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E. Noisefield 10.08.2011 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Torn Curtain

I like that Fallon performance, but when did Thom Yorke decide he wanted to be a Seattlite circa 1994???

choc e-Claire 03.29.2020 05:19 AM

As a quarantine project I ranked every LP track, all 100 of them, and tweeted it out over the past week. Here is a link to my descriptions of everything, and here's the rank:

100: I Can’t
99: How Do You?
98: Prove Yourself
97: Lurgee
96: Vegetable
95: We Suck Young Blood
94: Ripcord
93: Feral
92: Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors
91: Fitter Happier
90: Bloom
89: Morning Bell/Amnesiac
88: Separator
87: Glass Eyes
86: Sulk
85: In Limbo
84: Hunting Bears
83: Treefingers
82: Give Up the Ghost
81: Stop Whispering
80: Go to Sleep
79: The Tourist
78: Black Star
77: Like Spinning Plates
76: Anyone Can Play Guitar
75: The Numbers
74: Knives Out
73: Thinking About You
72: A Punchup at a Wedding
71: Codex
70: Desert Island Disk
69: Subterranean Homesick Alien
68: Sit Down. Stand Up.
67: Sail to the Moon
66: House of Cards
65: Electioneering
64: Planet Telex
63: Motion Picture Soundtrack
62: Morning Bell
61: Faust Arp
60: Life in a Glasshouse
59: Lotus Flower
58: Dollars and Cents
57: The Bends
56: You
55: (Nice Dream)
54: Little by Little
53: Blow Out
52: Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief
51: The Gloaming
50: Jigsaw Falling Into Place
49: I Will
48: Lucky
47: Reckoner
46: Decks Dark
45: Bones
44: Present Tense
43: Scatterbrain
42: The National Anthem
41: Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
40: Daydreaming
39: Identikit
38: Bodysnatchers
37: Airbag
36: Ful Stop
35: Morning Mr Magpie
34: Where I End and You Begin
33: Videotape
32: True Love Waits
31: 2+2=5
30: Kid A
29: You and Whose Army?
28: Burn the Witch
27: My Iron Lung
26: Nude
25: Myxomatosis
24: Backdrifts
23: High & Dry
22: Just
21: A Wolf at the Door
20: Everything in Its Right Place
19: Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was
18: No Surprises
17: Idioteque
16: Exit Music (for a Film)
15: I Might Be Wrong
14: 15 Step
13: Pyramid Song
12: Optimistic
11: Fake Plastic Trees
10: There There
9: Karma Police
8: All I Need
7: Creep
6: Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
5: Street Spirit (Fade Out)
4: Paranoid Android
3: Climbing up the Walls
2: Let Down
1: How to Disappear Completely

Skuj 03.29.2020 02:28 PM

I'm one of those very strange people who think that the last one, A Moon Shaped Pool, is the best one.

shallow27 03.29.2020 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I'm one of those very strange people who think that the last one, A Moon Shaped Pool, is the best one.

I "vindicate" A Moon Shaped Pool too, it has an unique atmosphere, and also The King of the Limbs, despite the production doesn't help.

choc e-Claire 03.29.2020 07:17 PM

AMSP has come out a lot better than I'd thought it would, but I don't find any of the songs particularly great and it often just seems too much like ambient noodling

Severian 03.30.2020 08:16 PM

Hail to the Thief is a fave for me. In Rainbows plays like a dream but lacks some of the highs of Thief.

This is my current take

Peterpuff 03.31.2020 11:23 AM

Still a sucker for Kid A as my fave. I would put Hail to the Thief as my second.

_slavo_ 04.06.2020 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
As a quarantine project I ranked every LP track, all 100 of them, and tweeted it out over the past week. Here is a link to my descriptions of everything, and here's the rank:

Lurgee on number 97? That's heresy!

g. 04.06.2020 08:02 AM

OK computer but very closely followed by The Bends for me.

choc e-Claire 04.06.2020 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Lurgee on number 97? That's heresy!

What does Lurgee do? Like, I can't remember a fucking thing about it.

Diesel 04.08.2020 05:16 PM

Probably Kid A. All their LP's after this sound the same and are indistinguishable from each other. Not that they are bad, just formulaic.

Skuj 04.08.2020 07:26 PM

Radiohead formulaic? I think you are the first person I have ever heard say that.

dirty bunny 04.08.2020 07:30 PM

The Bends is one of my favourite albums of all time, so that's tops for Radiohead. After that? Hail to the Thief. I still have a soft spot for Pablo Honey but really don't care after that.

Diesel 04.09.2020 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Radiohead formulaic? I think you are the first person I have ever heard say that.

You could take a song from any LP after Kid A and put it on any other LP and there woukd be no aesthetic difference. They took no risk after Kid A.

Severian 04.09.2020 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by dirty bunny
The Bends is one of my favourite albums of all time, so that's tops for Radiohead. After that? Hail to the Thief. I still have a soft spot for Pablo Honey but really don't care after that.

Bends has kinda aged poorly for me. First several tracks are great, last track is great, in-between is a lot of meh.

GeneticKiss 04.12.2020 12:10 PM

Pablo Honey: dated in more than one way, but has occasional flashes of brilliance (and "Anyone Can Play Guitar" was pretty much my mindset for a while)
The Bends: More flashes of brilliance than its predecessor, but still dated
OK Computer: a masterpiece
Kid A: another masterpiece
Amnesiac: could've been a double album with Kid A but still has some great songs
Hail to the Thief: not consistent enough to be called a masterpiece, but still a very strong album and my personal favorite
The King of Limbs: never got into this one much beyond "Lotus Flower"
A Moon Shaped Pool: a good listen, but suggests the band's "rock" days are behind them, which YMMV on whether that's good or bad

Toilet & Bowels 04.12.2020 05:17 PM

I probably haven't heard anything new from them in almost 20 years. And that's how i like it.

Why bother having opinions on boring complainer music?

choc e-Claire 04.12.2020 10:10 PM

Pablo Honey: better than you remember for some of the songs, just as shit as you remember for the others
The Bends: a huge leap forward, stunning and stupidly overlooked
OK Computer: the greatest album since...IDK? Daydream Nation, maybe?
Kid A: another piece of near perfection with some absolutely stunning moments.
Amnesiac: at its best, as good as the previous one, but nowhere near consistent enough
Hail to the Thief: needs to be trimmed back, but I will defend it to the death
In Rainbows: the most overrated of these albums, but a lot of fun alternative rock songs that strip things back to 'basics'
The King of Limbs: too messy and weirdly sequenced, but 'Morning Mr Magpie' and 'Lotus Flower' go off
A Moon Shaped Pool: not as direct as I want my music to be, but has its moments

Severian 04.13.2020 07:56 AM

I dunno, I feel like people love the bends. To me it’s decent at times — couple great tracks — and painfully average other times. Oh well.

louder 04.13.2020 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I dunno, I feel like people love the bends. To me it’s decent at times 1- couple great tracks — and painfully average other times. Oh well.


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