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Severian 11.15.2016 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yep, but no site (not even the italian one linked from wikipedia) has info on the italian, 225-page, $7 kindle version.

see, some english translation/reprints had chopped off panels (sacrilege). there are also chopped "pocket" versions it seems.

don't know about this kindle or what's in it. there are no reviews or anything.

i'll just buy it to see and if it's fucked i'll return it


better be the right novel... the "look inside" feature just gives you 2 covers lol. i hope it's not a scam.

the original ballad of the salty sea had 161 pages, this is 255. hmm...

the $7 mystery! i'll pay to see that

Let me know. I'd love to have it. Even though I don't speak Italian, I'd pay $7 for it.

noisereductions 11.15.2016 10:30 PM

Read Watchmen #3 and 4 tonight. Story is really getting heavy. It is tough to talk about such a lauded work without sounding obvious I suppose haha.

Rob Instigator 11.16.2016 10:49 AM

watchmen is dense and worth reading and then re-reading again a year later. I have read the full thing 4 times.

Severian 11.16.2016 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
watchmen is dense and worth reading and then re-reading again a year later. I have read the full thing 4 times.

Yeah, but the movie is utter shit.

For a while I think I was Ok with the film. Second viewing proved it was slightly less ridiculously terrible and disgusting than I remembered it.

But then I re-read the book last spring, and it became even more clear how terrible (seriously, completely FUCKING ridiculous and insulting) the movie was. Holy shit. Insulting to the world, to Moore and Gibbons, to Leonard Cohen. All it had going for it was some nice sequences, but my god it fucking nearly killed Watchmen for me.

It also got Snyder the longstanding DC films job, so... y'know... fuck it.

!@#$%! 11.16.2016 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Let me know. I'd love to have it. Even though I don't speak Italian, I'd pay $7 for it.

okay. i'll do that later but now i have to go buy a fridge. i really like home depot's "pre-black-friday" sales. i bought my kitchen stove for $250 that way haaa haaaa haaaaaaa.

Severian 11.16.2016 10:59 AM

NOTE: Watchmen almost needs to be re-read. I'm not sure one time through is enough to pick up on how brilliant it is. If you're on your first time through, just plan on repeating in a coupe years.

noisereductions 11.16.2016 11:17 AM

it feels that way. Like I'll get more out of it later.

I actually got the book, the movie, and digital comic in a big boxset for really cheap in an Amazon deal. I'll watch the movie when I'm done w/ the book. Then prob read the book again haha.

I don't wanna tell anyone how to spend their money, but I'd kind of super love it if you guys would buy like ONE new comic a week. I mean... a $3 investment? ("Less than a cup of coffee a week...") Would just be a lot of fun if some of you guys were tossing around impressions of new stories w/ me. Especially since I'm mostly reading new Marvel (and a bit of IDW) and am mostly missing out on the DC (and Dark Horse, and everything else) stuff.

Severian 11.16.2016 11:46 AM

I buy at least one comic a week and have since Rebirth launched.

It would be really nice if someone were to read Rebirth. ;)

You need to read that Batman 2016 #1 by King and Finch.
And if you have any interest in any Rebirth titles you need to start out with DC Universe Rebirth (labeled #1 for some reason, but it's a one-shot universe wide intro to the new arc... it's where I got that screenshot of Batman and the Comedian button.)


Severian 11.16.2016 11:49 AM

Bitches guess whose hand that is coming out of the clouds!
Fucking you know whose hand that is. It's Dr. Fucking Manhatten. At least that's my opnion based on what I've read so far.

noisereductions 11.16.2016 11:50 AM

I'm stopping at the shop tonight. I'll look for that one.

I was going to read the Batman Rebirth(s) last night, but got sucked into Watchmen.

Alright - I'm glad you're keeping up weekly then; keep posting about these issues. It'll motivate me to check on more DC stuff probably. :)

noisereductions 11.16.2016 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
Bitches guess whose hand that is coming out of the clouds!
Fucking you know whose hand that is. It's Dr. Fucking Manhatten. At least that's my opnion based on what I've read so far.

dude. This is cosmic. I read the Dr. Manhatten issue last night and it just really floored me.

Severian 11.16.2016 11:57 AM

Superman's having a VERY nice, classically tinged run right now in the Supes monthly.

Severian 11.16.2016 11:59 AM

Superman - check
Eradicator - check
Son of Superman? - check
Batcave on the moon? - check
Cybernetic Batsuit? - check

noisereductions 11.16.2016 12:25 PM

I actually own some recent DC stuff... I just haven't read any of it. I have Harley Quinn and Wonder Woman Rebirths #1... and the first two issues of Superman American Alien, off the top of my head.

noisereductions 11.16.2016 07:51 PM

so here's what I picked up tonight...


so excited for Jessica Jones #2


I loved Avengers 1.1, so I've been interested to read the new main series that just started as well. Reviews are meh, but I couldn't shake the curiosity.


sev: I told you I'd look for this one. My cover is different than yours since it's a later printing. Looks nice and beefy, though. I dig these longer one-shots.


as a huge TMNT fan, it's been killing me that I'm not reading the current main series. But instead of going back to #1, I decided to start with the current story arc so grabbed #61 (we're on 64 now).

noisereductions 11.17.2016 08:20 AM

read some of the stuff...

The Avengers #1 - interesting. I've heard a lot of folks say this one had some poor writing. I didn't really feel that way. I was a bit confused in part because I haven't been keeping up with all the Civil War II stuff, but I figured I'd just hang on for the ride and see how it goes. I wasn't as immediately attached to this one as Avengers 1.1, but I like it. And the art is excellent. I'll keep going w/ this series for a while.

Jessica Jones #2 - so good. First issue was just sort of a set-up, and I felt like not a lot happened. A lot happened here. No spoilers, but I really recommend this series for any Alias/JJ fans.

TMNT #61 - alright, it's my own fault. Maybe this wasn't a good jumping on point. I just felt pretty lost. There's several characters that I don't know who they are; apparently *someone* is dead and I kind of wished I hadn't hit that spoiler; Splinter is planning... an army? There's just kind of too much to jump into so late I'm thinking. Probably.

Severian 11.17.2016 11:51 AM

I kinda think the only TMNT worth reading is the original series from 1984 by Eastman and Laird. It ran until 2010, and now IDW has it (great publishing company! but I think the early volumes are the only ones I've enjoyed. Not that I've read it in ages.

noisereductions 11.17.2016 12:06 PM

I loved those early TMNT comics growing up, yup. The original run was the first TPB collection of comics I ever had as a kid.

Look, I'm kind of overboard when it comes to TMNT stuff. I always have been. Like, even my years where I thought "comics were for kids," I still followed a lot of TMNT stuff. I own all the movies, I own tons of the TV shows, etc. I just love the franchise in general.

I have mostly avoided the IDW main series, though. Which was bugging me. Because I HAVE been enjoying Batman/TMNT crossover as well as TMNT Universe, which is only 3 issues so far but I love it.

The new series (starting in 2012) is a reboot by Eastman. I read the first issue a while back... and then jumped to #61 haha.

noisereductions 11.17.2016 11:49 PM

so I read DC Universe Rebirth #1 and yeah... it's quite good. Without a doubt this is Doctor Manhattan. I mean, the overt Watchmen stuff and then the watches. It's clear. Which I'm excited about.

Also went ahead and read Watchmen #5 to move things along there.


Severian 11.18.2016 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I loved those early TMNT comics growing up, yup. The original run was the first TPB collection of comics I ever had as a kid.

Look, I'm kind of overboard when it comes to TMNT stuff. I always have been. Like, even my years where I thought "comics were for kids," I still followed a lot of TMNT stuff. I own all the movies, I own tons of the TV shows, etc. I just love the franchise in general.

I have mostly avoided the IDW main series, though. Which was bugging me. Because I HAVE been enjoying Batman/TMNT crossover as well as TMNT Universe, which is only 3 issues so far but I love it.

The new series (starting in 2012) is a reboot by Eastman. I read the first issue a while back... and then jumped to #61 haha.

I'm like that with Superman and Batman stuff.
Though I don't actually own the absurdly shitty Batman movies (Forever, & Robin), I do own VHS (ha!) and DVD copies of Burton's Batman and Batman Returns, as well (get this...) each of the Nolan movies individually in addition to the big deluxe BluRay box set of the three movies together with all the bonus material and the 60-page color booklet. :D
I think that probably qualifies as overkill in and of itself, but I ALSO own this big ridiculous hardbound Dark Knight Confidential promo book with files on all the villains, "Batman's" profiles of everyone from Beguns-Rising, and blueprints of all the Wayne enterprises gadgets, weapons and vehicles. Haha! Add that to my massive Batman comic and (yes, I'll admit it) NOVEL collection, and there's a strong case for overkill. I also own seasons 1 and 2 of Gotham even though I hate the show half the time.

But I think I really match your TMNT with my downright ridiculous Superman obsession-bordering-on-worship.

I have every Superman movie ever made.
I have the complete collection of the Superman: Last Son of Krypton radio show from the 1940s.
I have an extensive, though incomplete, collection of classic Superman cartoons (ever seen those old cartoons? That was the primary inspiration for Batman the Animated Series. 70 years old but BEAUTIFUL.)
I have the George Reeves Superman television collection.
I own and have read several Superman books, both fiction and non-fiction.
I have a few color test prints from '70s and '80s Supes comics, framed. Rare-ish but not worth a ton.
I have a collection of Superman comics that has sadly been scattered over three states but was once a mighty thing indeed.
I'm looking at Superman right now. Wall hanging.
I have Superman boxers. They have a little cape.
I have a collection of Supes buttons, toys and mini-comics.
I have a Superman wallet and keychain, baseball cap, countless shirts, pajamas...
I have the soundtracks to several Supes movies on cd or vinyl.

But I DO NOT OWN SMALLVILLE OR LOIS AND CLARK, and I never will, and nothing could possibly move me to watch either show (again), ESPECIALLY Smallville. FUCK that shit.

noisereductions 11.18.2016 11:49 AM

I have the shitty Batman movies. I have a 4-pack of the 90's movies, so we watched all 4 in a row quite recently. Oddly, I think & Robin has held up better than Forever which was so totally ruined by Jim Carey in the role of Jim Carey.

I have the 3 Nolan films individually, with Rises being that SE that came with a prequel comic.

I have season 1 of The Animated series, and actually quite a few of the animated films. I'm not a Batman obsesso like you, but I do love Batman.

My wife is actually turning into a bigger Batman fan than I. She just recently read Year One and The Man Who Laughs. She wanted to read Lovers & Madmen next, but I think I've convinced her it's time for Long Halloween which I LOVE LOVE LOVE maybe as much as Killing Joke.

Severian 11.18.2016 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I have the shitty Batman movies. I have a 4-pack of the 90's movies, so we watched all 4 in a row quite recently. Oddly, I think & Robin has held up better than Forever which was so totally ruined by Jim Carey in the role of Jim Carey.

I have the 3 Nolan films individually, with Rises being that SE that came with a prequel comic.

I have season 1 of The Animated series, and actually quite a few of the animated films. I'm not a Batman obsesso like you, but I do love Batman.

My wife is actually turning into a bigger Batman fan than I. She just recently read Year One and The Man Who Laughs. She wanted to read Lovers & Madmen next, but I think I've convinced her it's time for Long Halloween which I LOVE LOVE LOVE maybe as much as Killing Joke.

The Long Halloween is probably my favorite Batman TPB of all time.

It doesn't just show one side of Batman. It shows everything. And it's so cinematic.

noisereductions 11.18.2016 01:04 PM

it really is brilliant. I also really appreciate all the Harvey Dent story stuff in there.

noisereductions 11.18.2016 01:08 PM

it really is brilliant. I also really appreciate all the Harvey Dent story stuff in there.

noisereductions 11.21.2016 09:37 AM

over the weekend I ran to a comic shop to see if they had X-Men '92 #4 and 5. There are 3 comic shops that are near me. There's one that I hit weekly, but then I'll go to the other 2 if I'm in search of something specific and it's not at that first one. tl;dr version is they had #5, but I ended up having to order #4 online which I don't really like doing. I just prefer finding comics "in the wild" when I can.

Anyway, I picked up some other stuff that I hadn't planned on. So besides X-Men '92 #5, I grabbed:

All New Wolverine #1 - with Logan coming out next year I'm interested in seeing this new Wolverine.

Champions #1 - I don't know anything about this one, but it was a freebie for "Comic Book Day" which I didn't even know was going on. The one I got has an exclusive CBD cover.

Extraordinary X-Men #8, 9, 10 - picking up where I left off. Issues 7-12 make up the second TPB.

The Worst X-Man Ever #1 - I've heard great things about this story.

Severian 11.21.2016 10:37 AM

Hey NR...

I've decided to dig into some current Marvel stuff. I was pretty uninterested by most of what I read about Civil War II, so I'm not really into that. But, I am starting to miss having some of the key characters around. Most notably Daredevil, Thor and Cap.

I don't really know where to start though. I have had total DC tunnel vision for quite some time now, so I'm not even sure which new individual character titles are out. Got any recommendations?

I'm thinking about Thor the Unworthy. Otherwise, I'm really pretty clueless.

To give you an idea of where my interests lie re: Marvel, I love the steampunky HYDRA/Nazi focused alt. history storylines. I also like Asgard type stuff, because all that "science so foreign it looks like magic" shit is the closest Marvel comes to Superman/Krypton. I haven't been big on the X-Men as a unit since I was a little guy, but I have really enjoyed X-Men adjacent title (X-Factor, X-Force) and individual character stories (Wolverine Origins).

Not into Spidey unless it's something really weird and special.

Where should I look?

Rob Instigator 11.21.2016 11:04 AM

I read everything tied in to Civil War I and it was fucking HORRIBLE. a story that could have been told well in 4 issues spread out to 37 different issues on 20 different titles? pathetic.

noisereductions 11.21.2016 11:26 AM


Alright to just reiterate two suggestions I have for 90's nostalgics of Marvel comics, I'd suggest reading X-Men '92, which had a single "prequel" run in 2015, and is now up to issue #9 next week of the 2016 run. The other is Avengers 1.1 which just had its first issue this month. The .1 series is totally different than just the 2016 Avengers comic. Like, X-Men 92, it has a total throwback vibe in art and tone and story.

I think suggesting the new Jessica Jones series (2 issues so far) is kind of obvious for you. And maybe you'd be interested in All-New Wolverine... I don't want to spoil anything about Logan for you if you don't already know it and don't want it to be spoiled.

With that out of the way, Unworthy Thor might be good for you. I haven't read the first issue yet, but I read a couple pages in one of those Marvel Preview books and it seems pretty cool. Disclosure, I'm not a huge Thor fan - I mean I loved the first movie, but comic-wise I don't seek him out especially. I like him. Anyway, you'd certainly like Unworthy more than you would the new Avengers which for reasons (Civil War II... spoilers I won't spoil just in case) has a new Thor who is a woman. (I totally DO like the new Avengers comic, but apparently every critic hates it).

Anyway, there is a brand new 2016 Daredevil comic, so you might want to check that out. Issues 1-5 make up the Chinatown TPB, 6-9 + Annual make up the 2nd TPB, Back In Black. Issue 10 started a new story arch called "Dark Art" and it's not done yet - I think it ends w/ #15 in January (maybe), so a good jump-on for you might be #10.

For magic kind of stuff you might like Scarlet Witch's new book more than I did. I mean... I liked it, but I didn't care for the art style myself. And I'm less a fan of magic stuff anyway.

I'll keep brainstorming. I feel slightly on the spot and I'm sure I'm blanking on stuff.

Severian 11.21.2016 11:51 AM

Thanks, I'll seek out JJ and that Daredevil you mentioned toot sweet.

Re: magic. I actually HATE Magic stuff in comics. What I meant to say was that a lot of the Thor/Asgard stuff is set up as "science that looks like magic because we don't understand" ... that bit reminds me of Byrne's '80s Krypton-heavy Superman stuff, which toed a somewhat similar line but kept thing much more on the sci-fi side (indeed, magic was the enemy).

Thor's a bit too "mag-icky" for me sometimes. But when the stories gear more toward space opera than "spirit-spell blah blah" I'm much more interested.

Severian 11.21.2016 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I read everything tied in to Civil War I and it was fucking HORRIBLE. a story that could have been told well in 4 issues spread out to 37 different issues on 20 different titles? pathetic.

I forget a lot of that stuff. I read the tie-ins when it first came out, but last year when I re-read I just picked up the one "Civil War" main arc TPB that ends with Cap's surrender.

I agree that it was meh. Event the condensed, tie-in free version I read. I didn't like the art, and frankly, who gives a big fat fuck if Goliath bites it at the hands of Robo-Thor? Not I. And fuck stupid Hank Pym and his Zoloft, and that convoluted Fantastic 4 family drama bullshit. God I hate the Fantastic 4.

Severian 11.21.2016 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
it really is brilliant. I also really appreciate all the Harvey Dent story stuff in there.

Most of the inspiration for The Dark Knight cane from Long Halloween. It was of course heavily tweaked, but still. Yeah, the Dent story was great. Joker was great. Art was -- fuck, I just love Tim Sale. So classy/classic, yet so dynamic and stylistically nimble.

Have you ever read the sequel, Dark Victory? It's not quite as good, but it does a really good job at continuing Loeb and Sale's story.

noisereductions 11.21.2016 12:11 PM

Yeah Batman Begins is like Year One and the first few issues of Long Halloween. Dark Knight is like the rest of Long Halloween and Killing Joke.

I haven't read Victory yet. I'm going back and re-reading some stuff w/ my wife right now, so I'll be doing Year One and The Man Who Laughs next, and will then re-read Long Halloween cuz I love it...

Anyway, got you on the magic thing. You might like some of the recent Guardians/etc stuff coming out. Star Lord, Gamora, maybe even that new Thanos comic? I haven't read any of it so can't comment one way or the other.

Severian 11.21.2016 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Yeah Batman Begins is like Year One and the first few issues of Long Halloween. Dark Knight is like the rest of Long Halloween and Killing Joke.

Yerp. And ...Rises was like Dark Knight Returns + Knightfall + No Man's Land. God but they did a great job of reinvisioning the source material for the screen.


Anyway, got you on the magic thing. You might like some of the recent Guardians/etc stuff coming out. Star Lord, Gamora, maybe even that new Thanos comic? I haven't read any of it so can't comment one way or the other.

I read the rebooted Guardians 2008 vol.1 over the summer (with Iron Man). It was good. I like Guardians and I hope to get my hands on the other volumes.

noisereductions 11.21.2016 12:47 PM

I have read NONE of the Guardians stuff, but I probably should because I absolutely LOVED the movie. Loved it.

I didn't even know Ironman was in one of the comics. That's kind of neat.

noisereductions 11.21.2016 01:02 PM

I'm excited that you're going to be reading new Marvel stuff. It'll be nice to be able to kind of overlap what we're reading... sort of fill each other in on what we're missing.

As far as some older stuff, I'd like to make it a priority and go back and read a lot of major events. When I was reading comics as a kid, I didn't really stick to an order, and only had access to one comic store. So I just read whatever I could get my hands on. So I'd like to go back and read some TPB collections of some of the events over the years.

Severian 11.21.2016 06:46 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I'm excited that you're going to be reading new Marvel stuff. It'll be nice to be able to kind of overlap what we're reading... sort of fill each other in on what we're missing.

As far as some older stuff, I'd like to make it a priority and go back and read a lot of major events. When I was reading comics as a kid, I didn't really stick to an order, and only had access to one comic store. So I just read whatever I could get my hands on. So I'd like to go back and read some TPB collections of some of the events over the years.


All but the absolute nerdies of us did what you did bro. I'm a pretty big nerd, but the only arcs I followed to completion way back then were Death of Superman, Knightfall and Zero Hour (DC.. forget what it was even about lol).

I didn't actually start reading full arcs until high school. Before that it was just whatever was at the comic shop. So I read a lot of hunks of stories without reading what happened before or after. I was a kid! Not an archivist for Christ's sake.

noisereductions 11.21.2016 08:31 PM

yeah I mean I don't intend to "catch up," but there are some major books I feel like I'd really like to get around to.

I am having a blast with new stuff though. Here's what I read tonight... on a total X-Men kick apparently...


X-Men '92 #4 wraps up the whole vampire plot of the first three issues. For all its crazy 90's-isms and bright artwork and X-Men meet Buffy vibe, it ends on a very somber note. Great stuff.


X-Men '92 #5, the final issue in the first book "The World Is A Vampire," is actually a one-shot that takes place independently of 1-4. Or rather shows you what Cyclops and Jean Grey were up to during those issues... it is very campy and includes a "cameo" from Deadpool and even a scene where they fight four... uh... turtles that are ninjas... in a sewer? As an end to the collected book, it creates a nice counterpoint to #1-4. And y'know what? This is probably my favorite current comic series.


All-New Wolverine YES! This was awesome. Laura is such a bad-ass as the new Wolverine. Great art. Dark and violent. I'm definitely gonna stick with this series for a while and see where it goes.


X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever is totally different. It's like a teen comedy movie that takes place in the X-Manor. Baily is kind of a high school nobody. He finds out he's a mutant, but his power is that he can blow up... but that's it. He can do it once, cuz blowing up would kill him. So basically, he can't use his power. But he ends up an orphan and living in X-Manor. It's a neat set up and has a very unique tone. I believe the series ends after a short run (?) so I'll definitely see that to the end.

demonrail666 11.22.2016 08:48 AM

The perfect thread to ask this question ...

What are the best Batman graphic novels/TBPs, and is there an ideal order to read them? There's just so many of them out there it's impossible to know which ones to prioritise or where to even start! The only one I have is Dark Knight Returns.

noisereductions 11.22.2016 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
The perfect thread to ask this question ...

What are the best Batman graphic novels/TBPs, and is there an ideal order to read them? There's just so many of them out there it's impossible to know which ones to prioritise or where to even start! The only one I have is Dark Knight Returns.

I totally want to link you to some of the reading guides that I've checked out on Bats, BUT... I'm way more interested in letting Sev field this one so I can gain his knowledge for my own. :D

demonrail666 11.22.2016 10:16 AM

Yeah I've looked at some online lists but they're all so conflicting. I'm trusting Sev on this too. I was gonna PM him about it but thought it could be something others might be interested in.

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