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tesla69 01.07.2013 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
In LA County we've had a wonderful phenomenon, we zoned out most of the firearms retailers, and low and behold our murder and violent crime rates have decreased 600% since 1992. That is because there are less guns to steal from gun shops, the docks, and freight yards. Less guns to sell equals less guns to steal equals less guns on the street to harm and kill, period. This is not ideology, this is the reality of gun-control in Los Angeles over the past 20 years.;)

NYC's homicides have gone down from like 2000 to 200 annually in the same period but the gun laws haven't changed. There has been a large reduction in crime all over the country, with some exceptions. The cops in NYC have so much time on their hands they leave wallets laying around and then arrest the people who pick them up.

I don't think you can put the reduction all on a zoning change. Maybe I'm wrong.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.07.2013 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
NYC's homicides have gone down from like 2000 to 200 annually in the same period but the gun laws haven't changed. There has been a large reduction in crime all over the country, with some exceptions. The cops in NYC have so much time on their hands they leave wallets laying around and then arrest the people who pick them up.

I don't think you can put the reduction all on a zoning change. Maybe I'm wrong.

No, its not all zoning. Its also stricter enforcement of existing laws, stricter sentencing for gun crimes, and a cultural shift in the overall community away from fire-arms. And NYC does in fact have relatively strict gun laws as compared to many other cities and states.

Rob Instigator 01.08.2013 02:10 PM

The "good" Terminator in Terminator 2 would not have been able to protect annoying-ass Edward Furlong without the ready access to firearms of all types.

The Terminator uses the following weapons throughout the movie: - Colt/Detonics 1911 9mm - Winchester 1887 Lever Action 10-Gauge Sawed-off Shotgun minus trigger guard - M79 'Blooper' Grenade Launcher - Hawk MM-1 37mm 12-shot gas grenade launcher - GE-134 Minigun 7.62x51mm cycle rate geared at 600rpm

floatingslowly 01.08.2013 02:41 PM

This gun-control conversation is almost silly because of it being such a moot point.

What sorry asshole would be the one chosen to go door to door collecting the massive stockpile of armaments which Americans have collected?

Nobody's up for that job, I tell you.

Rob Instigator 01.08.2013 02:55 PM

They could enact an exchange program of sorts. Turn in your gun and get a QP of the finest cheeba. Or turn in your gun and get unlimited access to Hairy bush tumblr sites from Mexico.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.11.2013 03:50 PM

Yesterday near Fort Tejon, a 16 year old student went into his high school class with a shotgun, shot a fellow student (who survived), and was talked down by a teacher and an administrator. If the NRA and all the 2nd Amendment crowd had their way, that youth would have been summarily executed in his classroom, perhaps even by an armed teacher. What if the teacher who talked him down instead came in shooting the place up like a Charles Bronson movie? Teachers don't want to be armed security, we don't want guns in our classrooms for this exact reason. If a teacher or even armed-police over-reacted this would been the scene of a murder-suicide, or at the least, the gunman would been killed (as the police usually do in these situations). Is that justice?

I praise GOD that some teachers did their job, and stepped in when the situation needed it most, these teachers are A MILLION times more my kind of sincere and true heroes than any gun-totting hero-wanna-be. Guns don't make heroes, the strength and dignity of the human spirit creates heroism, and humble humans trying their best NOT to hurt other humans is the true mark of Ghandi-esque heroism. It is easy to just get a gun and shoot away your problems, shit, that is what this unfortunate 16 year old thought when taking the gun to class in the first place. Two shootings don't make it right. One shooting is enough, I am glad that sense prevailed, that goodness still exists, and that there are people out there brave enough to put their lives in their hands to save EVERY life, not just accepting summary executions as part-and-parcel of law enforcement like the NRA proposals would have us believe is necessary. The gun lobbies are trying to brainwash us with fear-mongering to believe that life is not safe without a gun, when guns precisely are the threat to human life and safety. The human spirit is stronger than any pieces of forged metal, and the human heart overcomes any adversity through blinding courage. Everyday across the world armed men flee conflicts to be sure, when unarmed men and women run to the battles and bombings and shootings to help. Such is the true beauty of being human, altruism.

Hey big Ray, bust some dance moves to celebrate humanity ;)

the ikara cult 01.11.2013 03:58 PM

Im assuming you all saw this

I dont so much mind the shouting, or the incoherance. What really pisses me off is how Alex Jones et al. make their living by complaining that the Mainstream Media never allows them to voice their opinion, but when given a chance to do so they only complain about how the media never gives them a chance to express their opinion... Its like being invited to a birthday party and spending the whole time saying "I NEVER GET INVITED TO ANYONES PARTIES!!!"

Ps Yes i understand not all American Gun Owners are as batshit as Alex Jones

tesla69 01.16.2013 10:08 AM

adam lanza hasn't existed since 2009, hard facts -

tesla69 01.16.2013 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
Im assuming you all saw this

I dont so much mind the shouting, or the incoherance. What really pisses me off is how Alex Jones et al. make their living by complaining that the Mainstream Media never allows them to voice their opinion, but when given a chance to do so they only complain about how the media never gives them a chance to express their opinion... Its like being invited to a birthday party and spending the whole time saying "I NEVER GET INVITED TO ANYONES PARTIES!!!"

Ps Yes i understand not all American Gun Owners are as batshit as Alex Jones

So because he was on CNN once, he's supposed to be meek and compliant?

!@#$%! 01.16.2013 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
Im assuming you all saw this

I dont so much mind the shouting, or the incoherance. What really pisses me off is how Alex Jones et al. make their living by complaining that the Mainstream Media never allows them to voice their opinion, but when given a chance to do so they only complain about how the media never gives them a chance to express their opinion... Its like being invited to a birthday party and spending the whole time saying "I NEVER GET INVITED TO ANYONES PARTIES!!!"

Ps Yes i understand not all American Gun Owners are as batshit as Alex Jones

yeah he's crazy-- crazy like a fox! he got bazillions of dollars in free publicity. i'm sure his page rankings have shot up like crazy and was able to grow his audience as a result.

yes, he ranted, but he made some good points if you can hear him through the foam in his mouth. i for one think that morgan's questions were very biased, and jones would have been stupid to answer them the way they were asked. he may be crazy but he's not a moron.

besides, he was hilarious-- "YOU'RE A REDCOAT!" lolololol....

i'd say deport morgan-- just for sheer hilarity. he's a pompous inconsequential ass anyway and not nearly as entertaining as alex jones.

gast30 01.16.2013 10:54 AM

in big lines it is that money is going to win from intelligent choises
not the first time this happens in the animal world

if you have a choise >> to live in a place

wich place would this be?

a. place where there are yearly 30 deaths of guns

b. place where there are yearly 30.000 deaths of guns

no healthy person on earth would choose b wich is america

why do you americans then be so anti-intelligent?

a. people lost hope to bring in total ban of weapons

b. pressure, propaganda of the gunlobby keeps it's millions of $$$ coming in
legalizes itself in the system, with republicans and democrates

they throw some money in washington to wash the blood of their hands, the blood of 30.000 people

and a new year where 30.000 people are gonna be killed by gunvoilence can begin can

the solution if you care for those 30.000 deaths people by gunvoilence

1.american democraty must be cleaned of the people of the gunlobby
isolate the politicians who coverup for the NRA

2.bring in strong laws
and have a total ban on guns in usa

only then the deaths will stop

gast30 01.16.2013 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yeah he's crazy-- crazy like a fox! he got bazillions of dollars in free publicity. i'm sure his page rankings have shot up like crazy and was able to grow his audience as a result.

yes, he ranted, but he made some good points if you can hear him through the foam in his mouth. i for one think that morgan's questions were very biased, and jones would have been stupid to answer them the way they were asked. he may be crazy but he's not a moron.

besides, he was hilarious-- "YOU'RE A REDCOAT!" lolololol....

i'd say deport morgan-- just for sheer hilarity. he's a pompous inconsequential ass anyway and not nearly as entertaining as alex jones.

didn't now this of alex jones
thought he was a bit smarter
he is totally not smart

just a barking dog, nothing more

animals + guns = no good mix

animals + guns = genocides

animals + guns = war

animals + guns = terrorism

gast30 01.16.2013 11:32 AM

and also this on what alex jones had to say

those 11.000 suicides are commited with guns

so if these guns were not there

these people would be alive today

gast30 01.16.2013 11:43 AM

suicides are a clear sign that nature is psychologicly very sick

why are people so psychologicly sick that they don't want to live anymore?

do people care about 'other' people?

i think humans lost the natural connection of life
from there the human got wierdend into all kinds of fantasy lifes and crazy society structures of medieval times

and there the human is trapped, it can only go forward in life if it get a good connection with nature again to live a psychologicly healty life as the animal it is

Rob Instigator 01.16.2013 11:55 AM

More US soldiers have died from suicide than from enemy fire in 2012 Afghanistan.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.16.2013 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
More US soldiers have died from suicide than from enemy fire in 2012 Afghanistan.

It is a shocking statistic but with an asterisk which is all the less comforting. The suicide rate within active military personal is only slightly above the national average per 100,000 people, so I am not sure which is more shocking, that more American soldiers died by their own hands or by the enemy, or that our own American suicide rate is so high that it exceeds combat deaths perennially :(

!@#$%! 01.16.2013 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
It is a shocking statistic but with an asterisk which is all the less comforting. The suicide rate within active military personal is only slightly above the national average per 100,000 people, so I am not sure which is more shocking, that more American soldiers died by their own hands or by the enemy, or that our own American suicide rate is so high that it exceeds combat deaths perennially :(

Let's see if you recognize the quote (I'm sure you will):

Nature against Man, Man against Nature; God against Man, Man against God; God against Nature, Nature against God; very funny religion!

To that shit pile of confrontation, add this "cherry on the top"


lots of self-haters out there, "punishing" themselves

EVOLghost 01.16.2013 01:56 PM

Murmer! This is yer cue!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.16.2013 02:13 PM

I'm not sure suicide is self hate, if anything sometimes it is a kind of hate against the entirety of the world. Other times, it is a kind of eerie revenge thing. Lastly, people that kill themselves are quite literally not in their right minds, and so really all kinds of reasonable analyses will inevitably fall short, because reason can never make sense of madness.


h8kurdt 01.16.2013 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yeah he's crazy-- crazy like a fox! he got bazillions of dollars in free publicity. i'm sure his page rankings have shot up like crazy and was able to grow his audience as a result.

yes, he ranted, but he made some good points if you can hear him through the foam in his mouth. i for one think that morgan's questions were very biased, and jones would have been stupid to answer them the way they were asked. he may be crazy but he's not a moron.

besides, he was hilarious-- "YOU'RE A REDCOAT!" lolololol....

i'd say deport morgan-- just for sheer hilarity. he's a pompous inconsequential ass anyway and not nearly as entertaining as alex jones.

At work there are two total conspiracy heads who believe everything from NWO to the 9/11 being faked etc. Anyway, I was talking to one of them about Alex Jones. He was said how him and he other worker are now believing the Alex Jones HIMSELF is actually a government stooge.

"...wait...what? Why do you think that?"
"well he's clearly being put there by the government to say all these over the top things, then from that he's helping the public think that everyone who believes in conspiracies is crazy like him"
"So Alex Jones is actually a puppet like Obama, as you call him"
"yeah pretty much"

Well I had to give it to them, they try and find an excuse for anything. Bless 'em.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.16.2013 09:02 PM

To all these NRA folks and gunophiles who keep saying that gun-control didn't/doesn't work, that the assault rifle ban didn't/doesn't work, and with a straight face continually cry, bitch and moan to have MORE and MORE guns everywhere all I can say is..

Rob Instigator 01.17.2013 08:58 AM

Suicide is, like all human things, much more varied than the stereotypes about it.

These two twins, 45 years old, deaf since birth, were granted permission to be euthanized by their doctor from a Norwegian court. They have been deaf since birth, and are both going degeneratively blind. They have never been apart, and without their eye sight they wold have ended up living a "life" of pure terror. No communication, not knowing who was touching them, not being able to share anything with anyone.

There is such a thing as "mercy killing."

and sometimes, it is self-inflicted.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.20.2013 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Grow up Bytor. Guns are weapons which are DESIGNED to harm and kill people, which is a world of difference between accidents. Even when a gun harms or kills a person in an accident, it was still doing EXACTLY what it was created to do. No one is going to outlaw guns, but you tell me what the fuck is wrong with (a) 100% background checks with no private sale/gunshow loopholes, (b) assault rifle bans, (c) ammunition restrictions? These things make it safer for everybody, gun-owners included. If y'all gun owners, can't y'all compromise in a way that is fair to the overall community?

gast30 01.21.2013 08:28 AM

it's easy'er to be an agressive animal then a long-ter for peace animal

peacefull animals got mistaken for pushovers
because agressive animal states don't have the IQ to understand a peacefull - friendly choosen state by another animal

the animal can not be blamed for beeing dominating factor by birth and nature
you can blame an animal as a human if he/she had the chance to devellop peace and friendlyness on it's animal journey on planet nature
and did not choose to be friendly, peacefull

because human animals have massive examples of humans going wrong
if they do no brain effort to learn from the past

then wars will continue till the year 3000

till the home planet of all animals is destroyed, exploited, poisond by sapian apes

i'm here to enjoy my animal life on planet nature
if sapain apes go on with war , pollution, exploitation of future populations
using the future people as slaves
then it can eat it's own ape shit at the end of the ride and don't complain about a destroyed future for it's own childeren, grandchilderen

childeren can not live for ever in lies of politics and religion
the modern world sez YOU are 98% chimpansee simulair in your dna

accept the modern world
accept that you are only an animal from birth to death

not even the modern world can change that

love and accept that you are an animal ape specie
and let no one speak for you that you are not an that you are a submissive slave of god or politics or what ever lie the rich and popes and kings told the analpabetic people for 1000 of years

gast30 01.21.2013 09:01 AM

i find it acceptable that an animal wants to be wishfull thinking when it is in deep need to stay alive, under extreem situations

wishfull thinking from out an animal brain doesn't mean that there is a god

think about it like this

my design of evolution, from cellife in water to the walking ape now, has a basic of survival
and that is food

my stomic needs food and water or i simply don't survive, this is realistic
if i imagine something from my brain

in my brain i imagine, food and water

fantasy don't help my survival
i still loose

this is nature vs imagination of walking ape sapian

who is going to win?

you will know that an empty stomic will lead to death
no matter what you imaginate, a conversation with god , food or other imaginations

if you take this to real wild nature
you will see how real this is

you have 2 walking apes (a) and (b)
(a) is a naturally orientated
(b) is religious

there are 2 jungles where (a) and (b) are released without food

after 1 day (a) and (b) have found no food
(a) sets it's mind on sharp, is NOT counting on help, and knows death is getting closer, the situation is evaluated and the animal knows what emergency situation it is living, alert and ready to keep and keep searching for food and water

(b) as a religious person will be keeping conversations with it's own imagination, asking god for help, asking god for food and water, and wishfully thinking that it will found food because he/she had a conversation with god

(a)[nature] has more survival chances than (b)[religious]

and to come back to agression
why walking apes kill other walking apes

it is nature
in animal groups there is massive agression on animals from the same animal group when there is stress or a need of food

the animals fight for food
you have seen it on the animal tv channels, nature documentaries
animals fight so the strongest dna is created for the next generation
to survive on planet nature

gast30 01.21.2013 09:20 AM

the piont what i want to make is

don't be surprise that when you are born and grow up
you will see many genocides and brutalities commited by your own walking ape specie

before you were born

maybe you will see genocides happen during your life

i personally have seen many genocides happen and wars

i'm only 35 years

brevik, massa killing in sweden
columbine shooting
the batman movie shooting
and other shootings

then the wars with dictators and terrorist

and the wars that continue till this now

and maybe a new war israel vs iran

the walking ape has lost it's mind

the question for the future is

When will WE walking apes will have finally peace
and can live in natural harmony with other walking apes?

floatingslowly 01.22.2013 02:22 PM

And....another one.

Good job, America.

jon boy 01.22.2013 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
And....another one.

Good job, America.

yeh reports coming in from a possible shooting at a college in Houston. people seen on stretchers apparently.

Rob Instigator 01.22.2013 02:34 PM

some shooter entered Lone Star College's library and started shooting. The shooter is down, and ambulances with stretchers are going in the library. The cops are looking for a second suspect in the nearby woods.

jon boy 01.22.2013 02:50 PM

where are all the 'good guys with guns that stop bad guys with guns'?

Rob Instigator 01.22.2013 02:53 PM

I am not certain,. but in Texas it is illegal to bring a weapon onto a school campus, even if you have a concealed handgun license.

floatingslowly 01.22.2013 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
where are all the 'good guys with guns that stop bad guys with guns'?

Clearly, not a campus library.

the ikara cult 01.22.2013 03:26 PM

Wont be long now before every irresponsible gun owner has identified themselves by shooting a load of people, and then everyone can finally feel safe.

h8kurdt 01.22.2013 03:26 PM

Cue more conspiracy claptrap.

Rob Instigator 01.22.2013 03:41 PM

According to statements by witnesses the shooting was a result of an argument between two people. One of them left the library, and then walked in blasting. shiiiiiit.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.23.2013 01:21 AM

Robert, please, stick to Jesus and the science, but when it comes to honestly trying to defend (1) loopholes in background checks which is, DUH, precisely how CRIMINALS get many of their guns, (2) citizens should have access to dangerous assault weapons, what, should we all get the right to own nuclear munitions because the gubment has them, (3) way to try to pull the John Brown card, but no, you fail, and John Brown and his family and militia were killed, and then an insane war followed which I also understand killed a lot more people, most with guns by no coincidence ;(


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
According to statements by witnesses the shooting was a result of an argument between two people.

Generally speaking, isn't how that always works? Of the many people I know who've been shot, and the 8 who've been killed, most were the result of such circumstances.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.23.2013 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
where are all the 'good guys with guns that stop bad guys with guns'?

Don't know, in Houston seems like the law came in guns blazing and took down the shooter and thankfully didn't hurt anybody else unlike at the Algerian hostage fiasco over the weekend. Meanwhile last week in Central California a kid walks into his classroom and shoots a classmate with a shotgun, the principal and teacher came in and talked him down. Nobody else got shot, nobody got killed, the shooter was apprehended. So who are the heroes exactly?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 01.23.2013 09:02 AM


Rob Instigator 01.23.2013 10:11 AM

Do not forget they are all in it together. They are all millionaires looking to maintain the status quo.
Preznit Bush started the whole massive debt by beginning two wars, funded at the rate of billions a week, that have lasted well over a decade now.
The same people making money off of the war are still making billions, and they all have a much bigger piece of any president's ear than the 40+ million living in poverty.

Rob Instigator 01.23.2013 10:38 AM

Keeping a force in afghanistan equivalent to the one in South Korea is fine and dandy. what happens is that the USA has spent nearly half of the money on these wars in hiring out mercenary/"private security" firms. No one makes money when the army is sent somewhere, only in purchasing equipment for them, but sending a private mercenary company over makes a lot of money for those that own such operations. and that is government money, given with no accountability, no questions asked, and a private mercenary does not have to follow rules of war that a soldier has to. it skirts around the law very nicely.

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