadweight up the stairs......seeing him having to use a catheter in the restroom. Very impactful on Jr. High me!

The State Of Texas considers you an adult the day your 17. From shoplifting to murder, you go to the County / City Jail and on to prison if convicted. If 16 when committing a crime, you go to Juvenile Detention and your case stays in the Juvenile Courts (Records not made public).

Starting at age 14, the Juvenile Court can petition the adult court for a hearing to Certify a Juvenile as an adult on a specific charge......murder, sexual assault of a minor, extreme abuse.

Most of my family members have gun cabinets (think china cabinet). Beautiful wood with glass front for showing off your collection......not necessarily to keep people from having access to them.

I highly doubt a Texas Jury will convict anyone for having a loaded gun in their bedside nightstand instead a safe......same for weapons kept in vehicles. I could be 100% wrong, but I don’t see it happening here.

!@#$%! 05.20.2018 06:22 PM

no they wouldnt prosecute it but that’s the thing

40% of crimes are commited with stolen guns!

check this: 600k guns are stolen every year nowadays. 600,000! numbers going up with guns stolen from cars.

the other thing i thought about is: neither you nor i knew the laws for domestic placement of guns before this.

why the hell is that? how come i know that driving 15mph over the limit is reckless driving but i dont know what constitutes negligence when keeping guns? why didnt i have to pass a test of competence and understanding to prove that im capable of using a tool for killing? no psychiatric eval or anything? it’s nuts!

again im all for the right to defend your home and family and i have weapons but it’s just too easy. i wouldnt have minded taking a test.

and no, people dont drive drunk these days the way they did half a century ago.

they dont smoke as much either.

laws and regulations and social policy have not eliminated drunk driving or smoking but have reduced it.

again not asking for perfection just harm reduction. make responsible gun ownership mandatory, not optional.

Savage Clone 05.20.2018 08:42 PM

Yeah, but.....Texas.

Rob Instigator 05.22.2018 08:23 AM

most stolen guns and many legaly purchased guns head across the border to Mexico. It is very hard to get a gun there.

!@#$%! 05.24.2018 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
most stolen guns and many legaly purchased guns head across the border to Mexico. It is very hard to get a gun there.

i know a lot of people here don’t give a shit about “what happens in mexico” (that’s not you obviously in case somebody wants to misread), so for those people who only care about their tribe i’ll repeat: 40% of gun crimes here are committed with stolen guns.

yes that still leaves another 60% that needs addressing.

for that, check out the houston chief of police who wants gun sense not lunatic fringe policies

Rob Instigator 05.24.2018 11:27 AM

My wife and I were discussing the rash of young boys and men laying waste to people at schools and such.

It is such a wide range of reasons for all of this that it makes it hard to seek out solutions. I will list the ones I am aware of:

1-Teenage boys, in fact, all teenagers, are hard-wired to think in didactic, dualistic terms. their brains are entering their final stage of development, and it is during this age of 15-21 that the brain develops actual complexity of awareness. At the age of 17 a young, disaffected, angry boy thinks of nothing else but his pain and perceived lack of pain in those around him who he resents. I was that kid. I look at the drawings and writings and scribbles I find in my old high school notebooks and it is the exact same stuff. Drawings of teachers decapitated. writing song lyrics about throwing grenades into the teacher's lounge. Endless drawings of people cut up and bleeding and soldiers and conan slicing fools, etc. I was RAGE FILLED, but I was lucky to have truly caring parents. It used to be that this innate anger and rage in teen boys was channelled to physical activity, whether sports, or scouting, or some sort of thing. These kids, like me at that time, cannot foresee positive changes, or their own growth which will lead to happiness. to a teenager, today is how it is, and it will be that way forever. learning otherwise is part of "growing up."

2-Back in the late 70's the gun manufacturers dropped their ad campaigns about hunting, becuase the move to Urban living effectively curtailed much of the hunting culture. They then proceeded to lobby US politicians to allow the sale of military-"STYLE" weaponry to civilians. Thie resulted in early 1990's, in laws changing which allowed the gun manufacturers to sell "watered-down" versions of military hardware. the only caveat was that they would not be FULL_AUTO, which is a red herring. the guns still fire dozens of rounds quickly, still can fire in three-round, semi-auto bursts, etc. This has led to a proliferation of NON_HUNTING firearms in our country. people buy these guns as toys, as gun-range toys, and their kids ahve easy access.

3-This is the first generation of children that has, since a very young age, been fed psychotropic medication to control their "manias" or smooth out their "rough edges." These meds are dangerous if used correctly, and even more risky if used incorrectly. It is a known fact that these meds cause suicidal thoughts, rage, feelings of alienation, detachment, etc. even in people who are HELPED by them. Instead of parenting, we have laZY assholes raising kids through pills and medication.

4-These types of attacks do not happen in private schools in USA. I think the difference is that, even if they are a angry or disaffected, most children fortunate enough to attend private school have HOPE for their future. HOPE. that is what the angry, detached, disassociated people do not have. Too many young men and women are growing up hopeless that anything they do will alter their shitty life. "rich kids" while they have their issues, live their lives knowing that there is always a safety net, and always a goal to strive for, whether it is to continue in the family legacy, or to manage the family finances, or to run the family business, etc. Hopelessness leads to rage and leads to exacting revenge on the world around you.

5-the lack of involvement in children's day to day lives from parents who are either too busy, too lazy, or too stupid to take the time to supervise their children properly. Teachers preach about this, how they are expected to serve as children,s parents, nannies, caretakers, therapist, etc, which leaves little time for actual education.

I say, any kid that does this shit? arrest the parents. arrest them PUBLICLY. You ARE liable for what your child does, until they are emancipated or of age.

ilduclo 05.24.2018 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator

most children fortunate enough to attend private school have HOPE for their future. HOPE. that is what the angry, detached, disassociated people do not have. Too many young men and women are growing up hopeless that anything they do will alter their shitty life. "rich kids" while they have their issues, live their lives knowing that there is always a safety net, and always a goal to strive for, whether it is to continue in the family legacy, or to manage the family finances, or to run the family business, etc.

affluent mass killers:

James Holmes, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Charles Whitman, Stephen Paddock,Adam Lanza.

it's not the poverty or the schools

Rob Instigator 05.24.2018 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
affluent mass killers:

James Holmes, Eric Harris, Dylan Klebold, Charles Whitman, Stephen Paddock,Adam Lanza.

it's not the poverty or the schools

middle class in public schools is NOT what I referred to.

whitman was NOT affluent. his dad was a self-made orphan.

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were NOT affluent. one was a military brat. these were regular middle class kids in public schools.

Adam Lanza WAS from a better-off family. his issues mirror the other points I made above.

Stephen Paddock was anaffluent ADULT. His issues are not of concern to what I wrote above. Franklly, Whitman was a full adult too. he had a brain TUMOR.

James Holmes dad was an academic. his mom a nurse. THAT IS NOT AFFLUENT

Rob Instigator 05.24.2018 02:12 PM

I never said it was the poverty or the schools. You need to read again.

I said it was the lack of hope experienced by the non-affluent disaffected boys that drives this insane, mass-harming rage.

evollove 05.24.2018 03:11 PM

I thought point 2 was novel and interesting. Not dismissing your other points, but this is one I never came across and I find it compelling.

ilduclo 05.24.2018 05:45 PM

I guess our definitions of affluent are widely divergent.

!@#$%! 05.25.2018 08:43 AM

good thing this guy had “only” a stun gun and not a pistol

Rob Instigator 05.25.2018 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by ilduclo
I guess our definitions of affluent are widely divergent.

by "affluent" I mean a household than can afford to send it's kids to $25,000/year private school from grade 1 to college. Or a household where money for the next round of bills is never a concern.

!@#$%! 05.25.2018 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
by "affluent" I mean a household than can afford to send it's kids to $25,000/year private school from grade 1 to college. Or a household where money for the next round of bills is never a concern.

i know what you’re saying. those sociopaths don’t grow up to kill 20 people with a gun. they grow up to destroy millions of people by raiding their pension funds or launching wars for oil and that sort of thing.

Rob Instigator 05.25.2018 11:34 AM


ilduclo 05.25.2018 06:21 PM

private schools are subsidized now in the world o trump

!@#$%! 05.26.2018 06:24 AM

noblesville indiana hasnt even made it to the news

“only”2 shot, the whole school traumatized of course

pence is of course “praying”. braying more like.

Bytor Peltor 05.30.2018 12:16 PM

Texas School and Firearm Safety Action Plan from Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Bytor Peltor 05.30.2018 04:12 PM

UK Judge Calls For Ban On Kitchen Knives

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