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evollove 11.05.2012 05:10 PM

Has anyone bothered to check Pink.'s posts?

If she's a troll, she's lousy at it. Posts art, starts threads, comments, etc.

chrome noise tape 11.05.2012 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by evollove
Has anyone bothered to check Pink.'s posts?

If she's a troll, she's lousy at it. Posts art, starts threads, comments, etc.

so welcome to the trollsonicland

Pinkunicornnx 11.05.2012 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by chrome noise tape
so welcome to the trollsonicland

--' ...

guest 11.05.2012 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Why not admit that you are a fucking boring cunt of a teenager, rather than blaming your apathy on your peers' music taste then?

unfortunately yeah, this is what I am saying albeit bluntly.

SONIC GAIL 11.05.2012 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pinkunicornnx
I'm from the nickelcrap/bieber/swag generation... People who have good music taste are REALLY hard to find.

Ha try growing up in a town called Callahan inthe early ninties.

Shit's Glamorized. My primary music exposure was Garth Brooks and Boyz to Men.

Chris Lawrence 11.06.2012 12:10 AM

The first time I remember being aware of music as a trend suddenly shifting was as a (pre-death) Nirvana fan circa 1996 when dance music & hip hop became the popular thing to listen to, and I was mocked for still listening to Nirvana (etc) by the very same people who had just months earlier been listening to it too. What perplexed me is that I legitimately enjoyed that music, which is why I listened to it - I hadn't realized so many people had just become "fans" in the aftermath of Kurt's death, and abandoned it for the next big trend to (I guess) stay popular in high school.

Now, I enjoyed Nirvana and Sonic Youth. I was ridiculed for it. I have to consider that these kids may have actually liked that dance/hiphop regardless of whether it was the current trend. I barely gave it a chance, so in many ways I was no better. I remember music being a BIG identifier in my teenage years, whether positive or negative (I always felt I was born about 5 years too late and was basically acting like a kid trying to fit in with the ghost of a peer group that had long passed).

Nowadays, I appreciate music based on whether I listen to it and enjoy it, and that's all. I'm not actively seeking out any of the current popular music, but I can't deny that people enjoy it - and there's nothing wrong with that. Recently Lou Barlow posted a link to the newest Taylor Swift video on Facebook, singing its praises, so I listened & watched and it was actually really good! In my opinion, and apparently Lou Barlow's (and a few million others?). I can see how that would be a big argument in high school, but now it just doesn't matter (although it can be fun to debate musical tastes in a civil manner, I suppose...).

I think I may have had a point when I started, maybe how it's just funny to think back on how much music could drive rivalry in high school. No, I guess what intrigued me more was the idea that people could just change to accommodate a trend, and how that never seemed natural to me...I'm not saying good or bad either way (too late now!), I just find it interesting.

Oh, I remember my actual point. That for some people, music is just a background accessory and not something that defines them, so they will naturally listen to what's popular (and usually what's popular is popular for a reason). People who have a different sort of connection with music are obviously going to seek out things beneath the "popular" surface and listen to things that really excite them. Again, not saying good or bad (I certainly wish I wasn't as obsessive...), just interesting. I can't imagine not being totally fucking obsessed with music.

EVOLghost 11.06.2012 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Chris Lawrence

Nowadays, I appreciate music based on whether I listen to it and enjoy it, and that's all.

SY has taught me this.

Just simply listen. Who cares about the rest.

EVOLghost 11.06.2012 09:21 AM

OH OH and #2. There is no such thing as a "good taste" in music. Everyone's taste is shit, just like yours and just like my taste.

chrome noise tape 11.06.2012 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by EVOLghost
OH OH and #2. There is no such thing as a "good taste" in music. Everyone's taste is shit, just like yours and just like my taste.

you right there isn't that thing of good taste but also there isn't mine or yours taste is shit. the meaning of taste it's a individual thing and relative.

Rob Instigator 11.06.2012 01:44 PM

there may not be a rigid definition of what sucks, but there is most definitely an ongoing consensus!!!

I mean, will anyone unearth C&C Music Factory and try to claim them as seminal musicians? NO!

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 11.06.2012 01:54 PM

Liking good music, film, and literature is a lonely ride in high school. But you can still have friends with different interests. I had music friends, sci-fi friends, weirdo friends, and quiz bowl friends. Nobody liked Sonic Youth as much as I did, but whatever, they liked Black Flag & Minutemen & other cool shit and that was good enough.

You're also ahead of the curve. I didn't start to really get into musictil 16-17. Some people don't until college. As you get older you'll feel less lonely.

Rob Instigator 11.06.2012 02:46 PM

feel bad for those whose love of Michael McDonald or Steve Winwood ruled their high school years

Phlegmscope 11.07.2012 02:50 PM

I don't think music taste really played significant part in defining oneself in high school. In general, I don't remember people really giving a shit about what you liked. Although, maybe I just wasn't social enough to acknowledge all this. Also, as I got older, I've constantly become less and less concerned with what people are into.

I'm surprised if things like this still matter, in this day and age where everyone can find their own little niche through the internets and social media. But maybe it's different over there in north merryca. Your high school stereotypes and cliches don't seem to apply here.

Rob Instigator 11.07.2012 02:52 PM

everything superficial and emotional matters when you are 13-20. It has been conclusively demonstrated that the human brain is still forming it's adult state at these ages, and that decisions are mostly made purely on emotional resonance, and not logic, or actual critical thinking about the situation.

louder 11.30.2012 05:08 PM

yeah, i recall being upset cuz my classmates didn't wanna listen to Sonic Youth.

louder 11.30.2012 05:29 PM

you just like weirdo rock music. i guess kids your age consider that a lame thing, but just wait 3-4 years, trust me being a hipster will be the shit. no one of your peers will care about Justin Bieber or Nicklodeon band anymore. some of them will even dedicate their lives trying to develop a hipster image/identity. you're years ahead of their time.

stateyourrights 12.02.2012 10:21 PM


It sucks to be called a hipster by people at school because your favorite bands are Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr, Pixies, The velvet underground etc..
I feel the same fucking way. im 14 too and I like all those bands and it sucks because i have never met ANYONE i can relate to. When i do find people they only know like one song by them espeacially when i talk about nirvana.

SpaceCadetHayden 12.03.2012 01:00 AM

god people still say the word hipster it's 2012 wake up sheeple kesha's newest song is good

Rob Instigator 12.03.2012 09:00 AM

hipsters rule.

it's the non-hipsters that be jealous

I myself am an old hipster doofus pod.

Mortte Jousimo 12.03.2012 10:31 AM

I may be also hipster, but itīs totally same to me am I or am I not, I donīt care.

Rob Instigator 12.03.2012 10:41 AM

We are all something, whether we chose to self-classify or not. Just because we may not car what people judge us as, or think of us, does not mean that their views do not affect us. Frankly, anyone who is slightly different from the accepted Norm in jr high or high school gets grief from the square assholes.

SpaceCadetHayden 12.03.2012 10:08 PM

i identify as being dead inside

Mortte Jousimo 12.04.2012 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
We are all something, whether we chose to self-classify or not. Just because we may not car what people judge us as, or think of us, does not mean that their views do not affect us. Frankly, anyone who is slightly different from the accepted Norm in jr high or high school gets grief from the square assholes.

There has been times in my past when some other peoples negative opinions about me has hurt me. But older I have grown less I have cared about other peoples opinions about me. I have noticed I am different as the major people in many things, but that doesnīt mean I am better or also worse than others. And there seem to be only few people who thinks many things quite the same way as I. I mean the people I know, of course I believe in the whole world there are quite many.

Rob Instigator 12.04.2012 10:24 AM

does your name mean "The death of Jousting?"

ha! kidding. I know what you mean though man.

In fact though, I have rarely met or known anyone who was truly boring. most people are weird and strange and warped in some way, but they may choose not to show it.

Mortte Jousimo 12.05.2012 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
does your name mean "The death of Jousting?"

ha! kidding. I know what you mean though man.

In fact though, I have rarely met or known anyone who was truly boring. most people are weird and strange and warped in some way, but they may choose not to show it.

As far as I know my name doesnīt mean anything. Jousi is bow in English.

Youīre right about that people are not boring. But I think also many people donīt want to admit that even themselves and thatīs the reason why some "normal" people sometime for example kill somebody without any reason.

Rob Instigator 12.06.2012 02:04 PM

Imagine all the old folks with saggy, faded, washed-out tats looking like saggy baggy elephant in the next 30 years.

tripsk 12.06.2012 03:03 PM

don't go to a sy concert alone

Gwen S. 12.09.2012 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Pinkunicornnx
I'm 14:/
I was 13 when I heard Kool Thing for the first time.. I didn't get them at first but now, they're my fave band...
It sucks to be called a hipster by people at school because your favorite bands are Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr, Pixies, The velvet underground etc..
I don't understand girls my age because most of them like Justin Bieber and One Direction -.-
I tried to get my best friend into SY but she was scared by them -.-
Am I the only one who is in this situation?

It's good to know there is someone else my age that likes Sonic Youth. I loved seeing them live, I saw them when I was 8. They came to our state in 2009. I LOVED IT! Wish the band didn't break up. But hey! We always have the Cd's and vinyl!! :D

MASJKa 12.20.2012 11:18 PM

Давайте подум
Во народ отжигает ... Классная тема. Только как по мне можно бы раскрыть ее полнее...
Всех форумчан С наступающими Новым годом!!!

the ikara cult 12.21.2012 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by foreverasskiss

This picture makes me physically sick

zelocia 12.21.2012 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Gwen S.
It's good to know there is someone else my age that likes Sonic Youth. I loved seeing them live, I saw them when I was 8. They came to our state in 2009. I LOVED IT! Wish the band didn't break up. But hey! We always have the Cd's and vinyl!! :D

They haven't broken up. They're on hiatus. Big difference.

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