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badgercorn 04.23.2013 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
And by the way, how the fuck do we get to the second page without anyone mentioning "Sleeping Around?" It's always been a "bad" song musically speaking, now it's a "bad" song ethically.

Had a look at the Sonicology section and they seemed to abruptly stop playing Sleeping Around in 2006.

I'm giving them some credit - no fucking way would they write a song so blatant and simplistic ABOUT this situation. Given what Kim said in the Elle interview though, it certainly would have been inappropriate to play it past a certain point.

ann ashtray 04.23.2013 07:19 PM

So Kim G. finally comes out only to let everyone know what most smart folk already speculated. How many people cheat? Most. Thurston's cool, whatever. I don't care. It's about music + not what the musicians do behind the scenes. If this were the case, the world should rightfully despise the likes of any Kurt Cobain/etc.

For many years the history of a great band relied mostly on where they were and what they were doing as musicians. Now this shit. Thanks. Guess it had to happen at some point. Interesting the most quiet member of the band is the one now w/ the most vocal control. That said, I support her right to say whatever she chooses. I imagine it hurt quite a bit. Blah

skully 04.24.2013 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
So Kim G. finally comes out only to let everyone know what most smart folk already speculated. How many people cheat? Most. Thurston's cool, whatever. I don't care. It's about music + not what the musicians do behind the scenes. If this were the case, the world should rightfully despise the likes of any Kurt Cobain/etc.


Dead-Air 04.24.2013 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by whorefrost

Yuck. He went all High Fidelity behind Kim's back.

Nefeli 04.24.2013 04:25 AM

i read it yesterday and it just felt like an honest piece. and what more do you want from a person.
it has some great quotes, that makes me say ' i love her'.
thats all. i mean, i dont feel the need to add anything more on the subject. i even will have to force myself to say to my friends 'we know now why they separated'.

tesla69 04.24.2013 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by whorefrost

yeah but we need to know :-)

you see why the Bible tells us to not cheat! It destroys lives. Or at least bands.

dead_battery 04.24.2013 07:43 AM

what is so fucking hilarious about that jezebel article are all the women in the comments section complaining about "slut shaming." so apparently slut shaming is when you cheat with someone and destroy their marriage and have to suffer the indignity of other people KNOWING about it. there are even people saying "as someone who has been called a homewrecker before..." "its NEVER the womans fault!"

talk about fucking projection. the vibe i am getting from this daring site of celebrity gossip bitching - sorry - feminism is - "its everyone elses fault for making me feel the shame that i myself dont want to feel for my own actions."

raiinking 04.24.2013 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by dead_battery
what is so fucking hilarious about that jezebel article are all the women in the comments section complaining about "slut shaming." so apparently slut shaming is when you cheat with someone and destroy their marriage and have to suffer the indignity of other people KNOWING about it. there are even people saying "as someone who has been called a homewrecker before..." "its NEVER the womans fault!"

talk about fucking projection. the vibe i am getting from this daring site of celebrity gossip bitching - sorry - feminism is - "its everyone elses fault for making me feel the shame that i myself dont want to feel for my own actions."

Obviously something like this is always mutual. So it's equally not fair(and sexist) to say that she did this and he couldn't resist because he's a man. Or that he pursued it and she had no control over what she wanted.

I hope Kim is good throughout this whole 'wake of the Elle interview'. I'm glad she was so honest- but if this were me- I could see myself regretting saying as much as I did once it published and went everywhere(which is sorta natural- and the regret would often(as it is in this case) be totally unwarranted.

This whole thing has been really bizarre. I used to comb books about them hoping I would find the dirt but never would. And that has been a huge part of how fascinating they are to me. As well known as they are- they have maintained a publicly aloof, distant quality. I could never be as overly familiar as I would want with who they were and that kept an air of mystery about this band. It's still there for sure- but when the news first dropped about the separation and the possible hiatus- like most other people I felt devastated. Soon I had to confront my own celebrity obsession and say - non of this is my business. Although I love them- their music- their public persona. They guided me through music. I felt like they and John Waters are the people that culturally raised me.
but I do not know them.

this is a problem I'm still kinda dwelling on.

When Kim said in that article that she had a lumpectomy- that's when I got really shocked. This person that I think so much of was going through this shit and I had no idea.- and there i go again- I have no right to know. I've never even spoken to her other than the usual "I LOVE YOU KIM" at a show. Why do i feel like i should know? I really shouldn't.

scott v 04.24.2013 12:16 PM

The latest post on the Chelsea Light Moving facebook page seems... i dunno.

with the photo it states: "Move forward with your Life" and a pic of Eva Prinz holding a fan with "OCCUPY Royality" in magik marker on it, isn't she still married to that nephew er whatever of Dutch Royality? as according to 'Jezebel' sources she is in an "open marriage" hence the ongoing relationship with T. ...i dunno, whatever. pretty sad all this shit gets dragged out in the open now. ugh, wtf.

tesla69 04.24.2013 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by scott v
The latest post on the Chelsea Light Moving facebook f.

you know the rule, if you're on facebook, you're not underground.

scott v 04.24.2013 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
you know the rule, if you're on facebook, you're not underground.

and therefore if you are underground in today's world you are out of the loop. i primarily use facebook for keeping in touch w/ local events and the such, other than that its quite shit.

tesla69 04.24.2013 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by scott v
and therefore if you are underground in today's world you are out of the loop. i primarily use facebook for keeping in touch w/ local events and the such, other than that its quite shit.

I just think its amusing that all these wanna be noise bands use the CIA/NSA front to promote themselves yet consider themselves 'underground'.

for example, I just tried to see more about this event at 485 Kent
Masaki Batoh presents BRAIN PULSE MUSIC: A Live Installation and Performance

but I have to be registered with fb to see it - so that the intelligence agencies can record that I looked at it and then the ad agencies can start pitching shit at me they think is related - oh, he likes music so he'll love the latest Taylor Swift ad.

TheMadcapLaughs 04.24.2013 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I just think its amusing that all these wanna be noise bands use the CIA/NSA front to promote themselves yet consider themselves 'underground'.

for example, I just tried to see more about this event at 485 Kent
Masaki Batoh presents BRAIN PULSE MUSIC: A Live Installation and Performance

but I have to be registered with fb to see it - so that the intelligence agencies can record that I looked at it and then the ad agencies can start pitching shit at me they think is related - oh, he likes music so he'll love the latest Taylor Swift ad.

there are worse things in the world

whorefrost 04.24.2013 06:08 PM

Kim Gordon ‏@KimletGordon 9h Is it completely cheesy to do a mass thank u for all the good vibes sent my way from you all ? Thank you I'm blown away X

Kim Gordon ‏@KimletGordon 4h
Much love for Elaine Kahn

TheMadcapLaughs 04.24.2013 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
wrong!!! i've never cheated nor have i gone out with a girl that cheated on me. so no, most people don't cheat even though it's becoming very acceptable in this *cough* day and age*cough*.

i did date women that were cheating on boyfriends with me, but soon they went back to theeir orginal boyfucks then back agian to me. i don't consider that cheating, just confusion among shallow confused women. we know most women are craxy evil and stupid, but we just don't want to admit it because we want to fuck em.:)

a bloody busted nose always sets them straight.

that's beautiful, is that from the second sex or something?

keep poppin pimples 04.24.2013 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by scott v
from one musician to another (I guess I'm right about O'Rourke) then Dutch royality and another musician...

I get the feeling that Ms Prinz will move on eventually, and Thurston will regret leaving Kim. I've seen it happen before (I'm getting old too...), older men ditching their significant others for "younger hipper chicks"... doesn't seem to work out long term in most cases, time will tell.

dudes with large record collections always regret leaving their wife. if ms. prinz is not around for a while to help him pay to replace the 90% of his collection he loses he's gonna be as sorry as fuck.

which serves him right for leaving a punk princess for an actual princess, selllllout

i see the point of complaining about slut shaming in the article, e.p. "worms" her way into the bands innercircle makes it sound like some psycho conspiracy to ruin kim's life. they don't sound very judgemental about thurston, he's portrayed as just some dumb old man who's pathetic midlife crisis is making him blind to the fact that kim is the best person ever and evil succubus eva is just no good. i think if the wife was anyone but kim gordon no jezebel writer would ever venture to say a woman is to blame lol

guest 04.24.2013 10:40 PM

thurston must be a massive cunt if he's leaving the single coolest, most beautiful woman in human history.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
wrong!!! i've never cheated nor have i gone out with a girl that cheated on me. so no, most people don't cheat even though it's becoming very acceptable in this *cough* day and age*cough*.

i did date women that were cheating on boyfriends with me, but soon they went back to theeir orginal boyfucks then back agian to me. i don't consider that cheating, just confusion among shallow confused women. we know most women are craxy evil and stupid, but we just don't want to admit it because we want to fuck em.:)

a bloody busted nose always sets them straight.

Maybe not sexually, but everyone has engaged in some form of dishonesty when it comes to someone else. It's no different. We are creatures of procreation and despite anything society tells us, we are here to fuck. It's what we do. The whole concept of one marriage/1 partner is a bit silly. The only thing wrong with cheating...the only the lies that sometimes come along with it. People need to get over all this "we're spiritually connected beings meant to be together" garbage. Things don't work like that. Not in real life, anyway.

The only thing annoying about this whole ordeal to me is how shocking it's been to others. People act like Kim and Thurston are their parents for crying out loud. A 27 year run is a mighty long time. I'm willing to bet so few here have been in a relationship that long (speaking of the few old enough to have been). It's 2012. Most everyone gets divorced, most everyone get's cheated on...including Kim Gordon and Thurston Moore. Big whoop.

And as far as dating women who end up dating others and coming back to fuck their Holy shit I DO NOT miss small town Georgia. Even though I must admit sex with exes can sometimes be quite amazing.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
i dont' agree with you at all. the concept of marriage is a test to humanity and the individual in all. fuck religion. not everyone cheats and yr just saying that most people agree with polygamy and don't accept anything that has to do with monogamy which would make us just a butch of fucking animals with no feelings of love or caring feelings for the one we care about. which is just fucking crazy and nuts. animalistic sex can equal love more so than rape you know. you want to fuck a lot of bitches for what?....your male ego? when you and i know that's a waste of time.

it's just total useless bullshit you speak. i believe one person should spend the rest of their life with one person because it works out that way without anyone else getting hurt. it's all the same and if you don't think so then yr just fucking crazy and nuts and think in an unrealistic way.

In the larger scheme of things, sex and love have little to do with each other. Most sex isn't based around legit love, and I think most would agree with that. Also, it's not uncommon to truly love someone you no longer have interest in having sex with. This is often where cheating comes into play. While open relationships are often frowned upon by those who are opposed to them (which, are most people), it seems most who are involved in open relationships are very open with each other on a level most relationships aren't. Most aren't even comfortable talking about having sex with others or previous sexual exploits...which is totally sad and lame.

Life's not about tests, man. Whose doing the testing? Whose doing the grading? Ourselves? We ARE a bunch of animals.

And the fact that I've been with several woman, as have most men my age, has nothing to do with ego. Sex is nice...experiencing different people is on par with experiencing a different place. New scents, new scenery, new conversations, new's a good thing. Most women aren't the same in bed. I'd assume most men aren't, either. Why experience just one?

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Murmer99
Perhaps, but that's not necessarily the same thing as cheating on someone in a serious relationship, especially deceiving someone you've been with for an extensive amount of time. I find it odious that your posts on this thread are condoning the act itself, and only because you feel that most people do it. If that's true, then it sure says something about most individuals. I don't have malice against someone who has cheated before, but it kind of irks me if that same person were to continue doing it because, well, who gives a fuck? we'll all do it because all we want to do is fuck anyways!

You know I'm sort of joking, but I just don't identify with what you're saying. If I'm no longer enjoying the proximity, I'd respect the person enough to talk to them about it instead of lying and cheating on them. I merely feel like you're devaluing the other person's emotions because in the end, it isn't imperative. And for what it's worth, I think that if having sex is the predominant concern, it would rapidly get boring at some point for me. I just can't see myself sleeping with someone who I don't find desirable enough to continue seeing, or without emotional investment. It seems like a waste, and it's insipidly vacuous and empty to me if that's all there is for the rest of my life.

With that said, I couldn't care less about this story. I have no particular desire to learn about what happened.

Condoning the act? I'm not condoning it. I made it clear that cheating is wrong, but only in the way that it's a lie. Also, I haven't picked the ordeal apart the way some of you clearly have (I prefer Sonic Youth's music to their personal lives), but the article with Kim didn't seem littered with juicy details. She found a text, they sought counseling, he continued to see the woman. I don't even know Thurston's side of the story. Whose to say something didn't lead to him feeling the need to have an affair in the first place? Probably not the case, but I can assure ya no one posting in this thread knows. And for good's none of your business.

And cheating does say something about most individuals. It's celebrated all over modern film, television, music. Cheating is sort of the new taboo as far as I can tell. Again, I don't think it's "OK", but it's reality. America will be better off when it opens it's mind toward the fact that people want and are going to have sex with more than one person and accepts that for what it is. It doesn't mean you love someone less. Again, it's only cheating if you lie about it.

And you're young and a bit inexperienced/etc....but I can assure you friend, anyone that has been with the same person for 3+ years and says they find their partner just as interesting and sexually satisfying as they did when they met is lying. Why do people watch porn? Do most people that watch porn only watch the same porn star over and over and over and over? Probably not. I definitely don't.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
i'm not a fucking animal. define animal? my sex drive? then yes.

i've been in relationships longer than 3 years and never once did it cross my mind to fuck another.

is this a male or female thang? most people who cheat are fucked in the head and are totally confused. again, i dont agree with you.

oh, and of course most women in bed aren't the same but which one you want? the one that sucks head good or the one that soaks yr balls with cum? it's still all the same if you know how to teach.

total shit.

You were in a relationship for three years and not a single thought of fucking someone else ever crossed your mind? You're a liar. You can honestly say even while masturbating you'd only think about your partner? Again, liar.

Most people that cheat, or have cheated, are humans. Most humans are not without flaw. Not being without flaw doesn't make one fucked in the head, however.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
i hope you feel like this for the rest of your life because it's so true and wise. cudos.

i've been offered just to marry because of sex and that's^^^^the reason why i didn't. again cudos.

Shit sounded like hallmark card wisdom man. Lordy.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
well maybe i dont want to cheat because i care about people and their feelings.

sex and love has a lot to do with it. and again, not everyone cheats.

Is sex and love why you and your baby's momma are no longer together? Just a thought.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
don't agree. are you saying just because someone watches porn but still invest their time in a 3+year relationship wants more or something else and are bored in their current sex life? are you saying they want to cheat? or maybe have an open sex life with 3 somes and groupsex? or to just disapprove the whole concept of marriage to begin with? are you even talking about marriage?

the possibilities are endless but cause consequences. fucking yr girl while she sucks another dude is not that awesome esp if you expect her to act like a pornstar.

i've already stated my opinions on menage a trois.

No, I am saying people have sexual organs that become aroused from time to time and as a result they want to have sex. Whether they stay loyal to one partner or not is not the issue here. The desire is there regardless.

Marriage doesn't really mean much of anything. It's just a word some people use to describe the degree of relationship they sometimes view themselves as being in. Married people are no less or more likely to have an affair than anyone else.

In support of my argument, Kim herself stated the relationship ended in a typical way.

Also, you're talking to someone who doesn't support marriage. I support other people's right to do it, but I'll never be married. Even if I do one day decide to truly settle down and devote my everything to one person, marriage will not be an option. I've ditched two previous girlfriends simply for suggesting the idea too much. Truth.

And yes, I'm very open about my feelings and opinions. My current girlfriend knows how I feel about sex, love, marriage. She hasn't left me yet.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
because she was seeing someone else before i got her pregnant. essentially she was already in a relationship while fucking me.

my previous post in this thread should all make sense now.

Ah, so she was cheating. So in some way you yourself still support the act ;)

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
no, because like i said in my previous post, i had no idea. not a word spoken to me about it.

Well in that case, good for you! At least you stand by your guns even if I don't prefer the type of guns you carry.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
hey, is it also ok to talk shit about yr husband to yr boyfriend while still seeing him everyday of the week?

this is what this chick does. crazy huh? i don't feel i'm contridicting myself because i'm not doing the cheating nor do i fully approve of all this?

but it so good at the same time. i often wonder what she says about me behind my back? insane.

Everybody talks about everybody behind everybody's back. very few exceptions.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 03:34 AM

Actually, I'm more prone to talk shit about those I care about most. If I don't care about 'em, seldom is the person even worth talking about. I'm not usually the sort to say some shit I wouldn't say to someone face though. Talking shit is fun.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
yeah, of course but i didn't go through with it because it was unavailable. and if it was i still doubt i would.....go through with it.

i'm a loyal mutherfucker and would consult with my partner before all of this, but it still would not satisfy some need when i already have something to fullfill that need with.

it would be just animalistic and boring and cause probs.

cheating just equals lying. which is just flat out weak.

You can never truly say (with any level of certainty or doubt) what you may or may not do given a situation. I was certain I'd never cheat. I'd been cheated on, it hurts. How could I do it?...but ya know, I did. I did one time and it felt awful. Previous to this happening I'd always break up with whoever I was with if I wanted to have sex bad enough with someone else. That's stupid though. Why not discuss the fact that I have a sexual interest in someone else with my partner? Of course not everyone is going to like that, and while this approach is new to me, I've found women don't mind as much as I'd thought. I mean, I haven't actually had sex with someone else yet in this relationship...but my girlfriend knows I will let her know if I plan on it. I told her to show me the same respect. I wouldn't break up w/ her. Sex isn't something I take seriously in the way most people do. It's like eating or pissing...pleasurable and vital.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 03:56 AM

If god exists the way most idiots claim he does, I'll be in hell. :) Most cool people will be.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
yeah well, i guess. you just blew my world apart. letting yr partner know or not telling him/her is two different things. one is called cheating and ones called being honest.

now that i think about it, if my girl was honest about wanting to fuck another guy i don't think i would mind that much. shit.....i would watch or even join in. i really wouldn't care, but just be honest with me.

but this has nothing to do with cheating and mainly on the perpective of what a relationship is which differs from person to person.

That's what I'm saying. It's only cheating if it's a lie. Thurston (apparently...) did something that was based around a lie. I'm not gonna bash on him for doing something many have done, WHICH DO NOT make these sort of actions ok. It's Kim said...typical. People should be more open regarding their interests. It makes things way easier in the long run.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
yeah, i see. why does Thurston have to be the dog here?

maybe Kim gave Thurston a reason to cheat? nobody knows both sides of the story. maybe she wouldn't fuck him or was constantly giving him hell about something driving him up the fucking wall.

my somewhat misogynistic side is setting in again, but women can do this you know.;)

Who the hell knows? You are correct. I mean, whose to say 4 years ago she didn't do the same thing and Thurston felt justified in his actions? Whose to say she maybe isn't trying to pass blame? Why does ANY of this matter to a fan? There are two sides to every story and we've only heard one and even if it's true, which it likely is, what does that mean to us? No more Sonic Youth? I mean...who cares? Lee's last solo record was better than the last two Youth albums combined. Chelsea Light Moving...while not great, are still at least somewhat more interesting than Rather Ripped Off and the Eternal(y) mediocre record. The band seemed bored. Hopefully everyone is having a good time now. I highly doubt Kim is dreading the attention she is getting from "young suitors" (I must admit I found it hilarious that this phrase was used. Almost seemed as if it was to make Thurston feel bad or to emphasis "the upper middle aged woman has still got it". haha...I guess "age appropriate suitors" would make her sound too out of touch?

Also...I highly doubt Sonic Youth will never play a show again. It's bound to happen as there is too much money involved. I don't suspect there will be many of them though. Just an issue of waiting for all this shit to blow over...which, it will.

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 05:14 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
it's true right? do you put up with a bunch of shit just for pussy?

that's not me man.

As soon as I cease to be happy it's over. My biggest failure when it comes to relationships is my inability to compromise the things that are most important to my own life. All aspects of my life can be shared, very few compromised. I wouldn't give up smoking, drinking, being able to come and go as a please for any woman. Why should I be expected to? I think it's more selfish when one expects another to give up on something that makes them happy.

"Pussy" is easy. Too many girls dancing on the graveyard that is this planet. The younger ones usually find satisfaction if a guy simply has a job and his own place, the older ones if they can still attract younger men (typically...Kim obviously doesn't seem to be an exception haha!!!). Virtually all of them get annoyed if they feel you show them too little attention. Of course all of this can be said for men too. Relationships are kind of gross in a way. But then again, gross can be really sexy + fun. Boogers and stuff.

I'm pretty sure I'm a Swaytanist at heart. :)

ann ashtray 04.25.2013 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss
i feel this has turned into a very hard psychoanalysis session for me. this couch is getting uncomfortable and i must leave now.

'Night (well, "mornin'") friend. A bit refreshing talking shit on the old SYG. Not enough hours in the day this day in age.

Keeping It Simple 04.25.2013 07:01 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
If god exists the way most idiots claim he does, I'll be in hell. :) Most cool people will be.

Such naivety. :rolleyes:

scott v 04.25.2013 08:09 AM

I'm not going to make any opinions about either Kim & Thurston, I 'm not in either's "inner circle" we only know what they say to media, and right now Thurston isn't commenting... I can only respect them both as musicians at this point, thats fine and way i like it.

raiinking 04.25.2013 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by scott v
I'm not going to make any opinions about either Kim & Thurston, I 'm not in either's "inner circle" we only know what they say to media, and right now Thurston isn't commenting... I can only respect them both as musicians at this point, thats fine and way i like it.

YES agreed.

Rob Instigator 04.25.2013 11:20 AM

Can't believe that Jezebel quoted US (SYG board)

With some decent clues to go on, the gossip started almost immediately among Sonic Youth fans, with names like Abby Banks (photographer), Elaine Kahn (poet), and Jemina Pearl (from Be Your Own Pet) being bandied about on message boards, but the woman in question is actually 34-year-old art book editor Eva Prinz, 20 years Moore's junior.

Rob Instigator 04.25.2013 11:24 AM

Thurston got his Ecstatic "piece" into her "library"

TheMadcapLaughs 04.25.2013 03:03 PM

i've been around the world a million times, and all you men are slime

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