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pbradley 08.23.2009 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Yeah, that's a possibility but I really don't think it's a decision made by the interviewee so much as a general convention used by the media - who aren't generally known for protecting the honor of those they come into contact with.

I think it is a convention that originated in threats of lawsuits from said families.

floatingslowly 08.23.2009 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
honestly I found this thread a bit boring..


I like the Ice Cube mix the best!

davenotdead 08.23.2009 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
having money takin' out of my check, against my will, to be put towards services i personally do not approve of, is not cool.

family should take care of family. friends should take care of friends. i dont have time to sit around waiting on something that MIGHT happen. word

this is why you don't vote for black people. or whoever MTV or !@#$%! tells you too.

infinitemusic 08.23.2009 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
why don't you try READING THE LINK

Dude, don't even argue with him. The guy spends his time trying to be an asshole, not having actual discussions.

infinitemusic 08.23.2009 10:17 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
reference to f-minus lyrics, dude.

and, im not embarassed? did i say i was? i must have been lying.

seriously though, i dont have a "side".

Wow, you're so special!


i still believe thats the case, simply because i believe that if someone doesnt want to be homeless they can get out of it.

just as i also believe most homeless people have put themselves on that boat.

just as i know i hate not all, but most homeless people i come across. i hate when they get mad because i wont give them money or cigs. like i owe it to 'em or some shit. haha...fuck that.

This is all stupid. I'm not even going to bother saying why because you don't care and won't understand. But you're wrong.

Satan 08.23.2009 11:26 PM

13 pages? really?

hey everyone,
go get laid

!@#$%! 08.24.2009 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by ni'k
i wish there really was a government conspiracy to kill people with health care, and it was kinda like santa claus, in that you have to believe in it for it to happen, so all these fucking teabaggers and town hall tards would get killed by liberal death panels.

i don't have time for this longass thread or to go into the topic, but yeah, there are asswads out there that will try anything to kill health care reform.

however, fear not-- we're killing THEM & moving on with history.

patience, is all.


Originally Posted by Satan
13 pages? really?

hey everyone,
go get laid

already happened, but still, a little passion for important issues is a sign of vitality.

apathy on the other hand is a sign of a weak sex drive

oh yea. FACT.

Satan 08.24.2009 11:59 AM

^ i care about the issues, i just don't care about arguing about the issues.

demonrail666 08.24.2009 12:37 PM

i just have issues

Satan 08.24.2009 12:55 PM

we all do

nice avatar chump

Rob Instigator 08.24.2009 01:25 PM

Hakuna Matata

Savage Clone 08.24.2009 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Hakuna Matata

I loathe you.

floatingslowly 08.24.2009 01:30 PM


static-harmony 08.24.2009 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
13 pages? really?

hey everyone,
go get laid

That's what I was going to say.

Rob Instigator 08.24.2009 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
I loathe you.

Hakuna Matata

infinitemusic 08.24.2009 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
if someone is homeless simply because they lost their job, got evicted, cant find work/a place to stay....of course, i feel sorry for them. i dont feel sorry for jim the alcoholic that needs just another 89 cents of MY hard earned money to buy a beer. of course, OCCASIONALLY ill give it to him (if only because if i was homeless id prefer being drunk off my ass, im sure)...but to think i owe him something just because hes on the streets...BULLSHIT!

should some one feel it their moral duty to assist me because im an asshole? no, im a fucking adult.

Who the fuck said anything about that? There's a difference between government assistance and charitable foundations and giving some crackhead crack money so they can buy more crack.


and despite anything...YES, there are homeless people that did not ask to be in the boat they are in...but lets not forget the MANY that got kicked out of their house because they were a drunk and their wife couldnt take it anymore. ever dealt with a REAL alcoholic? ITS NOT FUN! of course, some of that have legitamate issues making it exceptionally difficult to quit their habit, however, if yr old enough to know better yr old enough to make yr own bed.


so fucking stupid.

I couldn't have said it better myself. It might be easy to leave alcoholics and drug addicts to die on the streets because they can't get ahold of their addiction, but the fact is, their existence negatively affects everyone. Not to mention the fact that since Reagan's gutting of funded mental institutions, most people living on the street are mentally ill, not drug addicted alkies, not at least until they get a drug problem due to having to LIVE ON THE FUCKING STREET.


TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YR OWN FUCKING ACTIONS! its no one elses responsibility to take care of you, not if yr old enough to know better. i work my ass of, and it PISSES ME OFF that a portion of my hard earned money goes towards assisting people who, ultimately, have fucked themselves over.

ya want to form a habit? ya cant control yrself? do ya know better? if "yes", go for it....just be prepared to deal with yr shit yr own fucking self.

Originally Posted by swa(y)
Wah wah wah wah wah


Originally Posted by swa(y)
but, i should think its ok that some ABLE BODIED woman w/ six kids is living in the projects, has a freezer stuffed w/ steaks, and is driving a cadi? not OK. its not ok. its really not....

This doesn't happen. The proverbial welfare queen was made up by Reagan to fool reactionary shitheads like you into bitching about helping the poor.


people take advantage of systems designed to help them...and they know they do. i see this shit all the fucking time. programs give them money, as long as they are looking for a job...but what these idiots do, they come in, ask to fill out an application, write NOTHING ON IT BUT THEIR FUCKING NAME AND ADDRESS!!! they KNOW they will not get hired. then they tell whatever program that they are looking, and they filled out an application for such and such place....the program calls, and all we can legally tell them is "yes, they put in an application" mother fuckers dont want to work. they brag about it.

Wawahwah. Yes this happens, but so fucking what? People on all sides of the equation try to get more than they deserve. That doesn't mean you don't help real people who need real help. Should there be more oversight? I'd have to say yes, but this isn't an either or thing.

davenotdead 08.24.2009 04:18 PM

hahaha Rob

pbradley 08.24.2009 05:06 PM


pbradley 08.24.2009 10:28 PM


pbradley 08.24.2009 10:35 PM


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