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batreleaser 07.30.2008 01:13 PM

masonna is one cool lookin dude, i wana steel his style;

Everyneurotic 07.30.2008 11:02 PM

i forgot to put guilty connector on my list, and that's one of the best harsh shit ever.

pain jerk can be fucking nuts too, when he is on.

atsonicpark 07.30.2008 11:04 PM

I know a lot of people here probably don't like the rita but I heard an album (it had some silly title like TOTAL SLITTING OF THROATS or something) that was just 70 minutes of a big impenetrable static wall that was amazing. It sounds stupid but it's noise music where you could actually REALLY see images when hearing the sound.. if that makes sense. No, it doesn't. Okay.

Everyneurotic 07.30.2008 11:28 PM

yeah, does wall of noise albums are pretty hit or miss.

or maybe it's "high or miss."

atsonicpark 07.30.2008 11:30 PM

yeah most are ridiculous, 999% volume overpowered reverbed to hell shit... blah.

Everyneurotic 07.30.2008 11:39 PM

and it's 20 to 40 andsometimes 60 minutes of unchanged noise.

the twenty minutes ones can be awesome, though. depends.

batreleaser 07.31.2008 07:32 AM

i fucking love the rita. the wall of noise is one of the only original ideas in modrn noise.

atsonicpark 07.31.2008 07:33 AM

really bat? I love the rita too, he actually sold me a bootleg of this insane horror film called der todesking.

But I love his music too haha.

MellySingsDoom 07.31.2008 07:34 AM

The grand-pere of modern "noise" music...:


atsonicpark 07.31.2008 07:35 AM

that reminds me of a point I needed to address.

I really like posting to the board because the people there are cool and everyone's into some really obscure shit. Also, everyone's extremely friendly and supportive, maybe too much so? Because I think a lot of people PERSONALLY like so many of the people in the noise scene that they overlook the fact that a lot of people doing noise suck.

I try to be polite about this... but you know. So many people want to trade shitty noise albums with me that it gets ridiculous.

batreleaser 07.31.2008 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
that reminds me of a point I needed to address.

I really like posting to the board because the people there are cool and everyone's into some really obscure shit. Also, everyone's extremely friendly and supportive, maybe too much so? Because I think a lot of people PERSONALLY like so many of the people in the noise scene that they overlook the fact that a lot of people doing noise suck.

I try to be polite about this... but you know. So many people want to trade shitty noise albums with me that it gets ridiculous.

too many people in the noise scene ONLY listen to noise as well. theyre like the new party thrash dudes or something. but instead of 'kill em all' its whatever obscure split casette they can trade for.

atsonicpark 07.31.2008 07:51 AM

I dunno, do noise kids really only like noise? Are there really people like that? I'm surprised by the noisefanatics board, I see people listening to indie rock and pop. It seems noise kids are just really in love with sound.. an idea I can definitely relate with. Though it also, I think, clouds people's judgement on what is actually quality.

Thinking about it now, I think it's pretty easy to tell jsut by listening to someone's noise if they mainly listen to noise or just sample its flavors now and then. Not bragging or anything and to say nothing of the quality of my music at all, but I think when you listen to the "noise" I make, it obviously sounds different because I obviously don't exclusively listen to noise.

Another problem with the noise scene is people... wait, I already said this.. PEOPLE LOVE PACKAGES TOO MUCH. I see so many people going "man that new package is killer the cd won't even play but the packaging is crazy it's a dead dog man the CD IS STUFFED INSIDE A DEAD DOG!"

Noise people especially get wrapped up in the IDEA of noise, like "man this is raw as fuck this is crazy", which says nothing about the actual quality of the recording. Noise reviews are the worst.

MellySingsDoom 07.31.2008 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
that reminds me of a point I needed to address.

I really like posting to the board because the people there are cool and everyone's into some really obscure shit. Also, everyone's extremely friendly and supportive, maybe too much so? Because I think a lot of people PERSONALLY like so many of the people in the noise scene that they overlook the fact that a lot of people doing noise suck.

I try to be polite about this... but you know. So many people want to trade shitty noise albums with me that it gets ridiculous.

I feel that just listening to "noise" is just like listening to rock, metal, hip-hip, dance etc - there's so much good music out there, why limit yourself to one genre? A lot of noise IS crap, but at least the people in the scene are usually decent - compare that to the metal scene, which sometimes descends into cock-waving pointlessness.

atsonicpark 07.31.2008 07:56 AM

Yeah, I will defend the noise scene to its death. The most supportive, open minded, friendly, cooperative, mostly unpolitical scene out there. Of course, that's mainly because its small and makes no money.

Noise is a very difficult genre to rank the quality of, as far as releases go, I think that's it's biggest downfall. I just try to listen to stuff that compels me.. obviously.. but I certainly don't understand how certain groups who keep doing the same bullshit (Wolf Eyes) are popular when forward-thinking noise artists who strive to keep doing different and interesting things get overlooked.

Me and EveryN were talking about this a while back but there's basically 5 steps to being a successful noise artist.

1 - Play live and break your equipment or do some other kind of assholeish thing so people talk about you.

2 - Release about 500 releases on 500 different labels in the course of a year... it doesn't matter what they sound like. Just get 'em out there. Make sure 200 of those releases are splits and make sure another 250 are all under about 40 minutes and on tape.

3 - Have some gimmick, some image, something people can talk about. You know how Sunn (who isn't noise but it works) had vocals recorded in a coffin? That's what people talk about!

4 - Make sure your releases are limited to like 5 copies each and packaged in the most ridiculous ways possible.

5 - Be everyone's scene friend.


I kid.. but only a little bit.

batreleaser 07.31.2008 08:02 AM

newer noise acts i dig (not actually positive how new these all are so please correct me):
mutant ape
s i x e s
kylie minoise
the cathode terror secretion

atsonicpark 07.31.2008 08:04 AM

yes mutant ape!

He used to post here, I talked to him a bit before also.

I really like medroxy progestone acetate or however the fuck you spell it.

batreleaser 07.31.2008 08:05 AM

the current u.s. noise scene to me really resembles 80s hardcore scene as far as the commitment to touring and being broke, the networking, the shitton of diy labels, the different scenes (michigan, new york, miami, etc..) and of course the incredibly powerful music

atsonicpark 07.31.2008 08:07 AM

cult like.

batreleaser 07.31.2008 08:11 AM

all in all, i love as lot of noise music. but generally my favorite music is music that uses noise to add to thier sound or has a 'noise-y' sound to make them soubdf more violent. i love violence in music. like bands like 16-17 or the flying luttenbachers or naked city or boredoms (duh) or royal trux, who just use noise to make thier clusterfuck sounds sound even more chaotic. or the velvets, sy, polvo, mbv, spacemen3, tful282, bands that find the balance between pop structure and noise experimentalism, to me thats the hardest thing in music to do, way beyond my talent as a musician.

and yes if ure wondering, im still medicated out my eyeballs on percocetts

atsonicpark 07.31.2008 08:13 AM

right, it's like I said in this thread.. I think i said... I like noise, but I like melody a little more. But when you mix both in, hey!

That's awesome about the meds dude, I just got some oxys.. not the 7.5s but the 10s... taking half of one makes me feel like I'm in a calcutta codeine coma... I'm fucked up listening to dead texan, this is amazing haha.

batreleaser 07.31.2008 08:17 AM

im not digging it really dude. i dont wana sound like a pussy but i used to have a bigtime habit that took me a long time to kick and im afraid ill be freaking out when i run out. the pains just too severe to ignore though, my shouklder was drilled, ripped out, and replaced for fucks sake.

atsonicpark 07.31.2008 08:30 AM

yeah word I took morphine after I had back surgery a long time ago and once I couldn't press that little red button to get my morphine fill I started to withdrawal it sucked... but yeah.

Toilet & Bowels 07.31.2008 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
the current u.s. noise scene to me really resembles 80s hardcore scene

yeah, hundreds of bands making incredibly formulaic music

MellySingsDoom 07.31.2008 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by westernquinoxrocks
the noise scene has went down the SHITTER since indiots with computers and no tapes made digital noise BULLSHIT even merzbow uses a LAPTOP

"Eeh, in mah day, ah remember when we made noise with a rusty spoon and an old timey gramophone player. Noise has never been thu same since those damn Italina Futurists came and spoilt it all in 1916".

batreleaser 07.31.2008 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
yeah, hundreds of bands making incredibly formulaic music

theres always gonna be lame stuff, but for ten jerrys kids or something, theres a black flag, for ten lambsbreads, theres a cherry point.

batreleaser 07.31.2008 11:04 AM

no shit, one example was hardcore one example was noise

Toilet & Bowels 07.31.2008 11:06 AM

has fag tapes ever put out anything worth listening to?

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.31.2008 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by MellySingsDoom
Nowadays (and please don't take this as a insult to you, Sheriff Rhys C, it's not meant that way :)), I would consider it an insult to conflate free jazz with "noise". Indeed, I would say that the current crop of noise musicians have little to no real interest in jazz, free or otherwise...

I can see what your saying and it makes a lot more sense than my statement/question.
Though I think we can both argree both genres can be very loud and not very pleasing to the average listener.:)

Toilet & Bowels 07.31.2008 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by batreleaser
theres always gonna be lame stuff, but for ten jerrys kids or something, theres a black flag, for ten lambsbreads, theres a cherry point.

if you're going to say something in response to what another person has said make sure you address their point, it's better that way.

batreleaser 07.31.2008 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by westernquinoxrocks
lambsbread isnt hardcore tho

are you fucking retarded? i didnt say theyre hardcore. i said theyre noise and that they blow.

batreleaser 07.31.2008 04:14 PM

noisecore to be exact

The Watcher 05.23.2011 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
I know a lot of people here probably don't like the rita but I heard an album (it had some silly title like TOTAL SLITTING OF THROATS or something) that was just 70 minutes of a big impenetrable static wall that was amazing. It sounds stupid but it's noise music where you could actually REALLY see images when hearing the sound.. if that makes sense. No, it doesn't. Okay.

That record is fucking awesome...... I love The Rita and Werewolf Jerusalem and Vomir and all that ridiculous HNW stuff......... but it does get a little samey. You ever check out Gomesia? I dig what they've got going on........

Since I'm on a long weekend and have done little but bump threads related to music I'm listening to, Kevin Drumm is fucking awesome........... way better than the HNW crowd.........

Glice 05.24.2011 01:46 AM

I full endorse HNW as the first good thing noise has come up with in 20-odd years.

The Watcher 05.24.2011 06:47 AM

It's got some great moments to it sound wise, and some great artists, but the cliquish little circles and "limited to 6 copies" stuff is semi tiresome...... but The Rita is pretty outstanding and I really dig the new Nordvarger cassette where he "covers" Vomir ha ha ha......

atsonicpark 05.25.2011 09:19 PM

it's all about MAMMAL - LONESOME DRIFTER, imo. my fav "noise" album of all time..

The Watcher 05.25.2011 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by kinnikpasswordforgetter
more cliques. more exclusivity. more elitism.

its fucking noise in the internet era, those are exactly the traits it needs.

Choice words, friend, choice words. The only thing worse than threads like "OMG NOISE IZNT MUSIC" or debates on "R WULF EYZ REAL NOISE" is HNW fruits implying their superiority over other noise genres...... Time to fucking get real, amirite?

The Watcher 05.25.2011 10:24 PM

Dude wain one second you see that shit where the guy from Vomir puts a plastic bag on his head and just lies on the floor like a corpse? I'm somewhat reasonably positive that HNW can bear the fruits of my merit, and my paypal account...... but perchance I'm wrong........ perchance I'm wrong yet again..........

The Watcher 05.25.2011 10:43 PM

I really think we could be good friends, kinnik...... lets have lunch sometime........ I truly accept that HNW is a diverse and eclectic genre....... it's not just static and unchanging and pictures of pantyhose or sharks.........

The Watcher 05.25.2011 11:15 PM

I will be static and unchanging??? That could be true........ very astute, old friend.........

SpaceCadetHayden 05.25.2011 11:22 PM

Yellow Swans
other music

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