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amerikangod 11.13.2009 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by gmku

I hate to think of you as short-sighted.

amerikangod 11.13.2009 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
don't make fun of Big Gay Rob's hairy habbit!

Make fun? That has a negative connotation. I used the word 'penis.' 'Penis' and negative connotation are incongruous.

floatingslowly 11.13.2009 07:52 PM

not you. you understand Rob. I can tell.

"eeww..." is a little rude.


amerikangod 11.13.2009 08:00 PM

It's beyond understanding. Sometimes our erections achieve perfect harmony, syncing up so bad that even Sting feels it.

floatingslowly 11.13.2009 08:02 PM

some say Sting can feel the hummingbirds of south america sing their monsoon-songs from 4,500 km away.

amerikangod 11.13.2009 08:18 PM

He totally can, assuming he's got the right tantric crystal placed deep enough in his rectal chakra.

ni'k 11.13.2009 08:24 PM

yeah i think that's coming out on not not fun

floatingslowly 11.13.2009 08:25 PM

Kundalini was just something made up by bored hippies in the 60's.

amerikangod 11.13.2009 08:27 PM

I have less tolerance for hippies than I do for overly-emotional women (redundancy, I know.) At least women got a snatch. Hippies sometimes do, but that shit is covered under some serious old growth forestry.

floatingslowly 11.13.2009 08:32 PM

don't let them fool you. underneath that topsoil is a self-righteous freeloader.

besides, if Gawd didn't hate hippies, why would He make their weak-point their shins??

amerikangod 11.13.2009 08:37 PM

He (the Lord Almighty) actually made their weak point their psyches.

Trasher02 11.13.2009 09:22 PM


automatic bzooty 11.13.2009 09:37 PM

is it bad that i keep reading the (Y) bit as cleavage?

static-harmony 11.13.2009 10:06 PM

So did he leave or something?

amerikangod 11.13.2009 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by automatic bzooty
is it bad that i keep reading the (Y) bit as cleavage?

Fuck, now I need to go back and re-read all of these threads with my dick out.

verme (prevaricator) 11.13.2009 10:15 PM

from my browser cache:

hey habib...

#1 swa(y)
you suck. how about deleting my account as it doesnt seem possible for me to do so myself?

#2 Massenvernichtungswaffen
Done are you?

#3 Genteel Death
Chop yr hands off, so you won't post anymore ~ Genteel Death ~

#4 _slavo_
something like that, yes.

#5 pokkeherrie
couldn't (y)ou just have bumped one of (y)our last few goodb(y)e threads instead?

#6 terriblecanyons

#7 terriblecanyons
Quote: Originally Posted by Genteel Death Chop yr hands off, so you won't post anymore ~ Genteel Death ~
we will never be so lucky.

#8 nicfit
why the fuck did you edit your posts terriblecanvas?

#9 nicfit
ah noh, you posted somewhere else what I thought you posted here. my bad.

#10 terriblecanyons
edit wut posts

#11 terriblecanyons
sirry birry.

#12 floatingslowly
remove yr email from yr account. change yr password to a long series of random alphanumerics. reap the reward.

#13 terriblecanyons
he'd just make a new account anyway. I think the cutting off of the hands is the best option to take.

#14 nicfit
did I dream or there has been some kind of satan-crayon-swa(y) posse thing going on sometime in the past, btw?

#15 floatingslowly
ccccrazzzy on you. let me go crazy crazy on you ooooh

#16 nicfit
time to take off your pajamas, shirley.

#17 Rob Instigator

#18 terriblecanyons
Quote: Originally Posted by nicfit did I dream or there has been some kind of satan-crayon-swa(y) posse thing going on sometime in the past, btw?
yeah, before he started calling me around 10 times a day, leaving me the same voicemail over and over again, and eventually suggested I live with him.

#19 _slavo_
Quote: Originally Posted by terriblecanyons yeah, before he started calling me around 10 times a day, leaving me the same voicemail over and over again, and eventually suggested I live with him.
oh for fucking real?

#20 terriblecanyons
I'm serious. I stopped talking to him cause he was freaking me out, and I guess that made him emo.

#21 _slavo_
That's kind of disturbing.

#22 Genteel Death

#23 terriblecanyons
you tell me... hopefully he doesn't forget the dirt I have on him, if he decides to fuck with me again. trust me, it's enough to have all of you simultaneously puking and laughing.

#24 Genteel Death
That's the creepiest thing ever.

#25 terriblecanyons
yeah, I know.

#26 _slavo_
you guys are taking this internet thing too far.

#27 terriblecanyons
wuts the internet

#28 _slavo_
sway's real estate agency, basically.

#29 terriblecanyons

#30 Genteel Death
Totally agree slavo. Do you two live in the same town?

#31 terriblecanyons
fuck no, if I lived in georgia I'd kill myself

#32 Genteel Death
Ah ok. Well, that is creepy anyway. Did you ban his calls and reported him to the authorities, or just called Iggy Pop on the phone?

#33 terriblecanyons
he didn't call me after one of my friends wrote him a myspace message telling him to fuck off.

#34 _slavo_
but still ...

#35 terriblecanyons
he doesn't have my address, it's fine.

#36 _slavo_
that can be easily qualified as harrassment, as far as I know. you live in the US, everything's possible over there.

#37 terriblecanyons
if he persists I'll do something about it, but as of right now I'm not gonna do anything. I'm not gonna blow something like that outta proportion until something serious happens.

#38 _slavo_
well, some shit has been stirred. we haven't had anything like that on here since paedo affair by that old fart from Colorado and prank calls on Habib.

#39 terriblecanyons
I didn't wanna mention it but after he said that shit about me in the cock'n'balls thread about him I'm fucking done. he's a creep.

#40 Genteel Death
Shocking. It is harassement. You kids be careful with giving out personal information to strangers on the internet, even more so if you are a girl. I know I sound like your dad, but still.

#41 _slavo_

#42 terriblecanyons
I gave him my number back when he was freaking out over that krissy chick, and I'll admit I didn't really know him that well, but I didn't expect him to be ..weird about it. oh well, what's done is done, hopefully it'll stop here

#43 _slavo_
well, good luck

#44 Genteel Death
Some of the comments directed at girls on the post your picture thread I often find creepy, to be honest. Not in a good way.

#45 verme (prevaricator)
Quote: Originally Posted by terriblecanyons I gave him my number back when he was freaking out over that krissy chick, and I'll admit I didn't really know him that well, but I didn't expect him to be ..weird about it. oh well, what's done is done, hopefully it'll stop here
tell... tell...

#46 terriblecanyons
I'm not gonna go into details about things he said to me/told me, etc unless shit starts getting srs. lolol. but no really, let's just say that dave was right. and I'm gonna stop there.

#47 floatingslowly
Quote: Originally Posted by Genteel Death Shocking.
not so much. have you been reading a different sw(*)y's posts?

#48 floatingslowly
tc you should have known better. next time, ask!

#49 terriblecanyons
I know, I know. I'm sorry.

#50 Genteel Death
I find it often impossible to read a whole sway post at his most verbose, unless I am bored at work (like today), and I need entertainment of some kind.

#51 Genteel Death
Quote: Originally Posted by terriblecanyons I know, I know. I'm sorry.
What did Dave say?

#52 terriblecanyons
Quote: Originally Posted by davenotdead . sway has no balls though, and is a pretty serious closet gay, so he's pretty sensitive about these subjects obviously. but everyone knows that already, so.

#53 Genteel Death
Ah ok. Wel well, we all know where that leads to, don't we?

#54 terriblecanyons
maybe. and by maybe I mean I have no idea.

#55 floatingslowly
all roads lead to The Anus.

#56 terriblecanyons
oh, the fart chimney, of course. I should've known.

#57 Genteel Death
Sway's post have now a homoheretic feel to them. No prodigal son treatment for him when he comes back to the mother land.

#58 terriblecanyons
everything he posts just feels like I've read it before. and before that. and before that. etc.

#59 floatingslowly
let's all wave at once. that way, when he lurks back into this thread, he'll see that we miss him. besides, waving is less complicated than rubbing tummystix.

#60 terriblecanyons

#61 Trasher02
Best thread I've read in months... wow.

ni'k 11.13.2009 10:21 PM

should we call this swaygate or swayga(y)te?

static-harmony 11.13.2009 10:21 PM

WTF, damn I missed that thred.

notyourfiend 11.13.2009 10:23 PM

i'm really curious now - wtf did dave say to stir everything up?

davenotdead 11.13.2009 10:53 PM

whoa shit. thanks for saving that verme.

that was so awesome

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