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Green_mind 05.17.2007 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Nothing comes to mind that has disturbed me recently, but I remember when I was younger I saw A.I. and it freaked me out, the idea of being stuck forever and ever and ever. I didn't sleep for like two days.

oh man, I hated the ending of that film! I remember it being quite depressing.

musicfallinglikesnow 05.17.2007 02:19 PM

When I was a child and my father kept watching those Dr. Phibes movies. It was not a big house, and I couldn't escape the screaming of the victims. That's what disturbed me the most, grown up people screaming like that. You've got to be really suffering.

greenlight 05.17.2007 02:21 PM

just yesterday. first time I saw Requiem For A Dream. Uff.

atsonicpark 05.17.2007 02:34 PM

hmm, not to change the subject (okay, i always do that), but...

man, i hate requiem for a dream. i'm the only person in the world who does, but jesus do i ever hate that goddamn film. i appreciate the "Art" of it, i guess (yay!!! editing your drug addiction movie like a music video! so artful!) but the acting in that film is just so awful... jared leto, the worst actor of our generation, crying to jennifer connely (playing a robot) just annoyed the shit out of me.. don't get me started about the wayan. the best actor in the movie is the old woman, but her subplot is so ridiculously stupid.

as far as "Mainstream drug film with some artful direction" goes, trainspotting is 50 million times better. requiem just annoys me. one of those films, along with donnie darko, that actually gets worse after the first time you watch it. cuz when i first watched requiem i was like "oh okay, this film's pretty cool." i tried watching it again with my girlfriend and i was like "wow, the acting in this film is TERRIBLE..." then, by the third time i watched it, i was like, "wow. this is, like, everyone's favorite movie. and it SUCKS ASS." and before anyone says anything, i don't just dislike it because everyone else started liking it or something; i love fight club and memento. but requiem is just overrated dog shit. and not disturbing at all... we all have our addictions, so fucking what. don't do heroin, you idiot.

Tokolosh 05.17.2007 04:10 PM

The opening scene in Irréversible is pretty sick. So is the rape in the underpass, which goes on and on and on.

Nekromantik is quite vile and like crypto already mentioned, Salo was nauseating.

macrodollar 05.17.2007 04:15 PM

Hostel, it wasn't even scary just a gore fest.

Trasher02 05.17.2007 04:35 PM

I can't think of a movie that really disturbed me. Hmmm.

Originally Posted by EMMAh
It's with Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman.

Morgan Freeman disturbs me though

Hi I'mma Mowgan Fweeman!

atsonicpark 05.17.2007 04:52 PM

hostel is shit. and a lousy comedy.

der todesking was pretty disturbing. it's alllll about suicide.

Prisstina 05.17.2007 05:29 PM

nothing disturbs me.

Iain 05.17.2007 05:32 PM

On a purely visceral level there's a Japanese film called Naked Blood which has some pretty brutal and disturbing special effects. They actually made me nauseous. As did the fire hydrant beating scene in Irreversible.

demonrail666 05.17.2007 06:05 PM

Breaking the Waves

fishmonkey 05.17.2007 06:06 PM


LifeDistortion 05.17.2007 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
The opening scene in Irréversible is pretty sick. So is the rape in the underpass, which goes on and on and on.

That is the one movie that I have avoid seeing, simply based off that scene. I just have a hard time seeing rape scenes in films in general. I can recall the first time watching "A Clockwork Orange" and I was just repulsed watching the rape scene, which while by today's standards is tame, the scene is still quite shocking. When I heard about "Irreversible" the idea of the film was intriguing but had heard the rape scene is just so brutal, and have pretty much avoided watching the film. Gore and murder stuff doesn't bother me so much, I've seen my share of graphic violence, and I just take it for fantasy, but have very little desire to watch such violent and distrubing rape scenes.

Everyneurotic 05.17.2007 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
hmm, not to change the subject (okay, i always do that), but...

man, i hate requiem for a dream. i'm the only person in the world who does, but jesus do i ever hate that goddamn film. i appreciate the "Art" of it, i guess (yay!!! editing your drug addiction movie like a music video! so artful!) but the acting in that film is just so awful... jared leto, the worst actor of our generation, crying to jennifer connely (playing a robot) just annoyed the shit out of me.. don't get me started about the wayan. the best actor in the movie is the old woman, but her subplot is so ridiculously stupid.

as far as "Mainstream drug film with some artful direction" goes, trainspotting is 50 million times better. requiem just annoys me. one of those films, along with donnie darko, that actually gets worse after the first time you watch it. cuz when i first watched requiem i was like "oh okay, this film's pretty cool." i tried watching it again with my girlfriend and i was like "wow, the acting in this film is TERRIBLE..." then, by the third time i watched it, i was like, "wow. this is, like, everyone's favorite movie. and it SUCKS ASS." and before anyone says anything, i don't just dislike it because everyone else started liking it or something; i love fight club and memento. but requiem is just overrated dog shit. and not disturbing at all... we all have our addictions, so fucking what. don't do heroin, you idiot.

ohh i hear you, i first watched it at this really dark and lonely house with a friend and it was blaring all the cut scenes and cheap audio effects got to my nerves because the plot was fucking boring!!! i was like shut the fuck up, i actually asked my friend to take it off and he said "too disturbing?" and i was like "no, it's making me fucking nervous" so we kept watching it and when (and i really don't give a shit about giving away plot developments so skip this if you haven't seen it) when they amputated j.le's arm i was like "give me a fucking break!" the double dildo scene, were we supposed to be saddened on how low she got to get her fix?, BOO fucking HOO.

first time i saw it, last time i saw it.

spun is such a much better film mainly because it doesn't preach (what nimrod in the world besides courtney love doesn't know heroin is bad?), it's effects, camera work and score are used to tell the story and not look flashy and the acting kicks ass. hell, i feel bad for everyone in that movie...and we're talking about a movie with billy corgan singing most of the songs and actually appearing on it. BILLY fucking CORGAN!

thread hijacking ends here

when i was little i got really freaked out by it, i never liked fucking clowns, i remember i watched this women in prison movie when i was like nine, brooms on pussies and asses, switchblade fights, the whole maguila, and i thought it was really dumb.

Washing Machine 05.17.2007 06:31 PM

Umm the only thing that disturbed me ever was a scat film i sat down and watched with one of my friends for shits and giggles. We wanted to turn away but just couldnt. Seriously its the only thing thats ever made me feel sick ever. How people can have a wank to that stuff without puking all over their private parts is beyond me

sorry to bring down the intelligent nature of this tread, but i had to bring this up.

against_the_grain 05.17.2007 06:43 PM

Captain Sinbad

The Devil's Bride

The Exorcist

The Deer Hunter the top 'o my head.

!@#$%! 05.17.2007 06:45 PM

Emmah, that sounds HORRID!!

Now, for me-- I LOVE Jim Jarmusch's "Dead Man", but the scene i felt he crossed the line (and I couldn't look) is when one of the bad guys kills this guy and steps on his bald skull and cracks it and you can hear & see the skull cracking. FUCK it gives me the willies just to think about that, years & years after I saw it. I HATED that scene and i thought it was unnecessary with such graphic detail. But great movie though!

pbradley 05.17.2007 07:25 PM

Ironically, only small things disturb me in movies like a person cutting their finger while chopping carrots or a hand in the garbage disposal.

But shit like decapitations, faces getting cut off, or even people being eaten alive doesn't even a chill. I think it's because I'v been de-sensitized to over-the-top but small things seem more realistic and there fore scarier. huh.

pokkeherrie 05.17.2007 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by HECKLER SPRAY
Robocop, when they shoot Murphy's hand. It's disgusting.

There are some pretty sadistic killings (even for today's standards) in that movie that scarred my innocent 12 year old soul when I first saw it. When they're having a laugh while slowly executing Murphy they're not just being bad guys, but plain evil. I don't know how I'd react to it now that I'm older though.

From what's mentioned, Salo and Irreversible disturbed me as well. Also Cannibal Holocaust for obvious reasons. But I usually tend to avoid watching disturbing movies, in particular the gory stuff. Still, it's mostly more the sounds of someone screaming in pain that disturbs me than the graphic images themselves.

Dead-Air 05.17.2007 07:59 PM

Short Cuts by Robert Altman disturbs the fuck out of me. Brilliant movie by a brilliant director WARNING SPOILER but the fucked up rape bit at the end is just totally messed up. I think the way it just comes out of left field for no apparent reason makes it more psyche damaging than the rape in Clockwork Orange or the like. I'm really glad I wasn't on hallucinagenics when I watched Short Cuts.

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