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guitarpro 05.05.2006 05:23 PM

After hear most of the songs from the new album I gotta say Rats. Lee once again you have blown my mind.

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 05.05.2006 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Saturnine
washing machine never grew on me. experimental jetset never grew on me.

Then you don't count.

atsonicpark 05.06.2006 01:47 AM

I think they're all tied for "Favorite".

They're also all tied for "Least Favorite".

You see, it's a default thing, because every song on it is also tied for "Worst song ever" on the "worst album ever".

So, if every song equally sucks, it equally rules too.

But enough of that.

That album blows goat turds.

Florya 05.06.2006 02:09 AM

All this fuss over downloading an album before you buy it is getting a bit hysterical.

I see downloading music as the same thing as trying on a pair of shoes. If I see a pair I like, by a maker that I respect, then I'll try them on.
If I like the fit and they suit me, then I'll buy them.
Same with music.
In the past (before the internet) I have bought some dreadful albums based on hearing the only decent track on them because that was all you could hear, because that was the track released as a single and played on the radio. It used to really piss me off. I felt like I'd been ripped off.

Now I can try before I buy. It seems fair, you can do it with virtually every other commodity, so why not music?

Another thing on the plus side about downloading is that you can get to listen to bands you never heard of before, and if you like what you hear, buy their stuff.
I reckon that about 30% of my record collection is comprised of bands that I was introduced to via random downloads from slsk or some other 'non legitimate' source. Artists like 'Circle', 'Harold Budd', Susumu Yokota, Mono, Explosions in the Sky, Calla, Giardino de Miro, Sigur Ros, Clouddead, Buck 65, and many others are only part of my record collection because I downloaded a track or two, liked what I heard, and went out and bought as much of their back catalogue as I could find.

Downloading has enabled me to buy more of the music I really like and to support lesser known bands at the same time. What's wrong with that?

Of course it's wrong to download copyrighted music with the intention of copying it and selling it for profit, and I have never done that. But I maintain that I have the right to know what I'm buying, because there aren't many record shops or companies that will take you seriously if you ask for a refund based solely on the premise that, in your opinion, the record you just spent £15 on, is shit.

If people want to choose to listen to 'Rather Ripped' only on the day of release, and rely solely on the bands reputation as a reason to buy, then that's up to them.
Personally, I prefer to make an informed choice about what I spend my money on.

radical adult 05.06.2006 04:38 AM


Originally Posted by Florya
I see downloading music as the same thing as trying on a pair of shoes. If I see a pair I like, by a maker that I respect, then I'll try them on.
If I like the fit and they suit me, then I'll buy them.
Same with music.

Sorry Florya, heard that many times before, but I don't think that this is true for the most of downloaders. Just because it is nowdays much more nerve and time-consuming (not speaking of money) to buy a DECENT (not a mainstream) record, than to dl it somewhere, be a little creative and do your own artwork, eventually using some pix you downloaded too.
PLUS: you can dl every album you can buy, but you can't buy every album you can dl!

Florya 05.06.2006 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by radical adult
Sorry Florya, heard that many times before, but I don't think that this is true for the most of downloaders. Just because it is nowdays much more nerve and time-consuming (not speaking of money) to buy a DECENT (not a mainstream) record, than to dl it somewhere, be a little creative and do your own artwork, eventually using some pix you downloaded too.
PLUS: you can dl every album you can buy, but you can't buy every album you can dl!

You may have heard it before, doesn't mean it's not true for me. My conscience is clear when it comes to downloading.
I take your point about not being able to buy everything you download, but there are very few people who try to make a profit from selling live recordings and oop rarities. What would be the point when they are freely available to anyone that wants them, as long as they have an internet connection?
In the bad old days, I used to go to record fairs and try and find copies of live recordings of gigs that I'd been to. If I found one I'd have to pay £5-£10 for a cheap cassette copy which very often snagged itself in the workings of my car stereo before I'd even got it home!
Now I can get much better quality recordings at no cost. OK so the band don't get paid for unofficial concert recordings. Tough. I don't ask for royalties every time I'm filmed on CCTV even though that's done against my will and without my knowledge.
Listen, I've been in bands, I've had records released, people have recorded concerts that I've played in, I've seen my music available for download on slsk. Does it bother me? Not in the slightest. Why? Because it's all advertising.

radical adult 05.06.2006 06:35 AM

advertising for what? If the number of sold cds decreases steadily you have to say that's not the best method of advertising! don't you think?

I think it is that simple: It is possible to dl, therefore people will dl. Bad or good isn't really a question. That's the blessing (for the majority of music-listeners and some musicians like florya) or the curse (for the minority of some of the music-makers, -labels, recordshops and so on) of progress!

ozZuB-ginK 05.09.2006 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
each sonic album is different. each one grows on you. give it time

as far as STEALING the album, how is this going to help sonic youth boost their already dismal album sales? (see thread regarding this for list of albums and sales figures)
How does stealing the album early in any way add to the pleasure of the music?
How does stealing the album benefit anyone but the greedy thief?
WAIT people, WAIT and buy the fucking album direct from sonic youth if you want your money to go to them and not to BEST BUY or your local indie record store.
wait until you have the music as SONIC FUCKING YOUTH INTENDED YOU TO HAVE IT, not on some bullshit sounding leaked MP3.

Long Live sonic youth and long live TRUE FANS

just cuz you are going to buy it later does not mean you did not STEAL IT.

If I steal a stereo, test it out and see that i like it, then go back to the store and purchase another stereo exactly like the one I stole, that does NOT MAKE IT BETTER DAMNIT!

think people!

i'm glad there are still a few true SY fans around who actually get it. glad you are around rob (;

ozZuB-ginK 05.09.2006 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I think they're all tied for "Favorite".

They're also all tied for "Least Favorite".

You see, it's a default thing, because every song on it is also tied for "Worst song ever" on the "worst album ever".

So, if every song equally sucks, it equally rules too.

But enough of that.

That album blows goat turds.

we get it already, you are anti-everything. you have the most scene points blah blah etc.

Ich bin gael 05.10.2006 02:47 PM

I heard the Paris gig and I really, really loved "Rats." And also, "Do You Believe in Rapture" which sounded like an odd amalgam of TheVelvet Underground, and DND-era Liars with a bit of CIS thrown in for good measure.

marleypumpkin 05.10.2006 04:05 PM

"RATS"! & "Pink Steam" is fucking amazing as well. The whole album is great.

schizophrenicroom 05.10.2006 04:12 PM

rats! it doesn't sound like any other youth song.

i really like jams run free too.

Disgruntled Youth 05.10.2006 04:16 PM

Reena is a hell of an opener. I like the whole album so far.

Disgruntled Youth 05.10.2006 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
what is trivial about getting something you have not paid for, with no cover art, w9ith no liner notes, presented in an audio format that the entirety of sonic youth find shitty, with no support given either to my favorite band's label, or themselves?

That is NOT trivial

are you trying to make the argument that if the person you are stealing from has money then it is OK? that is STUPID!

Dude my opinion is that a real fan of the music, artist or album in general wouldn't steal or download the album. I believe as a artist to have originals due to the fact I don't want the same to be done to my work. As for argueing with someone about download it's not up to me, we live in a so called free country & these days people just don't give 2 flying fucks about it! It's a shame that the new SY album has leaked, I wouldn't lie I would love to have a copy before the release. It's like having a new toy that no one else has but, I have not downloaded & I'm eagerly awaiting the release. I can let someone know that it's wrong but I won't shove it down their throught. Unfortunately people don't have the same heart & conviction for Sonic Youth as you or I may have. All I have to say is listen to the streamed version until the official release. SONIC LIFE..SONIC LUST...SONIC PASSION..Until..SONIC DEATH!!!!!!!!!!................

marleypumpkin 05.10.2006 04:39 PM

Yes, "Jams Run Free" is an excellent track. I also like "What A Waste", & "The Neutral". I love the whole album.

Disgruntled Youth 05.10.2006 05:19 PM

Pink Steam also kicks MAJOR ASS!!!

Richard Pryor on Fire 05.10.2006 06:32 PM

It's a way different album, and I really like Reena, Incinerate, and Do you Belive In Rapture, but it does'nt seem as strong as Nurse.

holy-reverb!! 05.10.2006 08:18 PM

i havnt listened to the album. I heard the Paris gig and like rats, raptire, etc. I love it all man!

marleypumpkin 05.10.2006 08:23 PM

"Lights Out" is also an excellent track. Love the bass line.

Hip Priest 05.10.2006 08:29 PM

Being able to stream the LP is great. I had it on in work today, very nice LP in my opinion. Good to finally hear it.

I always liked 'Sleepin Around', and I really like all of that psychocansyish feedback they've put in.

BUT...'Pink Steam' is also amazing, and just pips it. Both tracks stand up to anything SY have previously done, though, it has to be said.

I'm looking forward to having an actual cd and hearing it through some better speakers.

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