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Satan 08.26.2009 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
No offense meant. I am a beliver in god, (NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH CHURCH) but I am not a judgemental bitch who hates everyone that does not think like I do. This is only my opinion that I have gathered through my own life experiences. In a world that is constantly pumping in the idea that life is about sex, someone has to say something; cause the only ones I hear sayin anything are "god fearing" hypocrites who are FAKE so no one listens anyway. I am not fake I do what I say. I am a sinner and accept myself as such. I do not think this way cause some preacher told me to.

Yes, I have slept around and it only led to hurting others as well as myself. I only did it cause I WANTED the attention that the pigs gave me. Then they left me on the curb cause they already got what they were looking for. I WAS SELFISH AND IGNORANT. Ignorant because I was under the impression that sex brings love and spreads love. Selfish for not thinking of how I was affecting someone else's life. What if I did get pregnant? Then I would have to choose between a child's life or mine. If I chose the child's life how great of a life would they have had from a teenage single uneducated mother? Not to mention the father of the child or my parents lives. If I had not pursued my own selfish desire for attention the the choice would not have had to been made in the first place. I consider myself lucky that I did'nt contract any diseases or spread them. I was blessed not to have gotten pregnant at 15. That is why I have come to this conclusion. Love has nothing to do with sex. Sex alone makes only the body happy love makes you happy. I never liked sex until I found someone I loved. I just thought I was supposed to like it cause all the girls on TV did.
I was hurt because of others selfishness. I was given no love. People just slept around behind my back and left me to endure the pain they caused.
All I'm sayin is that everywhere I look, everyone is sayin fuck anything you want who cares about the cosequences. We have reverted to animals. When I watch tv, every show is innundated with sexual innuendos..Every other commercial is for viagra, herpes medicine, the morning after pill, condoms, ky jelly. There are so many herpes commercials cause everyone's spreadin around like it's gold. If people don't take the consequences into account they are gonna be in for a big surprise when the shit hits the fan.:)

when you put it that way yeah i definitely agree. i suppose its different in my case because i have love which runs very deep. sex is just sex to me. it's like a hobby.

notyourfiend 08.26.2009 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by SONIC GAIL
Love has nothing to do with sex. Sex alone makes only the body happy love makes you happy. I never liked sex until I found someone I loved. I just thought I was supposed to like it cause all the girls on TV did.
I was hurt because of others selfishness. I was given no love. People just slept around behind my back and left me to endure the pain they caused.
All I'm sayin is that everywhere I look, everyone is sayin fuck anything you want who cares about the cosequences. We have reverted to animals. When I watch tv, every show is innundated with sexual innuendos..Every other commercial is for viagra, herpes medicine, the morning after pill, condoms, ky jelly. There are so many herpes commercials cause everyone's spreadin around like it's gold. If people don't take the consequences into account they are gonna be in for a big surprise when the shit hits the fan.:)

Love and sex do not necessarily go together. In fact, they usually are two separate things.

This is my opinion: We are taught to view sex in a manner which is completely removed from the sphere of the erotic. The erotic is a realm of passion, desire and chaos. It is never plastic or picture perfect. There is a lot of power in the erotic, which is probably why it is so vilified. We are taught to fear and loathe it. I'm gonna quote Audre Lorde, cuz articulates it beatifically:

"It [the erotic] has been made into the confused, the trivial, the psychotic, and plasticized sensation. For this reason, we have turned away from the exploration and consideration of the erotic as a source of power and information, confusing it with the pornographic. But pornography is a direct denial of the power of the erotic, for it represents the suppression of true feeling. Pornography emphasizes sensation without feeling. The erotic is a measure between our sense of self and the chaos of our strongest feelings. It is an internal sense of satisfaction to which, once we have experienced it, we know we can aspire. For having experienced the fullness of this depth of feeling and recognizing its power, in honor and self-respect we can require no less of ourselves."

She continues that this corruption of the erotic into the pornographic has been misnamed by men and used against woman.

That all being said, when you truly love somebody, sex can be one of the most fulfilling experiences. It can really take you somewhere else, spiritually speaking. However, just because you love somebody doesn't mean you should be fucking them. And visa vera. As long as you are particiating in sex that is safe and consentual.

SONIC GAIL 08.26.2009 11:34 AM


joe11121 08.26.2009 11:52 AM

Sleepin Around might be the worst Sonic Youth song ever.

Rather Ripped is their worst album, imo, but it does have it's highlights. Jams Run Free, Pink Steam, Incinerate. Reena is pretty good too, but I could do without the rest.

Theremin 08.26.2009 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by andrei
haha... me too :D

Yeah, it's something about the way KG sings that really puts me off this song.

mysonichaircut 08.26.2009 04:32 PM

incinerate and do you believe in rapture are two of their best songs ever - whatever it is, pop or what - and jams run free is really good too, and pink steam is good when its played live.

So - since its only 3- 4 songs, i dont reallye would say its a good album, but its better than the eternal. I guess - 3 songs from rather ripped and 3 songs from the eternal on one disc - that would have been a very good EP.

stadtgorilla 08.26.2009 04:53 PM

i actually like rr from start to finish. including sleeping around. i guess the lyrics are thurston's shot at a normal pop lyric. please don't kill me.

barry swedgin 08.26.2009 05:02 PM

Rather Ripped is their weakest LP imo, and those lyrics do get on my tits. I still give the damn thing a spin once in a while mind. And I enjoy it!

I like how RR has a different sleeve for the LP. That's like way cool...

stadtgorilla 08.26.2009 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by barry swedgin
I like how RR has a different sleeve for the LP. That's like way cool...

hell yeah. and it sounds way better on vinyl. i never really listened to the album on the cd version. then i bought it in vinyl because of the different cover and was actually blown away because it sounded so crisp.

Kloriel 08.26.2009 06:55 PM


Kloriel 08.26.2009 06:56 PM

Re: FLYF is a common sequence.

notyourfiend 08.26.2009 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by stadtgorilla
hell yeah. and it sounds way better on vinyl. i never really listened to the album on the cd version. then i bought it in vinyl because of the different cover and was actually blown away because it sounded so crisp.

i can actually imagine rr sounding a lot better on vinyl.

then again, most everything does.

vinyl makes even total shit sound authentic.

samuel 08.26.2009 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Chris Lawrence
that's funny as hell, one time i was sharing my (apparently popular) opinion w/ my friend about this song and said "anything would sound better than what he's singing, even 'driving around, driving around...'" i your mom?

I don't know, man! Are you my mom??

And to whomever said they hated Lights Out:
Sleepin Around and Lights Out are both great instrumentals. The difference is Lights Out has some pretty cool lyrics. Plus, Kim's entrance in the chorus gives me chills! I would have to say the worst song on Rather Ripped is The Neutral... boring, heard-it-before progressions and boring lyrics.

The only songs I really listen to off this album are Jams Run Free, Lights Out, Pink Steam, and Or. Do You Believe in Rapture? is great until 1:50 where that section "makes me want to puke" and the rest are pretty hard to comment on because they're so blah.

Newfoundland 08.27.2009 01:25 PM

Agree wholeheartedly, as much as I love almost everything they do, Sleeping Around is a horrible horrible song.

SonikJesus 08.27.2009 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by SonicBebs
there was a youtube 'in the studio' kinda film around RR's release. They had a instrumental version of Sleeping Around playing and it was incredible. Much much better than RR version

I was going to say the same thing. I remember watching that video and thinking the song was awesome. I was so looking forward to it being on RR. What made the demo even cooler was how it started playing again at the vey end. I even recorded that song as an mp3 and put it on my ipod to listen to.

infinitemusic 08.27.2009 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by SonikJesus
I was going to say the same thing. I remember watching that video and thinking the song was awesome. I was so looking forward to it being on RR. What made the demo even cooler was how it started playing again at the vey end. I even recorded that song as an mp3 and put it on my ipod to listen to.

Can you post it?

Rob Instigator 08.27.2009 04:16 PM

Reena is a fucking awesome song.

sleeping around, not so much.

but still better than the greatest coldplay song

CHOUT 08.30.2009 10:19 AM

I always had this feeling that Coco wrote the lyrics for Sleepin Around...they're so...elementary.

I'll take it to Lights Out though...'there's not a hell of a lot you can do'...uuuhhhgggg.

Satan 08.30.2009 10:22 AM

CHOUT! where the fuck have you been man?!?!!

CHOUT 08.30.2009 10:25 AM

I've been around, sleeping that is...:)

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